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Naches west

I thought you said you were a member ? so shouldn't it be "our" association ? Have you ever been to one of our meetings maybe a region meeting or better yet a PNW4WDA meeting to actually see and hear what we discuss ? Its always rang true that the myth of small tires is spread by people who don't participate and really have no idea about who or what we are or do and this perception is spread by those same people. We are open to all users and several of our clubs fit into the "big tire" crowd. We advocate trails for everyone with appropriate use. This myth of the good old boys(PNW4WDA) is just that a myth.

My point exactly. By you saying it's a widespread myth, spread by un-knowing people, then you are agreeing that is the perception of the PNW right now. NOW....get out there and change it! Show people that it's a myth! Stop telling them to "come to meetings and see." Take the information to them. Lead by actions, not words. THIS is the first step in making the association more inviting and, in turn, debunking these "myths (which by the way, are based on personal experiences, not rumors.) Oh and one more thing......I may be a member but make no mistake....IT IS NOT MY ORGANIZATION. I may belong, but I don't feel that the PNW represents me as an ORV enthusiast. Until then I will put the majority of my efforts elsewhere.

Damn....I can't multi-quote. I'll be right back....
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you will find that the same attitude that the moonshiners present is the same at all of our events. The moonshiners just happen to a little more money (swapmeet) to advertise and put on a great event than most clubs.

You must really think I'm green or something. I do attend other events and all of my opinions are based on facts and experiences and you are WRONG. Other events have a good attitude at the event, but do next to nothing before hand to draw people in. They rely on the same old crowd to show up and support it. Also, you know nothing about the Moonshiners event. NOTHING about how they went about it and the changes that they are trying to make. I soooooo wish I was at liberty to tell you what they spent on advertising this year!! Let me put it this way though, it was LITERALLY less than I spent on food and drink that weekend. Re-read my post and I told you how they did it. They did it by reaching out to people! They did it by using different tactics and methods than before. They let people know that they cared greatly about them being there! They didn't throw a bunch of money in prizes and spectacular trophies. They looked at what was working and what was not working and made adjustments and you know what.....people and business' appreciated that and stepped up to support them!! They got involved whole heatedly! They put their money where their mouths are, as you like to say.

I thought you might be different in your way of thinking from the PNW mass', but I'm seeing now that I'm wrong. You may seem more forward thinking than some of the others, but at the core you are just the same. Using the same, age old method of making excuses for everything, anytime that someone disagrees with the PNW.

But I still like you Jim! :cheer:
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Just to clarify on the last post....I'm not bashing the other clubs that hold events. They do a great job. I'm just trying to illustrate how a change in thinking can bring results.
I'm just a redneck with a computer. The perception that I am the voice of the PNW4WDA is just that. I don't even hold a office at that level anymore. as to the bull in a china shop most of the time I am pushed into that position by the detractors that love to spread their lies and inability to understand the truth on here. I happen to stand for something that I believe in and quite honestly am ashamed that our other members on here don't seem to care when their association get drug thru the mud and blatantly lied about. Anybody that wants to use me and my attitude as an excuse to not support the one large group that supports them is the one burying their head in the sand.

Perception is reality. I'll type this out: PERIOD
Not holding office? Who cares?
No one pushes you to do anything but yourself. Most bulls don't break china (look it up).
It isn't the association that is bad, it is the way that it presents itself and the air of arrogance that either silence or loudmouths that bash their non-member peers present to the rest of us.

Leading a horse to water:
1. Turn on the fire hose and blast him in the mouth?
2. Belittle the horse until he drinks or kicks you in the face?
3. Complain about the horse?
4. Threaten the horse?
4.5 Tell the horse that this is the ONLY water?
5. Create thirst?

Hint: Nobody ever had to MAKE a thirsty horse drink. It is a dry hot day but the water doesn't look very attractive.

I gave some very solid advice that comes from a place of honesty and many years of experience in helping large groups merge perception and reality. Take it to heart or do not.

Most of the people that complain about the PNW do it because they want it to be more than the "only" organization. Monopolies are very rarely a positive key differentiator.

I'm done with this, but I do care or I wouldn't have posted.:beer: to the wheelers!!

(I'm just writing posts for Phatom):flipoff:
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(I'm just writing posts for Phatom):flipoff:

Thanks buddy!:awesomework: Do you write wedding speeches by chance? I have to marry someone next week and can't come up with what to say!:scratchhead::haha:

Hey Jim....on a more pleasant note, what kind of beer do you drink? I figure that the least I could do is buy you one this weekend.
Pokey you should really try to re read this thread with a open mind. Lots of great ideas and strategy.
I'm not a PNW member, but after reading all this, and the things I have seen since I was a kid, it's apparent that the PNW has work to do to attract new blood and remain an attractive entity to the wheeling public. They have to catch up with, and embrace, the mindset and technology of today to be successful.
A prime example was the post from a user who wanted to help by automating (modernizing) the reservation system for a campground. I don't know the current system, and hopefully it works great and is convenient, and there is a real reason why it's superior to doing the reservations online, but today's users EXPECT to do things online, especially something so basic as reserving a campsite. If resistance to change is truly part of the reason, then the decision makers really are out of touch.
The same goes for meetings. Yes, there are still things that need to happen face to face in a room full of people, but the purpose, need, frequency, and agenda needs to be evaluated. 25 years ago, it was a getting together once a month, handle some business, make plans, share information, and maintain relationships with people you probably hadn't seen or heard from since the last meeting. It was how the information about work parties, trail rides, etc got communicated. Forward to today, and information is shared instantly.
Everybody has an internet device in their pocket, and on their desk, and at work, and a tablet next to their recliner for good measure. What they once got at meetings can now be at their fingertips. Their schedules are full, and while they want to be involved and help, they don't want to waste time. Younger people are efficient that way, it allows them to devote the most possible time to things that they feel really matter. They multi task like crazy. Why bail on their kids soccer game if the next club run can be planned and shared on social media from the bleachers. Member needs help installing an axle, they will show up ready to work, but don't make them devote another entire evening to finding out when to show up.
Something like the PNW IS still needed, as a go between, to bridge the gap between politics and end users. This is probably true now more than ever. To bring people like Pokey together with those who need to hear his message. They have done so much good over the years, I'd hate to see that fade away because nobody wants to replace an aging membership.
Jim, I'll start out by saying that many of us do truly appreciate and understand the amount of work and time you devote to the cause we all enjoy. It's a thankless job many times but you have carried on because "someone has to" and you carry the torch. Thank you for that.

I find myself really agreeing with the comments of others in this thread, you know WTF doesn't want to join the PNW4WDA and it isn't because we think the PNW is bad. It's just that we always hear "If you don't like the PNW, join and change it". Well, I'm not interested in changing it. I'm interested in boots on the ground, face to face teamwork at the areas I use. We only have so much time to give and fighting other members or organizational bureaucracy instead of just doing it seems counter productive.

There are 100's of new "sticker clubs" as I call them out there with 1000's of members. A bunch of guys full of piss and vinegar wheeling beat Toyotas and Cherokees. I would bet many of them have never even heard of the PNW4WDA. What does the PNW do to attract them? What do they have to gain by joining the PNW besides the promise they are somehow helping the cause? If they attend a Work party at Elbe, Walker, Rieter, Etc is it a strong PNW presence or just a few members? What if you aren't into racing? What happened to the PNW clubs that were into mud bogs? That was a whole different demographic.

I someday hope to be in the position to be an advocate for wheelers on a state level. If I could swing it now I surely would. I might even learn not to say **** every 3rd word and buy some clothes that don't say carhardt. Until then I'll keep up what we've been doing and make a small difference where I can. Good luck to you and your association.
What kind of hard work did the PNW contribute to OPENING NEW trails at Reiter?

Best answered by the club members that have pitched in up there throughout the entire project. We also made sure that the funding was there to do all of the studies and planning as well as get it on the ground. Unfortunately The current land commissioners dream of creating a "world class" arena has made funding very difficult as there is so much competition from all around the state for the very limited funds available.
Unfortunately The current land commissioners dream of creating a "world class" arena has made funding very difficult as there is so much competition from all around the state for the very limited funds available.

Could you elaborate on that bit for someone like myself who isn't as familiar with the process at the "new" Reiter?
I was going to stay outa this :redneck:

The PNW's involvement in the reiter project IMO is only a fraction of the project as a whole. There were many non PNW folks who have contributed to its creation and the hard work thats gone into it..

PNW might have been involved but its not the true driving force behind it.
I was going to stay outa this :redneck:

The PNW's involvement in the reiter project IMO is only a fraction of the project as a whole. There were many non PNW folks who have contributed to its creation and the hard work thats gone into it..

PNW might have been involved but its not the true driving force behind it.

Didn't say it was but if you knew what we went thru to get it funded you might have a little different perspective. I tried as president at the time to offer more help but was rebuffed by the leadership of the RTW.
Could you elaborate on that bit for someone like myself who isn't as familiar with the process at the "new" Reiter?

Reiter is a engineered trail park much different from any other area in Washington. Peter Goldmark has called it a world class facility many time. Problem is that it is costing millions to design and build. We have a very limited budget at NOVA which is the primary source of funding. This last two sessions the Nova committee took a very hard look at the project and it didn't rank very well due to both the costs ad well as the lack of user support (due to the costs).
Reiter is a engineered trail park much different from any other area in Washington. Peter Goldmark has called it a world class facility many time. Problem is that it is costing millions to design and build. We have a very limited budget at NOVA which is the primary source of funding. This last two sessions the Nova committee took a very hard look at the project and it didn't rank very well due to both the costs ad well as the lack of user support (due to the costs).

Can you explain the lack of user support? We have clocked 3 times more volunteer hours then what was pledge? Is it letter writing during grant cycle?

But pnw did put in a considerable amount of effort to get the project going as well as others....

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