jdsharp81 said:workn the weekend leaves plenty of time to troll on youtube...
Scuzz Twittly - Keep Yer Hands Off My PBR
kyjari001 said:
kyjari001 said:
onepieceatatime said:I about pissed myself on this one. Especially when he started naming off women that were hot but too crazy and said they're generally named Tiffany. Made me want to send it to my ex named Tiffany.
WHIZARD said:I about pissed myself when he said Unicorn, they don't exist. Pretty much spot on with the Tiffany thing too! I've dated a couple of Tiffany's in my time and both were certified BAT **** crazy.
patooyee said:I've never dated a Tiffany but I will add that every one I've known has been bat **** crazy. And if her name is spelled with an "i" she may very well kill people in her sleep with no recollection when she is awake.
THIS IS ****ING DISTURBINGJuan_Hong_Loe said: