So i decided that I want a tow rig again and knowing diesels are way outta line I started looking for an about 10 year old less than 135k miles, gas crew cab one ton. Cause that should be reasonable, right? Fack no! They're damn near the same price as a clapped out flatbilled used diesel! Then I thought I found a work, the Excursion! NWMotor Ripoffs had one for $8k that looked decent, called and the wanted $20k! :wtf: Went and looked at another one in Oly and they wanted $24k, for an 03 V10 with 70k miles. 
Do I need to get some of the same crack and start smoking it? Or is it possible to get a 10-15 year old heavy duty truck wth <135k miles for about $10k? Can I go somewhere in the cointry to find this unicorn? Keep looking? Roll the dice on a 6.blow?
I am unseasonably mad about this, what the hell happened to the used truck market? :FIREdevil:

Do I need to get some of the same crack and start smoking it? Or is it possible to get a 10-15 year old heavy duty truck wth <135k miles for about $10k? Can I go somewhere in the cointry to find this unicorn? Keep looking? Roll the dice on a 6.blow?
I am unseasonably mad about this, what the hell happened to the used truck market? :FIREdevil: