LandSpeeder said:
let me point it out for you... in your same post:
See, merely bringing it up, means, you are introducing it in to the conversation. That is opening the door, to a door, that has been open for more than 16 pages. So why even bother? Hate, I guess? Being passive aggressive is still being aggressive.
I guess I have to be a hater to continue selling the brand, right? Get your Hate apparel here:
bbone said:
I see where you are coming from..I think you have to consider that on every form of social media: youtube comments, twitter links, pirate threads, Instagram, etc..,
That's kind of my point. I'll preface this by stating for the record that I don't do most social media. One of the reasons is because so much of it is purely just hate. I don't think that's any secret. So knowing that twitter, youtube, FB, etc are full of hate, TC participates in videos that get posted and sold on those forums, thereby giving the hate a place to thrive. Cole sells hate-apparel based on the hate that they claim to hate? Something seems wrong there.
On one hand I kind of identify with them. I can't sell a burnt fry without the whole world finding out about it on social media. So in that respect I see where they are coming from.
But on the other hand, I know when people do complain, the only way to make it stop is to ignore it. Any reply, mention, or participation of any kind only gives it merit and makes it worse.
Hardline and Pirate are the only social media that I see that matters in the 4x4 world. Or if they aren't, they're certainly the only ones I personally have time to participate in. I did
used to see a lot of hate toward TC. Then Cole seemingly started the hate brand and it seems like it was effective as most on these two forums kind of saw the light IMO. Now the TC threads are mostly positive, which makes me happy for the 4x4 community as a whole. About the worst comments I see now are legit tech questions. (They rarely, if ever, get answered and generally seem to be automatically labelled as hate.) Yet Cole keeps going on about the hate, makes videos titled about hate, continues selling hate apparel. TC only ever replies to the hate, never the legit questions. Never thanks any of the positive comments. It seems like the tail has started wagging the dog.
People can label me what they want. You all know by now that I don't care. I have been labelled both a

and a hater by the same people in the past. The truth is I'm neither. I've met Cole a couple times on the trails filming, seems like a nice guy to me, all of his posts are generally level-headed. I met TC once, he was nice to me for the brief moment that we spoke, less than a minute. He almost ran me over one time at MM, had the presence of mind to hit the brakes. (Thanks, TC!) He also helped roll me back over once on Primos. But I wouldn't say that my personal interactions with either of them have been enough to form a legitimate personal opinion. All I have to go by is their actions on the internet. Back when it first started I thought the hate brand was genious. But in terms of the actual 4x4 community as I see it (Pirate and HL) it seems like it was effective at quelling the hate and now needs to breed it to continue thriving. FB, instagram, twitter, etc ... that's all just white noise that doesn't matter, shouldn't matter to anyone. Shouldn't even dignify a mention.