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Evans Creek improvements...

We are not only talking about 4x4 offroading when we talk about these ORV parks either, there are ATVers that get a say in these decisions as well. I for one rode my ATV at Evans creek back in the 03-04 timeframe and it was too damn rough for my liking with my son along. My solution was to just go to another place and ride because I enjoyed taking my 4 runner up there. Other users don't see it this way. Should ATVs get their own trails? I say yes, but who pays for it? What is the definition of ORV? Does an ATV fall into that definition? See where I am going with this?

The whole Capital State forest is dirtbike and quad trails along with almost all of Tahuya. How many miles of 4x4 trails are there in Washington State? Maybe 60, of which 10 require true 4wd?
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Honestly, if you read the public comments submitted in the .pdf file I posted a link to, the compromises were not that far off in my eyes. I think they took all sides into account with the issues covered by the project at hand.

We are not only talking about 4x4 offroading when we talk about these ORV parks either, there are ATVers that get a say in these decisions as well. I for one rode my ATV at Evans creek back in the 03-04 timeframe and it was too damn rough for my liking with my son along. My solution was to just go to another place and ride because I enjoyed taking my 4 runner up there. Other users don't see it this way. Should ATVs get their own trails? I say yes, but who pays for it? What is the definition of ORV? Does an ATV fall into that definition? See where I am going with this?

There are alot of user groups that have to be taken into account when these decisions are made and those that voice the loudest opinions would stand the better chance. To those of you that are so pissed about what is happening up there, are any of your comments in the public comments submitted? If not, then it is partially your fault.

Just my 2 cents and how I see things. I am just glad we have a place to go. Alot of states don't have what we have in this state. I am sure after the project is done the spotlight will be taken off of Evans Creek and it will be allowed to creep back into somewhat of the conditions it was in before.

Well said..
The whole Capital State forest is dirtbike and quad trails along with almost all of Tahuya. How many miles of 4x4 trails are there in Washington State? Maybe 60, of which 10 require true 4wd?

Sitting here and playing "they have" vs. what "we have" is a silly stupid game. We as a usergroup cannot even band together to push for more areas and more access. Heck we can't even all agree on what we want.
The whole Capital State forest is dirtbike and quad trails along with almost all of Tahuya. How many miles of 4x4 trails are there in Washington State? Maybe 60, of which 10 require true 4wd?

True, but ask yourself this, who owns the NATIONAL Forest? Also, who owns the Capital STATE Forest? Take note that they are also totally different government entities.

Trails don't belong to just those guys that went out and built a rig on one tons and 36" or larger tires. They belong to everyone because everyone pays for them. The only way to get what you guys are looking for is for the .gov to setup a pay to use program or go private offroad parks.

I am not saying it was only ATVers or any other group. That was just used as an example of what the .gov guys have to take into account when making these decisions. I think if alot of you spent as much time looking at how these decisions come about instead of bitching about them after the fact then you would be way ahead of the game in getting what you are looking for.

Now don't get me wrong here, I am a member of the 33" club with my wheeler and forsee no need of going bigger. But I do like a challenging trail and I also like to watch the bigger rigs play. I just think everyone needs to try to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of what these ORV areas are so they can be better involved in the future.
Originally Posted by Crazy Daze
Maybe 60, of which 10 require true 4wd?

if that...

Apparently you guys never get over onto the east side. There are lots of hard core trails in Rimrock, Liberty and even the Naches area.
Go to FS meeting meet Bob and set some time up to talk to him.
Dont judge there desisions until you have heard both sides.

Honestly, if you read the public comments submitted in the .pdf file I posted a link to, the compromises were not that far off in my eyes. I think they took all sides into account with the issues covered by the project at hand.

We are not only talking about 4x4 offroading when we talk about these ORV parks either, there are ATVers that get a say in these decisions as well. I for one rode my ATV at Evans creek back in the 03-04 timeframe and it was too damn rough for my liking with my son along. My solution was to just go to another place and ride because I enjoyed taking my 4 runner up there. Other users don't see it this way. Should ATVs get their own trails? I say yes, but who pays for it? What is the definition of ORV? Does an ATV fall into that definition? See where I am going with this?

There are alot of user groups that have to be taken into account when these decisions are made and those that voice the loudest opinions would stand the better chance. To those of you that are so pissed about what is happening up there, are any of your comments in the public comments submitted? If not, then it is partially your fault.

Just my 2 cents and how I see things. I am just glad we have a place to go. Alot of states don't have what we have in this state. I am sure after the project is done the spotlight will be taken off of Evans Creek and it will be allowed to creep back into somewhat of the conditions it was in before.

:awesomework::awesomework: for both of you :awesomework:
Originally Posted by Crazy Daze
Maybe 60, of which 10 require true 4wd?

if that...

Apparently you guys never get over onto the east side. There are lots of hard core trails in Rimrock, Liberty and even the Naches area.

The trails are HARD CORE for who?:haha: Those areas have HARD trails but it all depends on the weather conditions.:awesomework:
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I have not been to Rimrock or Liberty but last time I was at Naches, we drove trails from sun up to sun down and it was mostly 2wd stuff with the occasional 4wd required hillclimbs, mud holes and rock sections.
The whole Capital State forest is dirtbike and quad trails along with almost all of Tahuya. How many miles of 4x4 trails are there in Washington State? Maybe 60, of which 10 require true 4wd?

Theres more like 400 miles of inventoried 4x4 trails between DNR and the Forest service.
I have not been to Rimrock or Liberty but last time I was at Naches, we drove trails from sun up to sun down and it was mostly 2wd stuff with the occasional 4wd required hillclimbs, mud holes and rock sections.

Rimrock and Liberty both offer fun trails but, there not what I would call HARD CORE.:redneck:
Originally Posted by Crazy Daze
Maybe 60, of which 10 require true 4wd?

if that...

Apparently you guys never get over onto the east side. There are lots of hard core trails in Rimrock, Liberty and even the Naches area.

To many nut swingers and wanta be rock crawlers they bought their rigs instead of built them selfs...

The best trails in the state (in my opion) are right in my backyard...
Its been years sence i been to Naches..
I appreciate the informed comments backed with facts and documentation. This and other sites have enough ball knocking going on that some of you should be sterile! We need to get involved.

I have been to a couple of FS meeting in the past. I wish my schedule allowed me to get to these meetings more often. All of you should consider attending these with an open mind. Go in with this "terrorist" or "Big Brother" mentality will get no where and probably hurt the whole movement! Be part of the solution and quit contributing to the problem.

Evans is getting attention because of the mentality of bigger, faster, harder. Instead of wheeling with a conscience. Using a winch when you can't get through without abusing the trail or your rig. When I watched some clown get 4' of air under the front end of his Jeep trying to get through the hole on 311 instead of stopping and hooking a line. Would have been through and 3 or 4 others could have done the same. Or over-sized rigs with over 80" widths rubbing the trees so bad there are gouges cut through them. What is the sense, really? Rigs like that belong on the rocks, or in competitions. Not on the "2wd" drive trails of Evans Creek!

We lose our rights because people sit back and bitch and moan about the government yet do nothing to change it themselves. Until that behaviour ends we will continue to see the end of our hobby approaching!

Flame suit on! Bring it!
To many nut swingers and wanta be rock crawlers they bought their rigs instead of built them selfs...

The best trails in the state (in my opion) are right in my backyard...
Its been years sence i been to Naches..
They don't call rimrock death wheelin for nothing:redneck:
Then you haven't been to Rimrock. :haha:

I have been to Rimrock several times.:awesomework: It does have lots of beautiful views and can be difficult at certain times of the year. I still wouldn't consider it HARD CORE. Everybody is entitled to there own opinion.:beer:
I have been to Rimrock several times.:awesomework: It does have lots of beautiful views and can be difficult at certain times of the year. I still wouldn't consider it HARD CORE. Everybody is entitled to there own opinion.:beer:

Just wondering did you conciter the Busy Wild (before logged) Hard Core beside the hot summer months when it drys out?
I love the title of this thread...Improvements

How does making something even more lame count as an "improvement"?

Yes, I'm an asshole, get over it.
I see your :beatdeadhorse: and raise you another :beatdeadhorse:

Chits dumb and gets old.

Again I hear all the people bitchin that I never see wheelin.

Thanks Jaws for keepin it real. :beer:
I see your :beatdeadhorse: and raise you another :beatdeadhorse:

Chits dumb and gets old.

Again I hear all the people bitchin that I never see wheelin.

Thanks Jaws for keepin it real. :beer:

Hittin the Busy sat.. U down for a run?