When in doubt, the skinny pedal is on the right
Anyone know where this hill is located?
Ethan Tanner
Ethan HERO Tanner Launching OL' Orange in the Air
Ethan Tanner

Ethan HERO Tanner Launching OL' Orange in the Air
Rescue1 said:
whats up scott btw that's my old video when we used to go to camps in heflin, me and my wife met you at mountainside (we were on 4 wheelers) and that day i had thought i recognized that zuki , in the hill climb video of camps that's my old brown k10 now we run around in the green cherokee you seen us at shamrock run in. well at least that cleared up where i has saw your zuki before really can't belive it has lasted through the years most don't. and i would keep it looking the same way if ya change it might give up LOL.zukiscott said:HAH.........funny part is that my **** still LOOKS THE DAMN SAME as it DID in 2007
...............WHERE THE HELL DID YOU DIG THAT UP FROM ANYWAY.......WOW......![]()
BustedKnucklefilms said:
86tank said: