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Wildman's TJ getting a face lift!!

Well today was a good and bad day. I got the Jeep running and could have come close to driving it out of the garage but no driveshafts. FedEx said they were going to deliver them today but guess not. Then I had put one of the ARB solenoids on backwards and when I went to reinstall the preassure switch I stripped out the threads. Yep today was not my day.

So anyhow here are the shocks installed.


So I was also working on the dash where the stock raido use to mount.

Then cut out some plexiglass.


Was looking real good too. Then figured out I had the wrong size hole saw to mount the gauges.

Then the power went out for about 3 hours so I couldn't do any welding or soldering so I installed the seats.

Tomorrow I'll figure out if I can repair the ARB compressor or not. And hopefully my driveshafts will be here. But then I can't take it to the exhaust shop until Monday cause they are closed on weekends.
Hmmm this is like the most bad you have had! Yer doing pretty good i wouldnt worry about this small hold up
Well I was suppose to be headed to the mountains today for a weekend of wheeling. And I was suppose to be leading the run!! And yes I know everything will work out but still don't make me feel any better right now.
Well things are moving along just fine this weekend. Yes I have a BUSTED ARB compressor so I can't check for leaks but I'll get over that. I have ordered the manifold and stuff from Power Tanks for running my ARB off the OBA system I have. Then I mess around with the compressor body and see if I can fix it. I am not real impressed with the new samller compressor they have. I broke the air filter housing too.

So because of all the stuff under the hood I had to take the cold air intake off.

Then yesterday at 1700 FedEx shows up in my driveway with my driveshafts back from Reel. I had to send them back because I had given them the wrong measurements and the shafts were too long the first time around. Now Jim fixed them no charge and even footed the shipping back to me. BUT!! There were a few problems. First was that they promised to have a 24 hour turn around on the shafts. Instead they got stuck in a corner sat for 5 DAYS. Then when they show back up, a day late because the FedEx truck got in a wreck on Thursday I open the box up and find this.


Ya not a big deal but you would think the packaging would have been a little better.
So here is my front and rear shafts.


I got the alternator wired correctly and found a switched 12V source for it. Was just trying to finish all the little stuff off that still needs to be done. I bled the brakes and got them working GOOD. Then I installed the rear driveshaft!!! Yep I got to drive it out of my GARAGE today!!!! :wavzing: :bouncez:


It is back in the garage now for the list of stuff I need to do tomorrow. Install front drive shaft, fill front axle with gear lube, top off rear axle with gear lube, do another anjustment on shifter linkage(screwed it all up when I moved the base mount), put dash together & I am sure more stuff.
But the point is I got to drive it down the road today and it does move on it's own now. Monday I'll take it into Cle Elum and get the exhaust done.
Well today was another GOOD day for the Jeep. It took me longer because I was doing it by myself but I got the shifters for the STaK's box done!!! After dropping the skid plate 20 times & having to crawl out from under the Jeep 20,000 times!!!

Looks good don't it!!

So here is the steering at full height.

Then at full down.

From the side at full up.

And the rear.

Tilt left.

Tilt right.

The driveshafts installed.


I also got the swaybar brackets installed today but the right side one is being hit by the high steer arm so I am going to have to look at trying something else.
Tomorrow I'll get the exhaust installed and they I can here all the little rattles and thing. There is still a lot more to do to it but I am happy with how far I have gotten.
Well I got the exhaust done on Monday and it sure sounds nice. Just a little rumble but not loud. Today when I got home from work I got the O2 sensors hooked up, fixed the rear trackbar bolt & messed around with a few other odds and ends.
Here is the Y-pipe

Crossing over in front of the oil pan sump

Flow master STEEL muffler, have to beat on it hard to dent it


The cat-all smog legal

And the tail pipe routed out the back


And then a little cheap tech for those who have a map light mirror and a full cage who want to fold down their windshield or take it off.
I used the 4 pin flat trailer plug for wiring the mirror. This way when I fold the windshield down or want to remove it all I got to do is unplug the connector.
Damn, i just read this whole thread, you have done a LOT of stuff to this thing, its looking great, good luck with everything else.:corn:
Well I haven't gotten much of anything done to the Jeep this week. Having an issue with the PCM and am waiting for that to arrive. Also needed a signal modifier to fix the speed signal for the speedo.

Minor stuff that I have fixed was the pass side sway bar mount was hitting the upper high steer arm. Also I had missed the rear upper trackbar bolt and it was loose. I am going to work on the dash during the next few days and try and get ready for when the other parts get here. I really need to get it out on the road & trail for some shake down runs. I have my fingers crossed for this next weekend.
Well I went out into the garage for a little while tonight after my little one went back to her moms. I wanted to get the pictures of how I handled the pass side swaybar bracket.


And since I was out there and it has finally gotten around to being summer I decided to paint the roll cage the rest of the way.


Tomorrow I'll find out when my new PCM will be here and while I am waiting for that I hope to finish off my dash. Then if I have time I'll start playing with installing my stereo & CB.
Well I ordered the new ECM on Monday from a shop down in Texas that rebuilds them. Heck I even got to have my Jeep VIN put into the computer!! Yep don't really do anything but it is cool for when I take it to a shop.
So I had a rough night last night and only slept 2 hours. So I called into work and said I ain't coming in today. Then I sat on the phone for about 3 hours today getting a bunch of stuff done.
I went out and started working on the Jeep around noon. I put the dash back together, rewired the OBA compressor to run off the ARB switch since I am taking that little POS ARB compressor off. And did a bunch of other little things.

So the dash is coming along fine and is back together. I still need to wire in the dash wich controls. There are a few other things I need to do and am thinking about moving the switches down about a 1/2".


And here is the new ECM installed. It sure shifts nice and boy when your in 1st gear it moves. And then when your in low low 1st it is slow slow.
Well of course just when I thought things were going to be great another issue came up. As I was driving the Jeep trying to adjust the speedo with the signal modifier I got from Dakota Digital my Ebay compressor gives up the ghost. It has never sounded real great in the first place but I thought it might just be nothing. Well now I am back waiting for parts instead of being able to go play. So I am hoping that if things go RIGHT I'll have the Jeep ready for the trails on Sunday. That will give me 3 days of shakedown runs before the PNW Jambo which starts on the 5th.

I'll keep everyone posted and put up more pictures as things go along. And of course I'll be posting action shots once I am out on the trail.
Hey all,
I'm back!!! And yes bad things come in more than one!! I found out part of the reason for my compressor to have given up the ghost. I had ripped a hole in on of my air bags.

Now before all the AiRock haters start talking trash this was my fault. When Larry and I built the trackbar bracket I left the back corner flat/sharp instead of rounding it.

So this is what did all the damage not poor product from ORO.

And as I said before I had my own problems with the new ARB mini compressor so I took it off and ordered the ARB kit from Power Tanks.


Now tomorrow when my new compressor gets here I can test out my ARB's!!!
The ARB filter/regulator.

And without the ARB compressor over there I have room for the cold air intake.


I am still going to get Evan to make me up a new pipe. A little longer on both ends and it would be perfect.

So then I got the SkidRow engine/tranny skid installed.


And because this was a custom install I just loosely followed their direction. I am really happy with how it turned out.



And then last thing I did today was to install my MORE steering box brace.



So tomorrow should be a great day when I get home from work. I'll install the air bag first and then the York. After that I still need to get my CB at least temp installed. Then I'll get the speedo recalibrated and I'll be ready to play for a week. I pick my daughter up on the 5th and this will be our first camping trip together too.