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WITC - Trucks Gone Wild - September 22-23, 2012

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Elliott said:
Does it really matter who put on a show last year, I didn't hear anyone complain about not getting their money's worth.Hell I would have paid the entrance fee just to see Bobby Tanner hit twister 3 as hard as he did.Just be a man and call Darron and talk out your problem and I bet everything will be taken care of next time you go.Not trying to be mean but it sounds like your feelings got hurt and you feel like you need to get back at them or at least that's how it's coming across. I'm sure you're a good guy and Darron is to so I think a phone call is a simple fix .As hard as times are he's just trying to run a business so cut them a little slack I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
No my feelin did not get hurt it take alot more than some nobody cussing at me with a staff shirt on to hurt them and the last I checked his phone dails out the same as mine i'm sure by now yall have told him whats going on I dont feel as if I need to call him when I was not the one in the wrong. I own my own business to and if I hear that there has been a problem at my shop I don't give the cust. time to call me I call or go to him to get the problem worked out the cust. shouldn't have to call you if you know there was a problem and i'm sorry if you feel diff. about it. And yall want to talk about talking for some one else stop talkin for him and let him talk for his self cause he may feel as if his staff done nothing wrong. If he is the man yall say he is he can take up for his self.
Wow this is out of control this is a event post that John G has been kind enough to supply us with .. Use this for what it is event Post
Once again thank John G for you and Hardline site
Roctane said:
Wow this is out of control this is a event post that John G has been kind enough to supply us with .. Use this for what it is event Post
Once again thank John G for you and Hardline site

Hey now, all I did was post the event. Nobody asked my opinion, but since you kind of drug me into it.

The last time I wheeled there was 2006, and I vowed then, never to go back. And I have not been back! Had nothing to do with the owners, I just did not like wheeling in a junk yard. If all the old scrap ever gets hauled off, I may go back.

I did send Darron $100 at Tony C. request while he was down due to the EPA. I was told he was short on cash and needed assistance. If I remember correctly, Tony walked around and collected about $1,300 to send him that day.

Now back to the event thread, or bashing thread. I don't stop the train wrecks from happening, carry on.
Roctane said:
Wow this is out of control this is a event post that John G has been kind enough to supply us with .. Use this for what it is event Post
Once again thank John G for you and Hardline site
WOW that didn't work like you wanted to now did it. It's kinda hard to hide the truth it all ways comes out in the end. And DSRC is problem talking about the Lawrenceburg boys that showed up in there 3" body lifted 1500 with 33" tires that was playing in the mud pit seem like there were alot of them there. Elliott why do you assume that Johnnyrude needs to call Darron, does his phone not have numbers and a dail tone on it or at least he could take up for his self was you guys not telling me not to be speaking for others.
oldrzrman said:
WOW that didn't work like you wanted to now did it. It's kinda hard to hide the truth it all ways comes out in the end. And DSRC is problem talking about the Lawrenceburg boys that showed up in there 3" body lifted 1500 with 33" tires that was playing in the mud pit seem like there were alot of them there. Elliott why do you assume that Johnnyrude needs to call Darron, does his phone not have numbers and a dail tone on it or at least he could take up for his self was you guys not telling me not to be speaking for others.
Dont forget there 15x15 wheels that makes there rides look like roller skates. :****:
I have worked for Darron on several occations for a few years, when I have to" get onto" someone I try to be respectful and nice ...yet firm. 90 percent of the time they are nice, respectful and cooperative... then you have the other 10 percent that think just because they "paid " to ride, they can do what they want, where they want, when they want. A little respect for darrens property goes a long way...if you had a party at your house would you want your guests to be respectful of your property ? yes , i would believe so. I understant sometimes people get alittle too excited and show off or spin the tires where they shouldn't...alot of things get overlooked. I haven't ever seen anybody that treated darrens property with respect " get yelled at or cussed at" for no reason.LIKE I SAID " A LITTLE RESPECT GOES A LONG WAY...............MY 2 CENTS...whether you want it or not LOL!
So how many of these "Mega Trucks" are gonna be there? Do they do anything other than run and jump into a mudhole? I watched some videos from Busted Knuckles and they don't look capable of much other than jumping into a lake. :dunno: not knockin, just askin?
TUFF TOY said:
I have worked for Darron on several occations for a few years, when I have to" get onto" someone I try to be respectful and nice ...yet firm. 90 percent of the time they are nice, respectful and cooperative... then you have the other 10 percent that think just because they "paid " to ride, they can do what they want, where they want, when they want. A little respect for darrens property goes a long way...if you had a party at your house would you want your guests to be respectful of your property ? yes , i would believe so. I understant sometimes people get alittle too excited and show off or spin the tires where they shouldn't...alot of things get overlooked. I haven't ever seen anybody that treated darrens property with respect " get yelled at or cussed at" for no reason.LIKE I SAID " A LITTLE RESPECT GOES A LONG WAY...............MY 2 CENTS...whether you want it or not LOL!
The man that told Mr. Staggs that he didn't give a "g" damn if he was in a wheelchair is that what you call respect and if I had a party at my house and there was nothing but drunks there than I already know its not going to be respected. Let me tell you why I am posting on this topic is because I have a 14 year old grand son that a drunk driver hit him and his mother he now is in a wheelchair and is expected to never walk again he loves to watch YouTube and the buggys and I see how hard it is on Mr Staggs to see the event now that I have it at home but enough about me lets get back to you guys and WITC all you guys kept talkin about is rules while lets get to the rules I can call Tn ADA board for you guys if I need to, to have them show you guys the rules and most of you are to dumb to know what ADA is the group that gov. that a buss. abides by your states handy. codes as far as parking, bathroom/bathhouse, food stand any where you can walk he is suppose to be able to get there in his wheelchair. Now that I have made myself clear let not push it that far because I was standing right there looking at his hand controls when the man came up to him yalling and cussing Mr. Staggs did nothing wrong all he did say to the guy was hi man I'm in a wheelchair I'm just tryin to watch that's when the man looked him in the face and told he don't give a "g" damn what he was in get to the top of the hill snd wait your turn or go home we don't care.But yet I think WITC has a no drinking rule to never saw any tell the drunks anything. And also before you reply back keep in mine you are messing with your buddy's lively hood it would be bad to have ADA and the EPA on him at the same time. Also it none of me buss. John G. But you said that you gave a 100 dollars and so guy by the name Tony gave 1300 dollars did you get a call or email or any thing sayin thank you I hope I can return the favor one day and if you don't want to answer I understand.
Well its times like this that I'm glad I dont own/operate a park! I can only speak for myself, every time ive been to wheelin its been great, im going this weekend and hopefully if the comments above are indeed true then they will let the guy go or not let the employee enforce park rules anymore and give that job to someone else with a little better p.r. skills...
Obviously what you're trying to say is that since he is in a wheel chair, and I am sorry for him that he is, because I have friends in them also, but back to my point since he is in a wheel chair then that makes it okay for him to be in an unsafe area with the possibility of getting ran over by an out of control Buggie? How does that even make sense ?Rules are rules wether your white, black, crippled or blind and Americans need to start remembering that! And if you don't want your feelings hurt do what your suppose to.Thats just the way of life better get use to it!!
I bet all of this could have been avoided if someone would have asked whoever is putting on these races to make sure there was spots for anyone in a wheel chair to have a decent spot to sit in their rigs at the bottom of the hills.Seems like an easy fix to me.Might be something to look at at the next racing event.
I had a good conversation with Darron this morning. He told me that he never asked anybody for a "fund raiser" while he was down. That I completely agree with. This was some friends of his that thought he needed a boost while he was down. However, Darron said he never received any money from anybody during this time. Now I am really confused. But not to dwell on that. I told Darron I would post up here and set the record straight.

HOWEVER, when I catch up on reading this thread to make this post, I see someone has threatned government interaction. Perhaps in jest, perhaps not. But I want all of us to have places to ride, so I am locking down this thread.

No park needs the EPA, ADA, or any other government agency on them. They have a hard enough time as it is.

Please create a new one for the pictures and video from the TGO event.
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