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I am the fastest person on the interstate....do I have a problem?

My old Busa would hit 186, then be on the rev limiter, but been 135 in the 1/8 mile, and in the 170 range a bunch in corvettes
MoparMan said:
Damnit man, we're actually more alike than I would normally care to admit but....I have also been 190 on a R1 and 165 in the Magnum SRT8. I've still got the 165 saved in my GPS :****:

I would imagine we are. I'd say we'd get along just fine. I just like to give you hell about your dahjes. I actually get along pretty good with everyone I've met on here.

As for regretting going fast. Nope. Not a bit. Some folks on here sound like they killed someone and regret it. Nothing happened. You went fast and nothing happened. Why so regretful over nothing? I regret nothing I've done except making my mom worry when I was younger. That is the ONLY regret I have and that happened a lot. No sense in dwelling on it. It happened. It was life for several years. I saw things and learned lessons along the way but all in all I had a ****in blast doing lots of **** I shouldn't have been doing.
Yeah I can kinda agree w that... I guess I should say that if I had it to do again I wouldn't...

Regret is really the wrong word... It's just terrifying to think of how it could gone differently so easily... I COULD have had something to really regret in a fraction of a second and it would have been completely my fault.... As little as a few seconds of poor judgement can bring on a lifetime of anguish for multiple people.

Any one blast of speed soo easily could have been a month in the hospital followed by a 30 year prison sentence..... Having a lot more experience under my belt and having seen first hand how fast things go wrong I have a much different perspective now.
Re: Re: I am the fastest person on the interstate....do I have a problem?

zukimaster said:
My old Busa would hit 186, then be on the rev limiter, but been 135 in the 1/8 mile, and in the 170 range a bunch in corvettes
I'm really not sure how my ZX10R was limited. On a new tire (larger circumference) it would top out at 189, with a tire nearing the end of its life (smaller circumference), it would top out at 191, but all my Suzuki buddies had the same 186 deal as yours. 191 was the fastest I ever seen on the speedo.
gottagofast said:
Yeah I can kinda agree w that... I guess I should say that if I had it to do again I wouldn't...

Regret is really the wrong word... It's just terrifying to think of how it could gone differently so easily... I COULD have had something to really regret in a fraction of a second and it would have been completely my fault.... As little as a few seconds of poor judgement can bring on a lifetime of anguish for multiple people.

Any one blast of speed soo easily could have been a month in the hospital followed by a 30 year prison sentence..... Having a lot more experience under my belt and having seen first hand how fast things go wrong I have a much different perspective now.

I look back and see how lots of things could have gone differently. I'm thankful that they didn't but I'm kind of a slow learner. My wife is complete opposite. One bad experience and she's done for life. It may take me a few times to come to the same conclusion. I'm either hard headed or stupid. Haven't pinpointed it yet.
I'm right there with ya. I rarely get passed on the interstate. I set my cruise at 83 and just ride.

Fastest ever was 175 in a CTS-V. Let it sit on the speed limiter for 8-10 miles on an empty stretch of interstate. That car feels like someone's pushing the roof down at speed....crazy how stable it is!
5BrothersFabrication said:
170 in a Nissan station wagon on the Autobahn, only stopped there because it ran out of gear. 176 on a borrowed bike, some sort of race bike converted back to streetable.
Funny it was 176 not 175. Borrowed my brother in laws bike and did the exact same, 176. It was enough to let meknow I liked it, and could never buy a bike as I would die.

I still wanna know what gottagofast ricky bobby went faster than 190 in/on. It's not that I don't believe it, I just find it odd that it's some kind of secret as to exactly what was driven after already admitting doing it.....
He didn't want to tell you but it was his high horse. It's had some head work done, a custom tune, and a set of headers. :flipoff1:

My guess is he hit 190 in the back of a cop car on the way to jail after getting arrested for doing 80 in a 55. Lol.

I'm kidding. Maybe he was doing 190 and hit and killed someone, I imagine that would mess with ya. We can only speculate. Lol
I don't care to brag about what I shouldn't have done...

Maybe I shouldn't have even said it.. Was just admitting I'd done it too...

I'm certainly not looking to impress anyone.
Re: Re: I am the fastest person on the interstate....do I have a problem?

gottagofast said:
In all honesty I have probably gone faster than about anyone here at some point a long time ago....

The actual numbers aren't important but I'll say nobody has posted higher numbers in this thread yet...

Sounds like you don't like to brag.....

It's not bragging anyways, it's simply telling true and interesting stories. It's baffling to me that you can't just say it was in a Corvette, a motorcycle, or whatever the fawk it was....
I Like To brag about all the cops I smoked the fuk out of. Hahaha :flipoff1:
178 on south Fulton on my anniversary .. All I could think bout was havin to call my wife to come get me. Burned their asses. Retired now. It was fun. Stupid but fun.
final score
Kush ... 30+
Cops .... ZERO.

Re: Re: I am the fastest person on the interstate....do I have a problem?

[quote author=TacomaJD]
............. It's baffling to me that you can't just say it was in a Corvette, a motorcycle, or whatever the fawk it was....

Well I guess ur just gonna have to learn to live without all the answers.

I think everybody done real stupid **** as a young man, its part of growing up, these kids nowadays cant get away with **** without getting busted, im not a big speedster and i live in the sticks and if ya get a mile straight strecth in these parts its a miracle, 45 mins from interstate, not sure fastest ive ever been but probably the dumbest was bearing the speedo in my first car, a badass turquoise 77 ford pinto, i estimate the speed at 87 mph ????.

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