Guntersville, AL
dwa2469 said:I don't get it either Eddy
Go back and read all of his

dwa2469 said:I don't get it either Eddy
5BrothersFabrication said:
CHASMAN9 said:Phew, I've now caught up on this whole thread and I agree that JJ has definitely opened up our eyes on this subject while retorting Nathans opinions. Both have great points. But here is my can of worms to open up a whole new side to this thread.
PAY scale. Why should a burger flipper who spends maybe 1 minute per burger at a fast food chain be paid $15/ hour when a person serving in the military, sacrificing his/ her life so that we may be able to live here in the lifestyles we choose? (just a comparative example) Is this a valid justification to what this world has become? Nathan BUSTS his ass drilling for oil risking life and limb so we may have fuel for our cars, etc. to run on, or JJ who is cooking/ serving food and betting his life savings and family's well being, on running an independently owned business, so that Juan, Tanisha, Kawasaki, or Bob can risk the threat of spilling Coca Cola on his freshly pressed Dockers? Is it just me, or does this pay scale seem a bit out of scale? Or maybe this, why should a professional athlete make $20 million a year for putting a ball through a metal ring, or hit a ball 450 feet or run till he crosses a white line? I agree talent is a definitive trait for these few specialized people, but really? Are they really worth that much money? Do they decide the fate of the world based upon their talents? IMO, no. Just take this for what it is worth as I am just a working stiff like many of you who work hard for what they have and will continue to keep in site what matters, God, Family, Friends...
pholmann said:Teachers should be paid more! I'm not saying this because I am one, but I am saying this because many have 100K+ in student loans and education expenses to do the job. Then they start them out at 32k a year. I mean come on, that's crazy. It should be on par with any other bachelors degree required position. I feel it should start at 50k at least. Most of you have no idea the political bullshit that teachers have to put up with. Granted they do have lots of time off according to their regular contract, but there are a lot that work summer school for extra money because they have to for money to live. Not to mention the bullshit they have to deal with from the narcissistic little entitled ****s of todays society. Not all are that way and they make it worth it, but the others make it a challenge to see a future in this field.