Well-Known Member
allrigt i got brakes but not till the bottom of the pedal i removed the box thing and ran a strait line and ive also put the box back in to see if that makes a difference and i got the same results so my question is whats the cheapest master upgrade ive heard somthing about chevy masters in toyotas but i couldt find any thing about it anywere so whats you guys opinions? o yeah and i allready put a new staock master on it
I think Chop shop is right to say not to give up on the Toy stuff, but if you do, I like my hydroboost. There about 30 bucks at a junkyard. They came out of an Astro van. I think a 1994. Harold Shamblin @ Custom 4x4 and Transmission has a lot of experience with these, and Freds Mobile A/C, in Ravensdale can make all of the hydrolic lines for you, and even to the complete job if you want.