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*FJ80 front axle hub studs sheared, trying to fix*


Oct 28, 2010
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Rainsville, AL
Summary: Sheared the 6 ARP hub studs and both dowel pins off the hub on driver's side of my front FJ80 axle. Now trying to fix it, stronger if affordable and easily done.

I will post pics and a youtube vid below, just for confirmation that I need a new hub and possibly new drive flange. The dowel pin holes seem wallered out and the bottom one in the video is scarred pretty bad where the pin broke. Trail Gear Creeper flanges are not an option as I've came to find out, due to the FJ80 hubs being "flower" shaped as opposed to round like the mini truck Toyota axles, leaving no extra room to drill out 4 holes for the extra dowel pins that's required when installing TG Creeper Flanges. So TG doesn't even make them, to my knowledge.

Option A: I've talked with people and read about where some have actually taken the hub body, drilled/tapped the stud holes out to 7/16", and used fine thread cap bolts instead of studs and it finally started holding up to beatings (not 100% sure if all stories involved fj80 front axle specifically like mine). If this is the case, I could probably try this with the hub that's on it now since it may be rurnt anwyays, only thing would be what to do about the galled up dowel pin holes? From what I've read, the dowel pins need to fit snug in both the hub body and the flange. Maybe I can drill them out and find bigger dowels somehow? Not really certain where to even look for a bigger dowel.

Option B: Just find another hub, put new arp studs back in it, re-use drive flange (if you guys think it's reusable), and it pretty much be just like it was. If I go this route, would any of you know the whereabouts of an FJ80 hub body or leads to where I may find one on the cheap???

Toyota FJ80 hub
Re: Re: *FJ80 front axle hub studs sheared, trying to fix*

You could just put 2 more bolts where the dowel pins go. (what I would do)

Any industrial supply place (fastenal/msc/etc) will have a selection of dowel pins if you want to go that route

Or if you really want another hub, there are 2 laying on the ground under a 91 fj80 at the express pull n save in la vernge tn. I can swing by and pick em up for you.
Re: Re: *FJ80 front axle hub studs sheared, trying to fix*





So you would just drill all the way through the drive flange (dowel holes in drive flange are covered, not all the way through it) and tap those dowel holes in the hub for bolts as well as the other 6 stud holes, and give it a try? That sounds like a pretty good idea to me. I've heard/read that 7/16 cap bolts would be stronger than the arp studs anyways.
Afraid I'm also gonna be dead in the water this weekend as far as working on it goes, unless I can round up a 54mm socket from a buddy or dad. Don't think dad has one that big though. Ordered the Trail Gear 54mm 3/8" drive socket a little bit ago from Iron Pig Offroad in VA, so I don't figure I will have it this weekend.
are the threaded holes for the studs damaged? if not, stick some arp's back in them and drill the two damaged dowel holes for 3/8 dowels. or you could also drill and tap the existing stud holes for larger hardware and just not worry about adding the extra dowels b/c of the hub design.
wizzo said:
or you could also drill and tap the existing stud holes for larger hardware and just not worry about adding the extra dowels b/c of the hub design.

^^I'm thinking that will be the ticket. Just to see if the cap bolts hold up better than the ARP's. I already know the ARP's will break.

I haven't got the broken studs out of them yet, ordered an Easy Out kit yesterday. I could prolly borrow all this stuff, but I don't like borrowing things. The bottom dowel hole in that vid looks like it mashed some of the metal back over the hole and part of the broken dowel pin is still under it, so I figure that one will have to be drilled out anyway.
Don't know much about Yota's but if you could drill and tap all of the stud holes and the dowel pin holes to 7/16" I would go that route. Get some grade 8 bolts bolts & you should be good to go. IIRC there eight 1/2" flange bolts on full-floater 1 ton rear axles.

Also liked that you worked in "wallered" & "rurnt" into your initial description of the damage. Sounds like conversations when I am working on my junk only with far less cussing.
bobo said:
Don't know much about Yota's but if you could drill and tap all of the stud holes and the dowel pin holes to 7/16" I would go that route. Get some grade 8 bolts bolts & you should be good to go. IIRC there eight 1/2" flange bolts on full-floater 1 ton rear axles.

Also liked that you worked in "wallered" & "rurnt" into your initial description of the damage. Sounds like conversations when I am working on my junk only with far less cussing.

Lol Oh the cussing goes on in the shop, for sure. My dad is an old school shadetree mechanic / body man. I've been hearing wallered out, rurnt, boogered up, and all sorts of other southern slang descriptive words all my life :****:
Re: Re: *FJ80 front axle hub studs sheared, trying to fix*

I reported the gay video, not one boob (besides the video guy) or no woopow sounds or music... What a disappointment :****:
Re: Re: Re: Re: *FJ80 front axle hub studs sheared, trying to fix*

Rokcrler said:
I reported the gay video, not one boob (besides the video guy) or no woopow sounds or music... What a disappointment :****:

Hahaha I figured you of all ppl would be proud of me actually being motivated to fix it quickly, instead of letting it sit for 3 more months lol.
Re: Re: *FJ80 front axle hub studs sheared, trying to fix*

Actually I am! But that's no excuse for no jams or bewbers...just sayin'

Drill them bitches out and tap for bigger studs and peel out
Re: Re: Re: Re: *FJ80 front axle hub studs sheared, trying to fix*

al1tonyota said:
If fj40 or possibly fj60 hubs spindles and knuckles are the same I have a set with both side!

I have no idea on that. But if something happens and I do need em, I'll give you a hollar.

Rokcrler said:
Actually I am! But that's no excuse for no jams or bewbers...just sayin'

Drill them bitches out and tap for bigger studs and peel out
that's the plan as of now. Dad has a rinky dink drill press we might try using. If I decide against that, I'll just carry it to the local machine shop and let em have at it.
I broke all mine one day in gardendale, lesson learned on taking landspeeder riding with me. :flipoff1: Had them all drilled out in about an hour using left handed drill bits. :****: Any tool truck has them Mac warranties them for life, and the ACE hardware by my house has them too. That's probably too long of a drive for you tho. :flipoff1:
Re: Re: Re: *FJ80 front axle hub studs sheared, trying to fix*

grcthird said:
I broke all mine one day in gardendale, lesson learned on taking landspeeder riding with me. :flipoff1: Had them all drilled out in about an hour using left handed drill bits. :****: Any tool truck has them Mac warranties them for life, and the ACE hardware by my house has them too. That's probably too long of a drive for you tho. :flipoff1:

Are you talking about removing the broken studs or what with left handed drill bits? Lol I got an easy out kit ordered on eBay for that. One of those might as well buy since I need it sort of deals. I'm still an amateur tool haver. Meaning I ain't got much **** to work with lol.
Neal3000 said:
If your axle is out of a 91-92 fj80 then mini-truck or fj40/55/60/62 hubs etc will bolt right up

I have no idea how to even tell what year the axle is. I know some FJ80 hub/rotors mount differently like the video below where the bolts actually go in from the backside of the rotors instead of the front side of the hub like mine does. I think this vid is overseas but I believe it is a year specific thing...just not sure which years. And I could just be totally wrong too.

skip to 3:30 and compare to mine in the pictures above.
Toyota Land Cruiser front Knuckle rebuild tutorial #2 installation
Left handed bits will grab the stud and twist the broken part out. The drill runs in reverse. If they have loctite on them, be sure you to heat it up and melt it down.
I think 91-94 have shorter stubshafts than 95 and later, and 93-94 birfs have abs signal gears on them. After i thought about the aisin hubs wouldn't help you with your problem because your still stuck with the 80 series wheel hubs with no way to add more dowels
Re: Re: Re: *FJ80 front axle hub studs sheared, trying to fix*

grcthird said:
Left handed bits will grab the stud and twist the broken part out. The drill runs in reverse. If they have loctite on them, be sure you to heat it up and melt it down.

That's what I thought you were meaning, but that's basically the same thing an easy out does, right? I had neither so might as well got the easy out kit that comes with 6 different drill bits and screw extractors. We'll see how it works as soon as that comes in. It's likely that I'm going to drill the holes out bigger anyways, so if I can't get a stud out, I'll just leave it in there and drill that bitch lol.