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I'll give you a tip !!!!!

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patooyee said:
Oh, and yeah, no fast food service ee is worth $15/hr. I can't wait until they force McDonald's to do that and they start rolling out their automated ordering kiosks and burger dispensers and make it so that a store can be run by a single ee. That shti will be hilarious when all those people picketing for $15/hr can no longer even even get $1/hr.

I'm not saying fastfood workers necessarily deserve this much but i do believe that Mcdonalds could pay everyone $15 an hour, never raise their prices one bit and it would still be an extremely profitable company, same with Walmart.
Neal3000 said:
I'm not saying fastfood workers necessarily deserve this much but i do believe that Mcdonalds could pay everyone $15 an hour, never raise their prices one bit and it would still be an extremely profitable company, same with Walmart.

I think you would be very suprised at how close the margins are in the food industry. McDolands and Walmart are both about being the cheapest...bottom line. They dont get low prices without cutting everything to the bone. On top of that, McDonalds is a franchise, so you as hurting your local businessman. Not the large MCD's conglomerate.

The only industry more volatile than the construction industry is the food industry.

The food industry is constant though. People have to eat. And they have to eat even when they can't afford anything else.

Margins are tight, but volume makes up for it.

I'm fairly confident that the franchise owners control how much they pay their employees to an extent at least. There is a McDonald's here that was advertising $10/hr (or close) for experienced workers
It takes 1 million dollars in the bank (as of the late 90's) to be considered to purchase a McDonalds franchise. Just food for thought.
patooyee said:
Oh, and yeah, no fast food service ee is worth $15/hr. I can't wait until they force McDonald's to do that and they start rolling out their automated ordering kiosks and burger dispensers and make it so that a store can be run by a single ee. That shti will be hilarious when all those people picketing for $15/hr can no longer even even get $1/hr.

I try to avoid McDonalds as much as possible but I will drive 30 minutes across town to support the first one of these that go up if they raise minimum wage to $15/hr.
onepieceatatime said:
I try to avoid McDonalds as much as possible but I will drive 30 minutes across town to support the first one of these that go up if they raise minimum wage to $15/hr.

If they raise minimum wage to $15/hr you may as well burn dollar bills, because they won't be worth carrying around
muddinmetal said:
If they raise minimum wage to $15/hr you may as well burn dollar bills, because they won't be worth carrying around

You'll be needing to burn dollar bills to stay warm. I don't know what minimum wage is, but let's say it's 7.50 - that's a 200% increase. The price of all goods may or may not increase by this amount, but everything you are paying for right now WILL go up. So your raise is just on paper and made you feel good until you tried to spend your next check at the grocery store. There's a lot of people who think $16 is a lot to made per hour, now they are struggling to pay their bills and are below poverty. What's next raise minimum wage to $20? All this does is try to gain support on the left.

Back to topic... I tip what would be considered real good at some places and maybe on the mid level at others. If my meal cost $10 and I leave a $5 on the table and that person sees it as great why would someone think that $10-20 is bad when my meal cost $100? Did the waiter at the higher priced establishment work harder or what is the reason other than it's implied you should give more? Either way it's not my fault your employer is only paying you $2.15 or is it really my fault because I'm enabling them by eating there?

I think the "percentage" comes into play with the assumption of skill/experience/proficiency/quality/training etc that would the employees of a higher end restaurant would have.

As a few have pointed out, your tip isn't usually solely for the waiter, but the whole staff.

I've never worked in food service, but I'd imagine it's harder to get a job at a higher end establishment, and you would be expected to perform to a higher standard... Therefore garnering higher pay.
pholmann said:
Teachers should be paid more! I'm not saying this because I am one, but I am saying this because many have 100K+ in student loans and education expenses to do the job. Then they start them out at 32k a year. I mean come on, that's crazy. It should be on par with any other bachelors degree required position. I feel it should start at 50k at least. Most of you have no idea the political bullshit that teachers have to put up with. Granted they do have lots of time off according to their regular contract, but there are a lot that work summer school for extra money because they have to for money to live. Not to mention the bullshit they have to deal with from the narcissistic little entitled ****s of todays society. Not all are that way and they make it worth it, but the others make it a challenge to see a future in this field.

Agreed totally. When I started teaching I held 6 welding cerification, safety training out the crapper, and had and associates in welding from the local college. All that was not good enough and now they have made me tack on 3 more welding cerifications, bachelors in career tech and take numerous other classes. Some of that come with a pay raise and some didnt. I work an extra 30+ hrs a week either in my service truck or local fab shops to have what I have instead of clocking out at 5 and heading home.

lowbudgetjunk said:
As soon as they drop the tenure, teachers and students will be better off. Increase pay, make the job competitive for the life of the career choice and then the teachers and children will both benefit.

I see this as wrong and it has already started in some places. They are hiring teachers in schools at low pay keeping them till somebody's cousin needs a job then hired them and for no reason lets the good teacher go.

kmcminn said:
Pholman are you apart of the teachers union? Regardless they still negotiate for your wages. If they didn't I'm sure they would have cut a lot of benefits from you. So you do benefit from unions. So you may not want to knock them as hard. Most of the teachers I have ever meet can't stick their thumb in their ear, teaching included. I would say literally 1 in 10 of the men teachers I have meet can be productive outside the school. You are one of the 10. I think teachers that teach skills should be paid more also. You can go to a college and make more.

They have cut alot from us and just for example I bring home $3 less on a check than 4 years ago. The AEA fights and gets us a raise then the state cuts us somewhere else.

Like stated earlier if your not in edication or have someone directly in it you know there is lots that is screwed up and wrong about it.
lowbudgetjunk said:
As soon as they drop the tenure, teachers and students will be better off. Increase pay, make the job competitive for the life of the career choice and then the teachers and children will both benefit.

wont work said:
I see this as wrong and it has already started in some places. They are hiring teachers in schools at low pay keeping them till somebody's cousin needs a job then hired them and for no reason lets the good teacher go.

Explain? I said higher pay, drop tenure and make more intelligent people have a decision on whether or not teaching is a good career field. You have to really do something stupid to get fired after tenure sets in. Rape, drugs, neglect or wielding a firearm at school come to mind.

Spinoff needed
JohnG said:
Nope, not in edication!!!!!!!! :stir: :rolf: :fish:

My bad. Edumacation. Lol

lowbudgetjunk said:
Explain? I said higher pay, drop tenure and make more intelligent people have a decision on whether or not teaching is a good career field. You have to really do something stupid to get fired after tenure sets in. Rape, drugs, neglect or wielding a firearm at school come to mind.

Spinoff needed

Your thoughts are correct but the ones making the final choices are not thinking that way. It would be great to say have a retired engineer teaching real world math or a lab technician teaching science. This is what they say they want to do with charter schools but the pay scale is not there. Starting salary for a regular education teacher in our county is $32,??? What kind of quality do you think they will hire with that. What has happened when they hire folks in charter and private schools is they hire someone's cousin that can't get a job in the real world and they don't have any type of degree but they worked as a janitor so they must know something about chemicals. So guess what they teach now.
The only reason I took the job I have now is because I didn't want to travel and was only 20 and could recognize that at age 45 I can have a retirement if I so choose to leave and not have to work until I'm 70. The turn around for career tech teachers is big because men and women come out of industry and take a massive pay cut then they get told well you need to certify in this or take these classes. On top of all the pay someone would not believe all the paperwork and petty crap a teacher does on a daily basis. People in charge think that we have to change even when something is working and both are still not up to industry standards. For example here is a timeline of what they have had me certify my students in since I started.
2005-2007 AWS (American Welding Society)
2007-2008 NOCTi (National Occupancy Competency Testing Institute)
2008-2009 Had a CWI come in a do bend test
2009-2012 10 hr OSHA course
2012-2014 NCCER (National Center of Construction Education and Research)
2015-present AWS.
All the mentioned will really drive you crazy.
I'm fine with them dropping tenure because some teachers need to go just because they suck and give no effort to be better. If you are not doing your job you need to go and get someone in there that can. On the flip side a teacher does not need to be judged on their performance because they turn in the proper paperwork or they have 8/10 pass a test written by someone in Ohio. Over half of the kids these days give 0 shits about a test or doing good in school. I would say I'm lucky because most of my students want to be in my class and it's helps that it is an elective so they choose it. Like a general ed teacher I'm put on the carpet if I don't certify so many student each year. I could type for days on this and will end with this. I think you actual have to kill a student while on campus's with an assault gun to be fired. I have seen teachers fired because they didn't turn in $20 and then I have seen one that had a kid with one and later married her and still has his job. Like everything else government run education is headed in the wrong direction. The teachers, directors, and local board of ed see this and are trying to stop it but the ones higher up are not listening.

Look up common core and study on that.

Now for the topic of the thread.
I like to ti good. God has blessed me well I see the need to pass that on to the next. Now if you suck as my waiter or waitress you get a sucky tip.
kmcminn said:
Pholman are you apart of the teachers union? Regardless they still negotiate for your wages. If they didn't I'm sure they would have cut a lot of benefits from you. So you do benefit from unions. So you may not want to knock them as hard. Most of the teachers I have ever meet can't stick their thumb in their ear, teaching included. I would say literally 1 in 10 of the men teachers I have meet can be productive outside the school. You are one of the 10. I think teachers that teach skills should be paid more also. You can go to a college and make more.

No I cannot stand the teachers union. Here in my county they don't have much power. They are left wing liberal demo-commie douches. I am anti Union period.
lowbudgetjunk said:
As soon as they drop the tenure, teachers and students will be better off. Increase pay, make the job competitive for the life of the career choice and then the teachers and children will both benefit.

Tenure is no more in Tennessee.
Wont Work.....bingo. I thought we were on the wrong page, but you hit the nail on the head :dblthumb:

Damn, my derail got gone in one good post. I hate when that happens :stir:

I tipped the freaking lady that took my order at Jacks this morning. No idea why, except for this thread.
Re: I'll give you a tip !!!!!

Here is my .02. In high school (I'm 21 now) and my first year of college I worked at a pizza place in town. It's a small local chain that doesn't deliver, no beer, closed Sunday's, no waiters/ waitresses, honestly not that special. I was started at $8 an hour and made that for 2.5 years working there. There was a tip jar and we would get about $20 a month in tips, it was based off of how much was collected and then divided by how many hours you worked that month. We had right at 20 ee's while I was there. Wasn't bad for only having a tip jar since CC receipts didn't have a spot for tips I guess. Free $20 is how I saw it for doing my job. Granted I always worked in the kitchen, but it never bothered me not getting more tips because for what I did I thought $8 an hour was fair for my skill set and responsibilities at the time. I got some skillz from the technical school and got a new job making more so I left and haven't thought about it again. On FB I see people who have worked there almost 5 years still complaining about making now $8.50 an hour, not being tipped (nothing has changed), and have quit school to work there part time doing 39 hours a week. It's the perfect job for their complacency and skill set, society needs stupid people like them in their 20's.

I see a lot of this from other people my age on FB too. This is part of my entitlement generation who thinks they are something truly special and unique. I could post screen shots daily of a guy or girl in their 20's or 30's complaining about how hard it is to be a server and that they aren't tipped well. My favorite part of this was going to a restaurant and having 1 of these girls wait on me and having some pretty poor service. Drink constantly empty, food sat at the kitchen window for a while while she was talking to her friends and on her phone, rude, and generally uninterested in trying to pretend like she wanted to be there.
I haven't read this thread in a few days and don't have time to catch up. Probably won't read it after this. But I just want to apologize to ntidwell for my F.U. comment. It was childish and immature and not how I wish to represent myself. Obviously I just felt very passionate about it. I still feel that tipping based on race or sex is wrong but I could have represented my point of view more eloquently.
wont work said:
My bad. Edumacation. Lol

Your thoughts are correct but the ones making the final choices are not thinking that way. It would be great to say have a retired engineer teaching real world math or a lab technician teaching science. This is what they say they want to do with charter schools but the pay scale is not there. Starting salary for a regular education teacher in our county is $32,??? What kind of quality do you think they will hire with that. What has happened when they hire folks in charter and private schools is they hire someone's cousin that can't get a job in the real world and they don't have any type of degree but they worked as a janitor so they must know something about chemicals. So guess what they teach now.
The only reason I took the job I have now is because I didn't want to travel and was only 20 and could recognize that at age 45 I can have a retirement if I so choose to leave and not have to work until I'm 70. The turn around for career tech teachers is big because men and women come out of industry and take a massive pay cut then they get told well you need to certify in this or take these classes. On top of all the pay someone would not believe all the paperwork and petty crap a teacher does on a daily basis. People in charge think that we have to change even when something is working and both are still not up to industry standards. For example here is a timeline of what they have had me certify my students in since I started.
2005-2007 AWS (American Welding Society)
2007-2008 NOCTi (National Occupancy Competency Testing Institute)
2008-2009 Had a CWI come in a do bend test
2009-2012 10 hr OSHA course
2012-2014 NCCER (National Center of Construction Education and Research)
2015-present AWS.
All the mentioned will really drive you crazy.
I'm fine with them dropping tenure because some teachers need to go just because they suck and give no effort to be better. If you are not doing your job you need to go and get someone in there that can. On the flip side a teacher does not need to be judged on their performance because they turn in the proper paperwork or they have 8/10 pass a test written by someone in Ohio. Over half of the kids these days give 0 shits about a test or doing good in school. I would say I'm lucky because most of my students want to be in my class and it's helps that it is an elective so they choose it. Like a general ed teacher I'm put on the carpet if I don't certify so many student each year. I could type for days on this and will end with this. I think you actual have to kill a student while on campus's with an assault gun to be fired. I have seen teachers fired because they didn't turn in $20 and then I have seen one that had a kid with one and later married her and still has his job. Like everything else government run education is headed in the wrong direction. The teachers, directors, and local board of ed see this and are trying to stop it but the ones higher up are not listening.

Look up common core and study on that.

Now for the topic of the thread.
I like to ti good. God has blessed me well I see the need to pass that on to the next. Now if you suck as my waiter or waitress you get a sucky tip.

this **** here is still crazy!! Haha When I met Yall and hung out at grey rock there's 2 things that you could have put a gun to my head and I would have never guessed..!
1. That you were a teacher.
2. That's you in your avatar pic.
I bet the average person looks at that avatar then hears your a teacher and thinks "prob a lil older guy that's in bed by 9" ...
Then they meet you and as your on the rev limiter on a big block raisin hell by them they notice that your prob younger than they are. Hahahaha :****:
Kush, theres a lot about teachers that you would be surprised about. :****: They are some drinking, hell raising, partying mofos. Of course you do have the calm Dudley do right motherfuckers, but many of us are WFO. Especially the Career and Technical teachers.