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WITC - Trucks Gone Wild - September 22-23, 2012

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First off I just normally get on hardline as a guest but seeing how I was at the SRRS race i seen first hand how rude WITC was to the drivers and some of the others there and it was not the first time I have seen it on new years there was a guy in a red buggy kicked out for spining his rear tires in the grass by the ledge but back to the SRRS race what I found as a shock was there are two men that race that are in wheelchaires I was talking to one of them and looking at how his buggy was set up i dont know who the man was but he came up to his buggy while he was waiting his turn on axle hill and the guy told him to move that he was in the way the man in the buggy said ok would it be ok if i move over here cause i'm in a wheelchair and i would like to watch the man told him with a few choice words that he didn't care what he was in to get his ass to the top of the hill and inline or go home he didn't care i thought that was very odd seeing how the man can't just walk up there and watch then we move over to filpper dang near every buggy that try it broke but some of them could be fixed like when one of the Tanner boys busted the two front tires on his buggy he pulled his buggy in a ditch with no water in it and i guess it was one of the staff guys went over there and jumped on him while he was tryin to fix his buggy after that I noticed that the man that was in the wheelchair was riding with Bobby Tanner they hit filpper and boy did they put on a show but when they were done i guess Bobby was going to park so that the man in the wheelchair could see the others hit filpper and they still had another run so he parked beside a dozer that some of the staff was sitting on and as i was walking over there to talk to them the staff started yalling and cusing that he just cost them a 500.00 fine for parking there so they just moved but I dont know where to cause they came back and hit filpper again and then we move to horsepower hill and there was a jeep that came up it and at the top he lost some garbage out of the back of his jeep there were a few guys helping him pick it up and than again someone at WITC started cusing the guy out for losing his garbage and he was out there picking it up i'm not a park owner and i do't know what goes into running a park but I think they was very ulgy to most of the drivers and others. I mean these guys problem during the week as hard as they can to come out and wheel and most of them don't care what they break as long as they put on a good show and yes if the buggys had not been at trucks gone wild last year there would not have been nothing to film cause i was there and as far as the videos posted on hardline that WITC ask the admin. to remove is crap I think I mean these guys give there all. I use hardline to see where the big boys are riding and I go in my little rzr and watch because i can not afford a buggy much less the up kept and problem don't have the balls to do what half of them do so after the way they were treated at the race I don't blame them for not going back WITC is not the only game in town anymore and if the truth be know thats why the sxs was moved from there. This is just my two cents but I wont mind if all the big boys went to gray rock I would like to see so action on tub rock and cable hill and Gray Rock I seen is having a ride that same weekend maybe thats where the actions going to be cause after the way I seen WITC treat them boys the way they did I sure hate to see them make him any more money until he apologizes to all of the ones who supported his park because without drivers, action, and breakage there will be no one there.Like I said before JUST MY TWO CENTS sorry if it afends anyone
Thanks for the story with what sounds like some facts in it. I believe I know everyone that was involved sounds like just somehow hadn't heard any of this. I can tell you TGW will be a flop if they decide to do "exclusive" filming. :wtflol: As said before it was advertised last year that Matt Steele was going to be there. I am not sure but never seen him myself. The trucks that actually did show up (two I think) didn't even ever do anything. They didn't try to get them together to put on a show or anything.

Either way be interesting to see what comes out of this thread. I am in noway connected with WITC besides 90% of my riding time has problem been spent there.
oldrzrman said:
First off I just normally get on hardline as a guest but seeing how I was at the SRRS race i seen first hand how rude WITC was to the drivers and some of the others there and it was not the first time I have seen it on new years there was a guy in a red buggy kicked out for spining his rear tires in the grass by the ledge but back to the SRRS race what I found as a shock was there are two men that race that are in wheelchaires I was talking to one of them and looking at how his buggy was set up i dont know who the man was but he came up to his buggy while he was waiting his turn on axle hill and the guy told him to move that he was in the way the man in the buggy said ok would it be ok if i move over here cause i'm in a wheelchair and i would like to watch the man told him with a few choice words that he didn't care what he was in to get his ass to the top of the hill and inline or go home he didn't care i thought that was very odd seeing how the man can't just walk up there and watch then we move over to filpper dang near every buggy that try it broke but some of them could be fixed like when one of the Tanner boys busted the two front tires on his buggy he pulled his buggy in a ditch with no water in it and i guess it was one of the staff guys went over there and jumped on him while he was tryin to fix his buggy after that I noticed that the man that was in the wheelchair was riding with Bobby Tanner they hit filpper and boy did they put on a show but when they were done i guess Bobby was going to park so that the man in the wheelchair could see the others hit filpper and they still had another run so he parked beside a dozer that some of the staff was sitting on and as i was walking over there to talk to them the staff started yalling and cusing that he just cost them a 500.00 fine for parking there so they just moved but I dont know where to cause they came back and hit filpper again and then we move to horsepower hill and there was a jeep that came up it and at the top he lost some garbage out of the back of his jeep there were a few guys helping him pick it up and than again someone at WITC started cusing the guy out for losing his garbage and he was out there picking it up i'm not a park owner and i do't know what goes into running a park but I think they was very ulgy to most of the drivers and others. I mean these guys problem during the week as hard as they can to come out and wheel and most of them don't care what they break as long as they put on a good show and yes if the buggys had not been at trucks gone wild last year there would not have been nothing to film cause i was there and as far as the videos posted on hardline that WITC ask the admin. to remove is crap I think I mean these guys give there all. I use hardline to see where the big boys are riding and I go in my little rzr and watch because i can not afford a buggy much less the up kept and problem don't have the balls to do what half of them do so after the way they were treated at the race I don't blame them for not going back WITC is not the only game in town anymore and if the truth be know thats why the sxs was moved from there. This is just my two cents but I wont mind if all the big boys went to gray rock I would like to see so action on tub rock and cable hill and Gray Rock I seen is having a ride that same weekend maybe thats where the actions going to be cause after the way I seen WITC treat them boys the way they did I sure hate to see them make him any more money until he apologizes to all of the ones who supported his park because without drivers, action, and breakage there will be no one there.Like I said before JUST MY TWO CENTS sorry if it afends anyone

That was a mighty hard post to read, but it sounds about right. Unfortunately it takes a few bad apples to screw with some people like that.
I witnessed alot of what was told before also! The runnin off at the mouth just bein an ass but whatever 6' deep holes before an obsticle don't make them harder just harder to get to! I don't have any plans on ever going back! :****: I to got in trouble for spinning in the grass at the top of the ledge!
al1tonyota said:
I witnessed alot of what was told before also! The runnin off at the mouth just bein an ass but whatever 6' deep holes before an obsticle don't make them harder just harder to get to! I don't have any plans on ever going back! :****: I to got in trouble for spinning in the grass at the top of the ledge!

Heck I watched three guys doing a burnout competition in the grass close to Axle Hill in between the two comp sites and no one said a word to them.
I have nothing to add about competitions, I race ECORS and have been pleased with the rules/enforcement etc.

WITC is a shitty park IMO. I went there on a Sunday just to check it out, there is only 4-5 actual obstacles and the rest is riding around in fields between them.

I know that it is basically in West TN where everyone is only interested in driving around their 1/2tons and XJs on 40" Gumbo mudders and drinking Milwaukees Best... (I grew up in west tn, been a mud runner from way back, V8 swapped IFS toyota in high school :wtflol: )
Exclusive filming rights is par for the course for TGW.

Me and Cole can still go and video, we just can't legally sell the video or put it on a DVD. Only youtube and Free sharing sights. Thats why none of the TGW footage from last year went on RockRods 3....
yodaton said:
Name the drivers
Not to keep bettin a dead horse but did I give you the names and event you wanted and where are you at to defend WITC now that the truth came out and another thing that I did not understand is that it didn't seem like they said anything to all the drunks running around there like the one that kept falling down on flipper but he never let go of his beer and no one said anything to him and the staff was sitting right there on the dozer but I guess he can run his buss. any way he wants to but I turely hope all the big boys go to Gray Rock just have to set back and see :popcorn: :popcorn:
One of the competition drivers has already posted that he won't be back.

If they are so worried about the EPA. They should put up some silt screen and dig some retention ponds to control runoff.

If they want a hay farm maybe they should only open to horse traffic.

If they want a hunting camp with pretty green fields maybe they should put up a high fence and not let anyone in.

If they want an offroad park they should do what they need to do to get the EPA off there asses and let people do what they do offroad (spin tires, knock over trees and dig stuff up)
FB Quote: "TRUCKS GONE WILD: Sept 21 - 23. Make sure you don't miss this special event. Matt Steel & the TGW crew will be on site and have EXCLUSIVE filming rights to this event."

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BcTGVuM76k8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe
Yodaton posted this link for everyone to see it. It was video by madram you would have thought he would have posted one from TGW seeing how they have EXCLUSIVE FILMING RIGHTS

Yankster posted: This is true of WITC. If Darren sees that a hill is getting climbed too easy he'll spend a lot of time to make sure it's harder next time!
If you do a search of "the Ledge WITC" on YouTube you'll see the progression over the years.

I thought that was kinda funny seeing what he had done to Axle Hill on the SRRS race R.Keys and I can could most likely climb it in our wheelchairs now with all of the big rocks he put in it

I love this thead it has been better Dumbest Stuff On Wheels or anything on TruTV :****: :popcorn:
Here you're bitching about axle hill being too easy and everyone's bitching about twister being too hard. Seems to me everyone just wants to bitch. Darrons always been nothing but nice to us every time we've ever rode
I don't really have a dog in this hunt and am just speaking for myself, but the folks at WITC have never been anything but respectful and nice to me. I'm not sure that everyone on here complaining and hiding behind their screen name understands that Darron put a lot of time doing what he thought the SRRC folks wanted. It isn't cheap working the trails as diesel and labor is not free. Darron also has the EPA to deal with and as everyone knows, anytime you deal with a government agency, things aren't always as easy as you would think they should be. if people would just follow the rules and not do donuts in areas other than the mudpit, they would not have anything to worry about.

I would just ask that the "buggy guys" that everyone seems to be speaking for post their thoughts on here because I would hope that they would step up and understand Darron's battles and support for him providing them with a decent convenient place to wheel that may not be perfect, but is a damn good park. I also challenge them that if they see something they think would add value to the park that they reach out to Darron and suggest it and I believe if it is possible, Darron will do all he can to make it happen.

My name is Mark Sessions 731-819-218 and I for one appreciate all that the WITC folks do and would hope that anyone else that appreciates them step up and let it be known and stop all the bashing that seems to be going on..
:eat:No you misunderstood me I'm not complaining I'm just saying that the folks taking up for WITC seem to contradict themselves saying like making things harder and then post a video of Timmie that was videoed by madram when TGW has exclusive filming rights why use someone else's I just find that real funny. :flipgotcha: :flipgotcha: :popcorn: :popcorn:
No I'm not hiding behind a screen my name is Eddie Staggs 256-762-7902 I don't know Darron but what I do know is how I was treated and I know how others were treated and I'm not tryin to bash WITC I'm just telling the fact if you don't like I'm sorry and yes I hope some of the other "buggy boys" post on here cause if they do your feeling are going to get hurt :****: It was all fun and games until you started acting like I /we was making it up :flipgotcha:
Darron has a list of rules that are made aware to all that ride there and I have never seen anyone get their ass chewed unless they were breaking them!half the time I think they should be a little more strict! I've been riding there for six years now and have always been treated well.its just like every other hobby there is rules and you have to follow them no matter who your ego lets you think you are!
I did not read in your post that you were treated bad, it says you saw Darron talk to drivers bad. I'm sorry if you felt offended by something that happened, but just think you should post your own experience instead of speaking for others. Also, please keep in mind you are talking about someone's lively hood and if the shoe was on the other foot you would want the person complaining to come to you directly instead of posting things online. I'm not trying to defend anything that may or may not have happened, but all my experiences have been positive at WITC and am surprised to hear anyone has had a bad experience.
Just so you know I'm the one that he didn't care about being in the wheelchair and was told to get my ass back on top of the hill and wait my time to run axle hill. Now you happy I'm not speaking for anybody else. It also should tell you something when a series decides to move there race to another park.And no I'm saying cause I'm in a chair that I should be treated special but I would like to watch everybody run the hill just like you do.
Like I said, sorry you were offended by anything that happened. I don't know the details of your experience, but am surprised that Darron was insensitive and/or disrespectful to someone in a wheelchair or not in a wheelchair. I'm not implying that you are making anything up, I am just saying that my experiences with Darron and the WITC staff have all been positive.
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