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Evans Creek improvements...

The ones at Evans and other parks were built to certain standards. The agencys are bringing the trails back to fit into the original design criteria. We either help them by being involved or they will just close the trails.

Evans Creek was originally all dirt bike trails. My grandfather was wheeling his flatfender Jeep on those dirtbike trails in 1978 and helped turn them into wider 4x4 trails. Its funny seeing the width poles and reading about how Law Enforcement will be writing tickets for "overwidth" vehicles.
I say for every 20 yards of gravel they dump on a "Most Difficult" trail to turn it into a road we go and cut one tree out of the Little Rattlesnake trail. Eye for an Eye is my motto, fair is fair.

I don't mind the width restriction at all. The paving of natural trails with man made pollution (gravel) is an act of terrorism. Those who aid the FS in these acts should be held accountable for their actions by the wheelin community.

Isnt WOW (wheelers of washington) Mostly responceable for most of the rock dumped on the BUSY WILD a ''Most Difficult Trail'' in Elbe Hills?

Just saying..
None of the trails at Evan (or anyplace else) are "natrual" they are all man made. The ones at Evans and other parks were built to certain standards. The agencys are bringing the trails back to fit into the original design criteria. We either help them by being involved or they will just close the trails.

If it's paved then it just becomes another FS road, kinda like Gotcha used to be, then all the wheelers only use one or two trails, just like how Elbe used to be, but then Evans is the reason I got rid of my Jeep :rb:
Isnt WOW (wheelers of washington) Mostly responceable for most of the rock dumped on the BUSY WILD a ''Most Difficult Trail'' in Elbe Hills?

Just saying..

About 8 years ago the DNR paid lots of money to have quarry spals helicoptered into the Busywild trail. What part of the trail did W.O.W. put rocks on?
This sort of what I expected. The "poles" you speak of are actually removable. The center pole is locked down and removable for emegency vehicles. So, nice try on that one.

The previous work done on 311 bothered me as well. Had they installed the width restriction first and not "filled in" the trail I think everyone would have been OK with it. But, I saw many a built rig go in there and just pound the trail and the rig trying to get through it. I agree that filling it in made the entrance a stock invitation. There are enough areas after the opening that stock rigs can get into trouble.

The tracks will dissappear on their own. Nature will take care of that all be herself. The ruts and mud are already taking form. Some of those areas will be lakes soon enough.

Terrorism... really? That word get's over used... Just like blaming the spotted owl... Why on earth would we want to preserve anything for later generations?

Complying with everything the government wants is not the answer either. It needs to be mutually agreed upon. To be on either extreme is not the answer at all.

Continue on with the discussion. Let's try to keep it civil and maybe this can be useful in dealing with the FS and other government agencies down the road.
About 8 years ago the DNR paid lots of money to have quarry spals helicoptered into the Busywild trail. What part of the trail did W.O.W. put rocks on?

Well i dont want to get to far off track.. This thread is supose to be about Evans creek... But the lowwer section and the water acrossing(big puddle) after the ''play hole'' area as well as the first big hill at the begining..

Just off the top of my head their is probly more too.
Terrorism... really? That word get's over used...

Yes it does. That is why I like overusing it. To think of all the killing and spending that has been done fighting that word is overwhelming. That said, I am terrorized by the thought of what the FS is doing to Evans. I only wish they were taking them back to their original spec.

Was only just a few months ago that one of my fellow coworkers brought in an old photo album full of old wheelin photos. His main haunt was always Rimrock but there were numerous photos of Evans Creek wheelin in the 70's and 80's. My favorite ones were 520. The switchbacks used to be crazy. They would sidehill across and then hit it to swing around and up the corner the other way, all in deep mud. Apparently 520 used to be the **** until someone blew it on a switchback and rolled to the bottom. Then they started rocking the corners in and the result is what we see today. Walk in the park.

I have made numerous friends wheelin. Of those friends I particularly like hearing the stories of those who's age is more than twice my own. I work with one of these dudes. Guys who were wheelin Evans before it was officially an ORV park. I don't recall them ever saying they ran all the trails in three hours and never left the gravel.
Well i dont want to get to far off track.. This thread is supose to be about Evans creek... But the lowwer section and the water acrossing(big puddle) after the ''play hole'' area as well as the first big hill at the begining..

Just off the top of my head their is probly more too.

WOW made a solid bypass next to the playholes so small tire and big tire vehicles could enjoy the same trail. The other option is to close those sections of trail like the DNR and USFS does. Do you have a better solution to the trail erosion?
I don't like what our government is doing by any stretch. But I aplaud those groups who do work with those agency's to better what we have. Sure we still have to follow there rules but some groups are able to push those rules right to the border. There is proof that those who get a good working relationship with those agency's get more of what we want than not. Plus do you really want them to make all the decisions--I think not.
WOW made a solid bypass next to the playholes so small tire and big tire vehicles could enjoy the same trail. The other option is to close those sections of trail like the DNR and USFS does. Do you have a better solution to the trail erosion?

This has been true in other areas. But that area was never subject to closuer.. I agree with doing this on some of the other trails if their is NO other options...But the Busy shouldnt be altered with ''solid bypasses or rocked'' areas its a most difficult trail... N should be kept that way... We (WTF) walked the Busy with Nancy.. and talked about many areas... Rock was never brought up and she understands that the Busy wild is suposed to be the most difficult trail at elbe..

I feel at times.. people are to quick to turn to rocking areas
Im not trying to get in some long drawn out discution about this... I simply stated a fact... No personal digs at all....
This has been true in other areas. But that area was never subject to closuer.. I agree with doing this on some of the other trails if their is NO other options...But the Busy shouldnt be altered with ''solid bypasses or rocked'' areas its a most difficult trail... N should be kept that way... We (WTF) walked the Busy with Nancy.. and talked about many areas... Rock was never brought up and she understands that the Busy wild is suposed to be the most difficult trail at elbe..

I feel at times.. people are to quick to turn to rocking areas
Im not trying to get in some long drawn out discution about this... I simply stated a fact... No personal digs at all....

I agree with all of this.

We built several silt ponds along the Busy as well. The result was we were able to control all the silt and mud, allowing it to slowly filter back into the forest. We don't need to rock anything if the mud and silt never leave the trail. The FS does not build silt ponds or direct water or mud flow. They simply go in with gravel and turn the trail into a road to begin with. DNR works with us so I work with them.

I agree with all of this.

We built several silt ponds along the Busy as well. The result was we were able to control all the silt and mud, allowing it to slowly filter back into the forest. We don't need to rock anything if the mud and silt never leave the trail. The FS does not build silt ponds or direct water or mud flow. They simply go in with gravel and turn the trail into a road to begin with. DNR works with us so I work with them.


AGREE 100%:beer::beer:
This has been true in other areas. But that area was never subject to closuer.. I agree with doing this on some of the other trails if their is NO other options...But the Busy shouldnt be altered with ''solid bypasses or rocked'' areas its a most difficult trail... N should be kept that way... We (WTF) walked the Busy with Nancy.. and talked about many areas... Rock was never brought up and she understands that the Busy wild is suposed to be the most difficult trail at elbe..

I feel at times.. people are to quick to turn to rocking areas
Im not trying to get in some long drawn out discution about this... I simply stated a fact... No personal digs at all....

I also agree that we should enjoy, promote & fight for bad ass axle breaking difficult trails...big rocks, deep mud, steep hills, tight trees, crazy side hills...we should fight for it all. :cool:

Maybe she has changed her approach to the Busy, but I was at that work party back in SEPT 2009...click HERE for pics. It was my understanding that Nancy wanted a rocked bypass for that deep nasty section. I believe Don & Luey walked the trail with her before the work party...maybe they can shed some light? We rocked in what we jokingly called "spectator row"...here is a pic of the work:


Spectator Row provided a solid path around this line:



I don't see how adding a solid bypass took away from the difficulty of the Busywild? Are you saying that since the Busy is most difficult, that we should not maintain it? If we are to maintain the trail, what does that look like in your opinion?

No personal digs...just asking questions.

I also recall opening up some nasty holes that were blocked by blow down on that work party :beer:

Overall, I thought it was a pretty successful work party...we were able to accomplish a lot:

  • Repaired the campground shelter support columns & added some paint
  • Did a ton of work on the Busywild:
    • Dug out several silt ponds
    • Opened up lines that were blocked by blow down
    • Closed off a few illegal bypass routes
    • Rocked in "spectator row"
    • Repaired the bridge...bolted down planks to hold the bridge together
  • Blocked the illegal campground @ the Rainier Vista/Gotcha intersection
  • Picked up garbage everywhere
  • Added rock to the ditch outside of the campground
  • Moved some rock piles to expand parking outside the campground
  • Graded/leveled the gravel in the campground

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I never said no good was done be Wow on the Busy,, I simply stated a fact and comented on the statement that Horus had spoke one... But thank you for ur input... always very filled with intell.