Re: Re: Dynamite Design - AC / 2xRT
For realz......bjeep said:**** done hit the fan!!
For realz......bjeep said:**** done hit the fan!!
rednecklights said:I'm more concerned how this mishap will affect the racing efforts of Mr.Carter
Jon Piper
POPS58 said:We'll wait and see how it all ends up after the weekend.Right now it's a big set back. :****:
Elliott said:I hate it for you man, I was honestly rooting for you, and it looks like you were staying on time, it would have been close but I was thinking you were going to make it.
To everyone kicking at him now, just think about being in his shoes right now, he's probably taking this hard enough, if the drawing was approved and it looks somewhat like the drawing, and he was staying on time then how did he do that wrong. There could be something else completely ending this deal.
redneckengineered said:Why he did not just assemble a bomber and call it a day is beyond me but I guess this is all part of his master plan to show us how far ahead of the curve he is.
rock mafia said:Probably had something to do with the 10+K price for just a chassis.
rock mafia said:Probably had something to do with the 10+K price for just a chassis.
Joshua1086 said:First off I want to apologize to the Carter Family as I personally take some responsibility in this.
I am Josh with the Green Tj that initially took interest in David and bought him tools to get started. I regret not getting on the inter webs and voicing what really happened to deter this from happening.
On Davids behalf he has returned some of the tools and promised me he would work to return the rest. I do not believe David is dishonest or has a lack of effort.
I invested a little over 5k in David and a **** ton of time and I lost most all of it. I went out on a limb and got burned but I was prepared for that as I knew I was taking a chance to begin with.
As this has all played out in the last year and two months since I meet David I have learned a lot about him.
He has a big heart
He is a dreamer
He wants to do great things
He has seen the bottom of the barrel and only has upward progression.
He sees stuff in his head but can't materialize it.
He has SERIOUS adhd/add and cannot focus on a project.
He knows the theory but has no attention to detail and has not been doing this long enough to know about the little stuff that really counts.
You assholes that keep making his head bigger by telling him how great of a welder he is have no clue what your talking about
David can lay a decent bead in comparison to the terrible welders in the off road community but put him up against a professional welder and he sucks. Go look on instagram #weldporn for comparison.
David has VERY little "fabrication experience" ON HIS OWN.
I witnessed all of this first hand so none of this is assumption. I have talked to woodlee and many others to help me understand.
Here is the deal when David has someone like Adam or Randy to give him direction and tell him what to do task by task he is great. For example: David put this bar here and that bar there; tell me when you are done.
(This is how the blower buggy and nazir's race car was built) It shows because when david left those shops, they still were able to perform and produce, which means the talant stayed there.
When David failed to deliver on my cage and we put the old cage back in, we still had to build a dash. When I was there we made a pretty cool dash in about 12 hours because I was there telling david exactly what I wanted and it kept him on task. For 4 months prior to this David didn't get past 40% on any 1 project because his ADHD wouldn't allow him to focus and I really don't think he knew how to actually make things fit and work together.
David thinks the hard part is the initial concept and frame but in reality all real builders know that the last 10% of a project is the hardest and most time consuming. It is obvious on Pirate that any nut job reject can throw together a chassis, the question and davids problem is can they actually make it work and everything work in harmony to make the rig actually go. The answer is no!
Most fabricators experiment and learn on their own **** and not with other peoples money and that is how they learn because it really hurts when you screw up and cost yourself money. In davids case I don't think he had a concept that he cost me 5k, and the Carters only know how much he cost them.
I know this is long and over due. I attempted to voice this concern to others just not in public forum but now that the cat is out of the bag here you go.
The best thing you can possibly do is take what you have learned and build your own rig and experiment with your own ****. You have been given an awesome opportunity and a very humbling experience, make the best of it and in a couple years come back and try again. You have a lot to learn even though you have a solid foundation, but remember that is all you have a foundation. I hope you take this and really take it to heart, just please do not take or spend anyone else's money.
bjeep said:If he has a bomber chassis sitting in his shop.
He should just weld it up and give it to Adam with his parts and what money they have paid him.
Chock it up as a lessen learned and move on.
kmcminn said:If someone is giving him tools to use, you think he can give away a $10,000 chassis.
Agree 100%. That is how I learn best.bjeep said:Good point.
But that is what it will take for him to learn the lesson. When it cost you money you will not forget it!!
matth_85 said:I swear I'm waiting on a picture of a finished car and to hear he was trolling us.... that is what it seems like. Like that abortion couldn't have been for real.
Don't think that's the case though. Sadly.