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Whats wrong with you?

Re: Re: Re: Whats wrong with you?

LightBnDr said:
How did you lose the lower half of your leg?

JohnG said:
He lost it in a masturbation accident. :fish:
I go to a dark place when I jerk it....

Haha nah, all those pics posted as "big bike wreck" happened from sportbike wreck. 90mph + guardrail = they cut off yer leg molaugh

It's a 1000 wonders they didn't take my right leg too. As bad as it was ****ed up, I'd hated to had seen my other leg before amputation. I woke up and the **** was already gone and right leg was up in traction. But I was drugged heavily so I really didn't care at the time. I wrecked on a Sunday and didn't really know what was going on until about the following Friday. I had surgeries about every day for a week and a morphine pump.

I assure you, my parents and extended family suffered much more than I did. That's the only thing that came close to getting me down. I tried and tried to explain to them thoroughly that it is def a big deal, but ain't gonna be **** but another speedbump in life to overcome then be back at it, and that's exactly what happened. I think it really gave them a lot of peace though, once I got back to churning out 40 hour work weeks and living a normal life.

Life goes on! Feels like every day past 3-7-2010 is just a bonus day to be alive, so I make the most of each one!
We might as well quit posting what's wrong with us! Way to steal the show! I like your point of view, rare to find folks with a positive attitude like that. I will say that the older I get, the more I realize all the wrecks, extra efforts, won fights, lost fights and other random dumb stuff is gonna catch up one day! I lift weights every morning and out of nowhere my shoulder started popping halfway through a bench press for no reason at all. Happens more and more each week and gets louder. Always referred to it as my good shoulder! It's scary to think about all the crap that could be wrong with me!
I just got a paper cut on my pinky finger......certainly NOT using that brand toilet paper again! Some days....you're jus like....will life ever get better?
money_pit_yj said:
We might as well quit posting what's wrong with us! Way to steal the show! I like your point of view, rare to find folks with a positive attitude like that. I will say that the older I get, the more I realize all the wrecks, extra efforts, won fights, lost fights and other random dumb stuff is gonna catch up one day! I lift weights every morning and out of nowhere my shoulder started popping halfway through a bench press for no reason at all. Happens more and more each week and gets louder. Always referred to it as my good shoulder! It's scary to think about all the crap that could be wrong with me!
Take 2, 2000mg glucosamine/chondroitin in the morning RIGHT AFTER the gym and 2 more at night when you go to bed. Seriously do this and in 2 days it will quit. Double your water intake combined with ONE fish oil with the glucosamine, you'll feel like super man. Promise.

Then next week, pull out the flat bench and butt it up against the cable machine. Arm wrestle with 25lbs keeping your chest straight ahead and slowly moving from back of hand touching the bench to front of hand touching the bench. Around 20 reps. Both arms.

It will strengthen your rotator cuff, which is the popping you feel and hear. Only do this every other day

Promise dude, you'll be a new man :)
Shattered both my wrists and forearms a week before I turned 14 now I have issues with my wrists from cold weather, the equipment at work, and holding a tablet to long. Also a cool scar across my head where I had 70 stitches in same accident my knees hurt from time to time and lower back pain, back pain from a early age spinal column isn't exactly straight. Also told I had less than a year to live at 28 due to liver failure setting in I'm 34 now took a few times to learn on the last one but I got it now.....
LightBnDr said:
Take 2, 2000mg glucosamine/chondroitin in the morning RIGHT AFTER the gym and 2 more at night when you go to bed. Seriously do this and in 2 days it will quit. Double your water intake combined with ONE fish oil with the glucosamine, you'll feel like super man. Promise.

Then next week, pull out the flat bench and butt it up against the cable machine. Arm wrestle with 25lbs keeping your chest straight ahead and slowly moving from back of hand touching the bench to front of hand touching the bench. Around 20 reps. Both arms.

It will strengthen your rotator cuff, which is the popping you feel and hear. Only do this every other day

Promise dude, you'll be a new man :)

I will try whatever! Trying to get a 405lb one rep max bench press and 585 dead lift and this shoulder is getting me worried!
Broke my Hip Hurt Like Hell :****:


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money_pit_yj said:
I will try whatever! Trying to get a 405lb one rep max bench press and 585 dead lift and this shoulder is getting me worried!
No lie, it will truly make you feel night and day better. Your strength will improve too because mentally you baby injuries without even knowing it. Post up a vid of that 585DL. Thats awesome
I was cruising along mostly pain free until we had the bright idea to do this to ourselves at 35 years of age. Can't fix stupid, but it sure is fun and makes a good story

Edit: that's me coming back on the ice at 2:05 and eating **** right after Travis (42copperhead) falls in front of me.

Re: Re: Whats wrong with you?

blacksheep10 said:
I was cruising along mostly pain free until we had the bright idea to do this to ourselves at 35 years of age. Can't fix stupid, but it sure is fun and makes a good story

Edit: that's me coming back on the ice at 2:05 and eating **** right after Travis (42copperhead) falls in front of me.

Lmao felt like I was watching a Jackass clip
that's pretty much my whole life, watching a jackass clip. Less now with wife and kids, but plenty of stupid **** still happens. I wish more camera work had been done the night I tried to snowboard for the first time drunk last year. I pretty well got it, but fell 11,000 times and kept getting back up for more. Glutton for punishment I tell ya.
42 years old

-Lost the hearing in my right ear in Iraq
-C6-C7 fusion (military)
-Broke both ankles (football/basketball)
-Broke left pinky finger (football)
-Broke right hand (Boxer's fracture)
-Broke left knee (football)
-fractured skull (BMX)
-Dislocated left hip (being a dumbass)
-Dislocated left ankle (being a dumbass)
-Severe rope burn on both hands (Fast Roping)
-Fat (too much beer and too many groceries)
-Screwed up left elbow (powerlifting)
-Screwed up right shoulder (football/powerlifting/military)
-3 severe eye injuries to right eye (working night shift in southern AZ......I play hide n seek for a living.....BP)
-Been called hateful things, like Pinchi Geuro, Asshole, SOB, MF'r and etc.....
-Been shot at numerous times.....never hit "knock on wood" (military/current job)

But the worst thing wrong with me.......my evil bitch sister-in-law

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