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Concerning Reiter--up and coming.

errgg but what about forest service roads? non street-legal vehicles are allowed there, what about liability for them? Put up a sign indicating its shared offroad access and maintain a strict speed limit of 20 or 25mph. That should midigate any potential damage. All vehicles should be insured anyway.

Washington state law does provide provisions for this:

Forest service roads are not the issue.

Like I have stated earlier---this is not up to the DNR--this is strickly up to the county. If you want to make a difference then go to the county council and press your case with them.
Forest service roads are not the issue.

Like I have stated earlier---this is not up to the DNR--this is strickly up to the county. If you want to make a difference then go to the county council and press your case with them.

*sigh* I know they aren't, but as I see it, Rieter road is not that different from a forest road. And (most) forest roads allow off-road vehicles (and some even encourage it).

But I'm thinking that might be worth it.. perfect, his email is: [email protected]
If I'm not mistaken Reiter road is one of the only two roads to access the town of Index? It's prety important that road stays open for emergencies if the other road were blocked. Look how quick they got a work crew out there after the washout....
Also letting non street legal rigs to run that road officially would set a precidence for every other redneck that wants to drive his illegal pile down the road...
Reality of it is we just aren't important enough for anyone to make those kind of changes.
You are 100% correct rick.. And the road was "improved" when they replaced the bridge into the town of index. I remember the days when it was gravel.
Petitioning the county may still be a decent option, or atleast one worth pursuing. Especially since it sounds like the DNR can not let us make any new trails (at least at this time).

Like I said, at least an option to pursue, open up a 1/2 mile section of the road to ORV use, strict speed limit (let and even encourage the LEO's to ticket that, might make a good compromise). Offer to make and install (or atleast pay for) singage to the effect.

Net result, little to no monetary effort on the counties part, no real loss of revenue, no increased traffic on the road (since its always been used before).

Snowball's chance in hell, but potentially slightly better than the option of a new connector trail. And if its denied, those that worked on it are just out the time.

just thinking outloud.
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Risking driving down the road and getting a ticket is the wrong way to be thinking of this, it all goes to the "I'll do whatever the **** I want attitude" which is the primary reason why we've lost trails in the past and will continue to loose them in the future.

so I'm trying to figure out why the LEO's are so concerned about non-street legal rigs driving down a fairly remote road? This might be a pointless fight, but I would think it'd be easier to pettition snohomish county for unlimited access on a section of road than it would be to get fish and wildlife, dnr, and the other state agencies to give us another trail.

There were three LEOs at the fall work party, one person performing a roadblock at the intersection of the fish hatchery. He was giving tickets to those helping out on the cleanup :mad: Then he comes back and gets food from the potluck!

Perhaps I'm an eternal optimist, but if enough people go down to the county council, we might be able to get some mandate sent down to open the road.

Liability, they have already had accidents invloving non-street legal rigs on Reiter Road. And now the county is cracking down on it

If I'm not mistaken Reiter road is one of the only two roads to access the town of Index? It's prety important that road stays open for emergencies if the other road were blocked. Look how quick they got a work crew out there after the washout....
Also letting non street legal rigs to run that road officially would set a precidence for every other redneck that wants to drive his illegal pile down the road...
Reality of it is we just aren't important enough for anyone to make those kind of changes.

Double BINGO!
I'm sure any one can make it up the chute with enough speed! But after a few failed trys and some good rain then what? I would assume that the chute is bi-passed by most as it stands now, that being said routing all traffic up and down it would cause it to wash away rapidly.

What about donating funds/pooling resources toward some rebar and redy mix. Get a water truck and some wheel barrows. As many people on this site alone that use reiter I'd like to think we could do something like this?

I'm just throwing my thoughs in if any one was listening.
I'm sure any one can make it up the chute with enough speed! But after a few failed trys and some good rain then what? I would assume that the chute is bi-passed by most as it stands now, that being said routing all traffic up and down it would cause it to wash away rapidly.

What about donating funds/pooling resources toward some rebar and redy mix. Get a water truck and some wheel barrows. As many people on this site alone that use reiter I'd like to think we could do something like this?

I'm just throwing my thoughs in if any one was listening.

Im sure we can pool the resources, its just at this point the DNR's hands are tied they cant build or modify anything right now:mad:

But it is an idea for the future:awesomework:
Risking driving down the road and getting a ticket is the wrong way to be thinking of this, it all goes to the "I'll do whatever the **** I want attitude" which is the primary reason why we've lost trails in the past and will continue to loose them in the future.

Why must we involve them?

then we end up back at what brad was pointing out, read above quoted post:awesomework:
I understand that but it's not like I'm being and asshole and tearing up the hill i'd be fixing it

Under the authority granted unto me, I'm granting you permission to complete your version of a "fix" to the Poop Chute.

Here you go.....:5bitch:

I'm not fixing it......I'm gonna RUIN IT for the rest of ya'll. :redneck:

Seriously.......get some quick-crete, lay 'er down on a Tuesday night and see what happens. Might be all we need. :awesomework:

Then on the following Sunday post pics saying, "Look what happened :eeek: to the Poop Chute."

I will put this out there
Just let me know how I can help
Rule enforcement
These are all areas that if all that go can help in some way. then reiter will still exist.
"Will" have---- Ya, right. Since you don't get involved--go and talk to hippy, he will clue you in.

funny you put it like that mike!! i do get involved! up here! and i know dnr doesnt have to do anything. and when your ready to get involved up north we can help each other.

sorry next part is a rant!!!
look at all the bs involved with everyones ego at reiter. every time i go there it always turns into a big **** comp... guys with built rigs look at the lesser rigs like they dont belong.
my favorite thing ive heard at reiter way to much is your rig dont belong on this trail! whos trail is it? not yours! all of ours!! and if the trail is so extreme then they should be labelled.
so try and get a bunch of jack asses like that involved in saving a place,and im sorry its not gonna happen!!
now walker may not be the free for all like reiter,but i have yet to have someone tell me i have no right to be there...

and kim knows me. i remember talking with her for hours at walker about reiter.. you are lucky you have her there to work with... the thing is reiter is close to being shut down.. truth hurts!!