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Good ol' derail

Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

bbone said:
I have one of those shirts...he gave everyone a whole box at RBD one year...cannot turn down free MadRam shirts...

Good marketing for the brand.

patooyee said:
That's kind of my point. I'll preface this by stating for the record that I don't do most social media. One of the reasons is because so much of it is purely just hate. I don't think that's any secret. So knowing that twitter, youtube, FB, etc are full of hate, TC participates in videos that get posted and sold on those forums, thereby giving the hate a place to thrive. Cole sells hate-apparel based on the hate that they claim to hate? Something seems wrong there.

SEE. This IS the point here on HL... it's your only outlet. So therefore, you spew. But you aren't the only person who fits that mold. There are a handful others who ONLY use HL. It hurts folks head as a recent PM just was sent to me.

My sincere suggestion to anyone who funnels their "social media" card to one outlet... Don't. Simply spread it around and it will work out better for you, and the people who have to deal wth you. It's been a topic of conversation recently, and everyone I've heard tend to agree, that the people who one use ONE social media outlet tend to be the ones who rub folks the wrong the way. So how does anyone who fits that bill, fix that? USE ALL SOCIAL MEDIA. Makes you look like less of an asshole.

LandSpeeder said:
SEE. This IS the point here on HL... it's your only outlet. So therefore, you spew. But you aren't the only person who fits that mold. There are a handful others who ONLY use HL. It hurts folks head as a recent PM just was sent to me.

My sincere suggestion to anyone who funnels their "social media" card to one outlet... Don't. Simply spread it around and it will work out better for you, and the people who have to deal wth you. It's been a topic of conversation recently, and everyone I've heard tend to agree, that the people who one use ONE social media outlet tend to be the ones who rub folks the wrong the way. So how does anyone who fits that bill, fix that? USE ALL SOCIAL MEDIA. Makes you look like less of an asshole.

Or use none because they're all just mental masturbation.
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

I am going to post this one more time, TIM CAMERON SHUTS UP THE HATERS with a WIN AT DIRTY TURTLE, This is a perfect title for this video!

patooyee said:
Or use none because they're all just mental masturbation.

Absolutely they are. What's not?
"Idle mind is the devils playground", and that comes with boredom. You get bored sitting in one spot. Branch out.
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

Myself I would rather not waste my time on two many outlets, I would rather use that mental time to think of ways to better myself and my pockets, why would anyone want that much drama?
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

Elliott said:
Myself I would rather not waste my time on two many outlets, I would rather use that mental time to think of ways to better myself and my pockets, why would anyone want that much drama?


I have really been holding my tongue the past few months. My post count on both forums has drastically gone down as a result. My initial post was made last night at 2am staring at the clock wondering WTF I couldn't go to sleep, or if I even should since I had to be up in 4 hours. That moment of fog is when I posted and I've been regretting it ever since. :) I should have just stuck to my rule of no more posting except in tech.
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

patooyee said:

I have really been holding my tongue the past few months. My post count on both forums has drastically gone down as a result. My initial post was made last night at 2am staring at the clock wondering WTF I couldn't go to sleep, or if I even should since I had to be up in 4 hours. That moment of fog is when I posted and I've been regretting it ever since. :) I should have just stuck to my rule of no more posting except in tech.

Just from the execution of your last rig. I respect your opinion even if I don't agree with it.
I know that their is no direct connection between being a good person and building a well thought out rig, however if someone builds a quality rig I always give them respect as a identity on the inter web.
I guess what I'm saying is you and TC are in the same clique in my book.
Carry on....
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

The only thing i have to add to this is a quick rhetorical question: Do you ever REALLY shut the haters up? I mean, isn't that kinda what they do? "Hate" on something without foundation or basis?

I guess I do have something else to add...The dude is a driver. Hands down. He is also an awesome fabricator as is proven by the fact that he has built multiple winning rigs and has rigs doing well in the hands of others with less seat time as well (Please don't misconstrue this as me "hating" on Brandon Davis...That dude is a top notch guy and is super nice. So is Mrs. Davis.)

I do also agree that there is a little hypersensitivity when it comes to comments about anything TC does or builds. Some said that the IFS wouldn't work or wouldn't last...it didn't. It didn't work for him so he scrapped it. There is no disputing that. He didn't win in Money Maker. He won in Unfinished Business with less than optimal shock tuning and next to no seat time in the rig. Bad man.

As far as the appearance of the rig, that is opinion and isn't/shouldn't be classified as hating in my humble opinion. I will be the first to say I am not a huge fan of the front end on the rig. Would I drive it? Hell yeah. Can i build something that looks better or performs half as well? Hell no. Should he give two shits what I think about his rig? Nope. Does that mean that I am a hater? Or a nut swinger? I am neither.

There are tons of buggies out there that I don't like the looks of and I'd still drive any of them if given the chance. In fact, Id give a crispy new Benjamin Franklin just to go for a ride in one of them fire breathing units while it was getting thrashed on! Thats about as close as I will ever get to first hand experience.

With regard to the function of the shock towers and coilover placement, I am absolutely curious as to how much they impair or enable visibility. Maybe TC can chime in on that, since he is undoubtedly watching. Hell, maybe the next time I see him, Ill ask if I can sit in the damn thing and see for myself. Worst he can say is "No, Get the fawk away from my buggy you damn hippie." I doubt that will be the case though.

Carry on.
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

Eddyj said:
Just from the execution of your last rig. I respect your opinion even if I don't agree with it.
I know that their is no direct connection between being a good person and building a well thought out rig, however if someone builds a quality rig I always give them respect as a identity on the inter web.
I guess what I'm saying is you and TC are in the same clique.
Carry on....

Thank you. In the end that's really all any of this is, opinions. My opinion is that people should act on the internet the way they would in real life, as though we were speaking face to face, with mutual respect for one another. Concentrate on the positive, ignore those who prefer to be negative. If there was no reward for hating there wouldn't be hate.
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

patooyee said:
Thank you. In the end that's really all any of this is, opinions. My opinion is that people should act on the internet the way they would in real life, as though we were speaking face to face, with mutual respect for one another. Concentrate on the positive, ignore those who prefer to be negative. If there was no reward for hating there wouldn't be hate.
exactly x2 my junk isn't anything to brag about but other than the choice of my rig and the shitty exo cage I built it all myself and its pretty damn solid and reliable. And is so damn long it will crawl almost anything :****:
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

If you don't appreciate what he does, ( building buggys/ driving ) you must like rock bouncers! Or rock racing. Simple.
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

I giggle when I think about how many years the word "hater" has been dead. Just sayin. That horse is fawkin flat.. Why keep beating it.. Let's be original and make up a new word, that the African American rap scene didn't start... Would make all of us sound like we don't live under a dam Rock.. I keep hoping for him to make a chassis shaped like a big dong, with balls as the cockpit. And win every race! But that's just me. I'm sure everyone has wished this at one time.

There's no need to try and figure out what I'm saying. It's all about bringing the troops home for me!!
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

This is not directed towards Cole because I like Cole and he's just capitalizing on the market. In fact, that makes him a smart businessman.

In my experience, people that think they have haters are the dumbest motherfuckers you'll ever meet. If it wasn't for social media no one would even know they existed in this world outside of their inner circle of idiots.

Patooyee is one of the smartest dudes I know and one of the only guys where I will go out of my way to read his posts even if the subject matter is of no consequence to me. He's a thoughtful dude, and typically has good insight.
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

Tcameron said:

So what say you, Mr. Cameron? Do the shock towers and coilovers on the new rig limit visibility more than rigs you've built in the past?
Re: $$$$Money maker$$$$

Are the towers getting taller or is the rest of the chassis getting lower?