a d 35 has a more round diff, and a 8.25 has a more squarish diff, an 8.25 is plenty strong enough to run 33s and an open d35 is strong enough to run 33s, if you have a d35 rear, id suggest replacing it with an 8.25, they are not as strong as a d44 but they are signifacantly stronger than a d35 and a very cheap, bolt in replacement, so heres what you need to do, 1.buy the re 5.5 lift kit, sye and rear drivleine, and some 33s of your choice, that is your first step to building your rig, next, if a d35,2. replace the rear axle with a xj d44, 8.8, or an 8.25, put 4.56 or 4.88 gears in the axles, and if you have the money, 3.add lockers. so take it a step at a time, this is the best way to go, no more questions, just do it.