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I think it's time to talk about the forum

Ok, so now we can get by the financials of the board and look towards what WE think would revitalize this AWESOME forum. BUT, there are only a few OG's versus the number of Easyline members, so we need YOUR input. What would it take to turn this boat around and make it a place that people want to come to? ALL advise is needed. Don't be shy, all we can say is No.
I always thought it to be odd that admission into actually being a Hardline og member was so heavily guarded, although only 1 or 2 wheel and are active on the board anymore. Easyline takes care of some of that, but to have a virtually non-active senior group of leaders (in the latter times) always seemed a bit odd to me. But I also understand the matter of not just letting anyone in. Back in my prime, I would have loved the opportunity to be a part of it. Julio should have been a part of it when he was very active here (imo), and there have been a few others too (imo).

The thing with this hobby is its expensive, not only monetarily, but with time as well. I miss the fun of it, but don't miss the constant drain of money and having to fix and maintain ****. This creates a natural cycle of people that are hardcore in it for a few years, then fade away. There aren't many with dedication toward the sport like JohnG, Gregg, Andrew, P, etc. I'd like to get back in it one day, but once I finish school I want to begin acquiring more rental properties, and it's hard to be a conscientious real estate investor and wheel (the way I want to wheel), as the two cancel each other out. But with that being said, people make the forum what it is, good or bad....and people come and go over the years, so this place, as great as it may be, will go through uncontrollable peaks and valleys. It's just part of the cycle.

I'm thankful for the time I've been able to spend here and even more thankful for those of you I've gotten to meet, wheel with, and even call several friends, which is one reason I have stuck around after selling out of offroading....least I can post pictures of mud tars on mah half ton! Haha.
Lets Upgrade the forum..posting pictures needs to be easy and simple.

We should have several rides a year. Maybe we can have some official HL events at said rides.

Lets not try to compete against FB or other social forums. Let them do them and we just work on us.
Easyline is the new Hardline :flipoff1: :****:

Im glad everythings getting discussed and yall are still paasionate about making things better
P said:
Easyline is the new Hardline :flipoff1: :****:

Im glad everythings getting discussed and yall are still paasionate about making things better

Them wheels are a spinnin as we speak. Still looking for suggestions on what would make this forum better though. More rides, more boobies/beer/buggies? We need JR and Ben to revive their 35% threads for us.
Matt O. said:
Hey guys, sorry don't get on much been trying to get money to renew the domain, so I wanted to touch base. This forum needs a technical owner, it used to be Ricky, then Me, then John G, now it is absent. I don't have the time to login, much less manage it. Andrew, I am happy passing you the torch to get it back up to snuff. I appreciate you offering.

Can you set me up with an admin login to the server? I can poke around and see what it will take to get the board running on the latest software. I can also look into fixing the email notification issue for good. I know that feature single handedly keeps me coming back to the board and engaged in topics.
CHASMAN9 said:
Them wheels are a spinnin as we speak. Still looking for suggestions on what would make this forum better though. More rides, more boobies/beer/buggies? We need JR and Ben to revive their 35% threads for us.

I tried to post some and keep getting an "Internal Server Error" message.
Re: Re: I think it's time to talk about the forum

I agree with the rides, when people know one another it helps the board become more personable.

I also agree with the updates. Anything to make posting easier would increase my post count for sure.

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The rides are great but hardly anyone has shown up to the last few. I met a lot of you for the first time at the GR ride, that was pretty cool, HL "members" only , it was a good opportunity to meet a lot of the guys.
Hagan was looking into the notification thing a while back, the way he explained it to me was the forum has a certain number of notifications per day and we hit that number by like 9am.

What does the traffic, visits, per day look like now vs a couple years ago? One forum I was on went under because people just quit posting, there were comparable numbers of visits per day, but folks just didn't really post anymore.

I know probably not much can be done about this, but this forum kinda sucks to use on a phone, where most people get on the internet now. Tapatalk is good for posting pictures and such but still not the best way imo. I used to post pics almost daily but the size of the attachment pic file is so small as compared to what current camera phones use that it's just a headache to do it now. Make that able to accept a bigger picture and it will increase posts.

Maybe get some page sponsers to offset the cost of keeping it up along with premium member ship, I've offered before, and it still stands, to throw some $ towards the costs of the board.

Maybe get a banner up at some of the SRRS events, there's plenty of people that don't know about the site but have buggies and offroad toys.

An official HLC fb page that links back to interesting topics on the board to bring people back in that forget about it.

stuff we can't do anything about:

I remember when I could get on here and see everything offroad related that I wanted to, now all that stuff is on fb and Instagram and their platform is more in your face, here look at this! vs having to find a topic you want to read.

Photobucket. :gtfo:
Just from my view, there isn't anyone that rides every weekend like it use to be. We use to talk all week before very ride.. It's definitely changed.

Who the **** cares about Kel and why he left? Why does there need a be a thread every week about. I try to visit once a day or every few days when it was more popular. One decent build thread. Cole doesn't post much in here anymore. The same 20 repeating topics get old checking. No good trash talking anymore.
Errors on tapatalk and chrome

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This is exactly what I wanted to hear and need more input from ya'll.

First off Ben and JR, send me the pictures and I will see about posting them up for you guys. Your welcome. :cougar: flashemifyougotem

Secondly, I agree on the rides, but last year we put up voting posts on dates/parks and gave everyone plenty of time to make their decisions. I arranged the food vendor, and musical entertainment for the weekend and had a great time. As for the HLC people showing up, I counted about 50 people, not rigs. We still had a great time, but definitely not the head count I was looking for. This year, I have had multiple people asking me about another ride somewhere,sometime, but have not had some of the major players here on the board show any interest in having one. You guys are the guts and glory of this board, not just the OG's. WIthout your interest/input the masses do not seem to follow. I have made the change to do more trail riding nowadays and have been on 3 rides prior to the beginning of March where I broke an axle shaft and finally received it this past friday. It sucks waiting on parts... This was 3 more rides than I was on all year long last year. I wanna ride with everyone again.

As for the site issues such as posting notifications and such, we are now going to be able to address these issues with the help of Andrew. I cannot thank him enough for this as it takes away from his work, but it shows his fortitude to help this board get back on it's feet. I apologize to each and everyone of you, but as you all know, I am no Bill Gates and have a difficult time using the quote functions as pointed out on a regular basis. I took this position over in the absence of the Great Guru of this board past. RIP John G, I'm trying...

I receive messages regarding Tapatalk on a regular basis, I do not know what to do with their site, I do not have any issues with using this app, but that is not to say you guys don't. I do not know which way to point you guys into, but it can be a pain in the ass.

Some of our regular post whores do become annoying, no question about it. With that said, I know some of you hesitate to post up anything knowing they will follow within minutes with some smartass comeback for everything. I don't know what to do about this other than let them speak out because they are contributing to the interest of the board. One thing I watch carefully is the RACE issue. I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANYONE PLAYING THE RACE CARD ON THIS BOARD EVER....PERIOD.... I have had to message some of these guys on this subject and they have renamed this subject and I closely monitor this. John didn't accept this and neither will I.

Stephen, I regularly ban and delete SPAM messages daily. I run through each and every thread daily and try to head them off before ya'll see them, but occasionally miss them. Thanks for the heads up on these when I do miss them.

For the financial's on the board, I really appreciate each and everyone of you whom have offered me money to help the board out and I know I can count on you guys no matter what. As John originally always promoted, HLC would like to stay independent and run off of itself. Therefore money makers such as the T shirt sales have helped keep us with just enough money to keep the board financed. We do not promote any profit and if we accrue additional funds, they will be dispersed to agreed local bodies, such as SFWDA and other Schwann Diamond and others, but we do not use the money for our personal interests. So if you would like to help, buy the **** out of our shirts!!! lol

Did I mention JR and Ben can send me the pictures and I will be sure to post them up? lol

As always, we appreciate all your advise and attention to this board and we will continue to improve on what we have and with a little help, it will payoff in bigger ways.
Regarding the post whores, I think the solution is to call them out on their stupid bullshit. I made a comment in one thread directed towards tonybolton not knowing what the **** he was talking about. He got pretty defensive but then definitely mellowed out for a few weeks. He's back to his old tricks now but if multiple people stay on top of them, they will either stfu or leave. This also will solve the issue several have pointed out about no spirited trash talk. Two birds one stone. Winning!

I don't think Matt O. has been back since I posted last, someone mention to him to get me setup with server access so I can see what we're up against.
Crapshoot to see if this will post. But I haven't had any luck posting anything from tapatalk, internet explorer or chrome ????

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onetoncrawler said:
Crapshoot to see if this will post. But I haven't had any luck posting anything from tapatalk, internet explorer or chrome ????

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

I've never had issues posting from Chrome, and I don't use tapatalk.

What is the purpose of the deep six forum? It is chock full. I feel like it could be deleted all together to help keep the forum database size down. Matt O got me into the godaddy server so I am poking around looking into issues when I have time.
redneckengineered said:
I've never had issues posting from Chrome, and I don't use tapatalk.

What is the purpose of the deep six forum? It is chock full. I feel like it could be deleted all together to help keep the forum database size down. Matt O got me into the godaddy server so I am poking around looking into issues when I have time.

That started after I let Alabama.. dunno if JohnG did that to keep track of dumb **** or what
P said:
That started after I let Alabama.. dunno if JohnG did that to keep track of dumb **** or what

I'm going to clean it up. Good concept but the majority of the stuff in there is spam and old for sale threads. It's nice to have the forum in case you want to nuke a thread with relevance that you may want to bring back one day. So I'll leave the forum, just clean up the really old crap.

I can't for the life of me figure out what happened to off road parts for sale. If you search the forum all the **** is still there. But as soon as you go to page 2, it's like 2008 threads.

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