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I'll give you a tip !!!!!

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lowbudgetjunk said:
Last comment and I swear I am done with this thread.

I skipped breakfast today and that rarely happens. I went to the Busy Bee in Cullman, AL and had a bacon and egg sandwich with water. Totaled out to be a little less than $4. I thought about this thread, the single mother of two and left her $12. Not going to change her life status or buy her a Ferrari, but it was nice to know that she might have a little better day due to a few bucks that really doesn't make a difference in my day to day living.

I may have started part of the **** storm, and I apologize if thats what happened. I did want folks to see the other side and realize that manly jobs, womans work and all of that is a bunch of crap. Some people work at jobs where the tips make a difference and if you've never been on that side of the fence, you just won't ever get it. I tip well, but I have delivered pizzas, waited tables and tended bar for tips.

Usually the way these discussions get out of hand is when one or two folks invest too much of their heart into the conversation or show too much of their ass. i was about to show my ass when I bowed out the first time. Maybe this time I used a little of my head, some of my heart and just the top cheek of my ass.

You are right Kel, sometimes your heart or personal experiences blur your perception of some of life's facts.

You do what you do, You chose what you get (or your choices do), & you win some you lose some

Anything outside of that is people just trying to justify their situation or actions, but those ^^^ are always true
I enjoyed this thread more than most the last couple of days. When JJ got pissed and had a valid opinion, then it was discussed back and forth without anyone's threats to "whoop dat ass" was not only entertaining but gave you something to think about.
However, as someone who is not in the loop, the whole everytime batman says anything we are going to call him out, is getting old.
I think most of the people on here don't understand why everyone in the loop hates him. Just my opinion, but it's ruining the mojo of hardline.
Eddyj said:
I enjoyed this thread more than most the last couple of days. When JJ got pissed and had a valid opinion, then it was discussed back and forth without anyone's threats to "whoop dat ass" was not only entertaining but gave you something to think about.
However, as someone who is not in the loop, the whole everytime batman says anything we are going to call him out, is getting old.
I think most of the people on here don't understand why everyone in the loop hates him. Just my opinion, but it's ruining the mojo of hardline.

He is ruining the feel good feeling or HL.... Looks at how some people who have had lots of activity on this board seldom post anymore. These things happen on all forums, especially when they suffer growing pains, but for one person to cause this much dislike isn't necessary...

I also I am aware that I am not universally loved, but I have never tried to stir up anyone I did not like or didn't want to punch in the face... I have never stirred anything just to create drama or bring any harm to this forum
Eddyj said:
I enjoyed this thread more than most the last couple of days. When JJ got pissed and had a valid opinion, then it was discussed back and forth without anyone's threats to "whoop dat ass" was not only entertaining but gave you something to think about.
However, as someone who is not in the loop, the whole everytime batman says anything we are going to call him out, is getting old.
I think most of the people on here don't understand why everyone in the loop hates him. Just my opinion, but it's ruining the mojo of hardline.

Who, Batmo-douche? Tony loves him enough to make up for all the playa hatin' haterz up in here...... :****: :tc
I wasn't a waiter because it was easy, on the contrary it was anything but. I've worked since the age of 13. I've done heavy equipment body work, house painting, landscaping, facilities management, serving, and cooking all before I graduated college. Waiting was the worst of them all IMO. I have guys in my kitchen who have done grunt work / "man-jobs" their entire lives and think they want to go up front and work with customers. Not a single one has lasted more than a week before they literally BEGGED me to put them back in the kitchen again. There are very few jobs that I consider boy-jobs or girl-jobs, especially when you are trying to support a family. Today I would do anything I had to to support my daughter. I would mop up cum stains in a gay strip club, shovel horse **** off the road if I had to. There are guys who are waiting tables who are supporting kids for better or for worse. Maybe they made bad choices to get there, maybe they are just dealing with an economy where 50% of the population makes under $30,000/year and jobs are hard to find. I get depressed sometimes by the people that come to work for me. As I type this I have a 55-year-old kitchen guy working for min wage + tips who used to own a restaurant. he has 2 kids and a wife. Just recently I paid for the funeral of an employee who died at the age of 58. He worked for me for 9 years up until about 3 weeks before he died. He just got the shitty end of the genetic stick. Mostly deaf, mostly blind, diabetes, liver cancer (never drank a day in his life), some other ailments. Unlike most men, his career declined as his genetic short-comings started disqualifying him for jobs. Grown men who are recovering from failed businesses they owned are a very common applicant for me. Point is, you never know why a man might be doing a "girl-job." Furthermore, its none of your business. You should tip equally no matter male / female / black / white. Anything else is just a cheap-skate making assumptions to justify excuses.

Lastly, restaurants don't just wait for one dude to come be served by a single chef and server and then close down shop for the day. The kitchen staff gets there very early in the morning, probably earlier than most "man-jobs" start. They prep endlessly to get food ready for customers once they open. There are multiple shifts throughout the day where teams of people come in and prep, cook, pre-cook, clean, etc. Then around 10:30am the servers roll in to get ready to work with customers. 11:00 the place opens and customers flood in, eating everything in sight. The first time the server touched or saw the food that you ate was when they brought it to you. And by the time it enters your mouth at least 3-5 people you have never seen and will never see have had their (hopefully) gloved hands on it. If there is a "chef" he's most likely in charge of the kitchen, bosses underlings around, and has little to nothing to do with the food you ate. So by the time you've tipped the server, and if you are so generous as to hunt down a "chef", and tip him, you've now tipped the two people who have had the least to do with making your food. The restaurant closes around 10pm-12am and the servers clean the dinning room and jet by 1 at the latest. The kitchen staff is still there cleaning the kitchen until around 2 or 3 am before they finally get to go home. There's only a few hours a day where people aren't in the restaurant doing something. Some places never shut down. The morning shaft arrives as the night shift leaves and they start the day over again. Yes, a small percentage of the server's tips will go to the kitchen at the end of the night, but not the "chef's." It will just be up to the goodness of his heart if the staff sees any of that. If you really want to tip the people who actually made your food, tip the server and tip him / her well because that's the only way they are likely to see any of it.
You definitely made me think about things in a restaurant that I've never thought of before. Thanks.

On a side note one of my service techs told me today he received a $20 tip, I literally laughed out loud thinking about this thread. I'd say one of my guys gets a tip once a week or so and I never thought about it before. I received some back when I was in the field working to and really appreciated them. Something to think about.
Jj what do you consider a good tip. Lets say me and the ole lady goes out and eats say 25$ good service and good food i usually leave 15-20$ for a female same ticket with a male 8-15$. If we go somewhere nice say 130$ ticket for me and her I usually 30-40$ female 20-30$ male. I've never really understood the whole percentage thing because I feel people work just as hard in a small restaurant as the higher class ones. Maybe it's more of I feel a woman works harder and shouldn't have to compared to a male to do the same job maybe that's why I tip females more than males. You brought up some valid points been kinda of thinking of why I'm more likely to tip a female more than a male maybe just human nature being you stated that in this field woman are more likely to be tipped more than males
Man what a topic. Just read all 7 pages. From title I thought this was tips as in tricks or how to's. Man was I wrong. Good eye opener if you can swim though all the bs in the middle. I'll have to say I'm surprised you haven't banned him sooner John. And no I don't want to be next :flipoff1:
I have never tipped at sonic. Why would you it's a fast food service imo. Now my problem is going to eat at a restaurant and having a ****** waiter. I will not go to certain establishments anymore due to that very reason. They definitely do not get tipped much if anything at all. I do not want some gay dude talking to me in a feminine voice asking how I like my steak cooked. Gays should not be allowed to work at food joints. I'm sure I'm not alone on this one and sorry in advance if my views towards not tipping a homo offends you. It's just irritating to set down ready to eat a good meal and have it ****ed up right off the bat by having a homo walk up and ruin your appetite. Yeah you can ask for a new waiter but then they gonna be offended and spit in your food.

It's like going to hooters and getting a pregnant chick. It's happened before.
Jj what do you consider a good tip. Lets say me and the ole lady goes out and eats say 25$ good service and good food i usually leave 15-20$ for a female same ticket with a male 8-15$. If we go somewhere nice say 130$ ticket for me and her I usually 30-40$ female 20-30$ male. I've never really understood the whole percentage thing because I feel people work just as hard in a small restaurant as the higher class ones. Maybe it's more of I feel a woman works harder and shouldn't have to compared to a male to do the same job maybe that's why I tip females more than males. You brought up some valid points been kinda of thinking of why I'm more likely to tip a female more than a male maybe just human nature being you stated that in this field woman are more likely to be tipped more than males

For a casual dining restaurant / sit-down I still go by the old 20% scale. Generally I think people should if they have no better reason for doing something else because, that is how a server will traditionally interpret the tip. So in other words, terrible service = 0%, phenominal = 20%, anything between is something between. Having served for so long though I generally give servers the benefit of the doubt. My personal scale will be more like terrible service = 0%, bad service = 10%, phenomenal = 20%, anything between bad and phenomenal will be between 10 - 20%. I have only ever left nothing twice in my life, one of the times the server followed me out the door and tried to fight me because of it. (Tells you generally how his service probably was.)

$8 on a $25 ticket is 32%.
$9 = 36%
$10 = 40%
$20 = 80%

So I would say that just about any tip you are leaving a server would be considered good. But let me tell you a story about a regular customer we used to have at Longhorn. His name was Randy. He came in at least once/wk, was very wealthy. The servers always fought over who got him because he would tip at least $50 no matter what he got. He always ate alone, so sometimes his actual food bill would just be $20 but the tip would be $50. Sometimes he would tip $150 on a $50 bill. I was new when I first learned about him. Obviously we gave him the best service we could and so they wouldn't let him sit with me at first. You kind of had to earn your rights to be on his list. I didn't even get him my first summer. Finally toward the end of my last summer they let me serve him. I did everything right, it was a slow time so I lucked out and he was my only table and I gave him my total attention. One of the most thorough jobs I did when I worked at that place. He left me a $20 tip on a $20 check, the lowest tip I had ever heard of him leaving anyone. Granted, it was a 100% tip, but all I had ever heard of him leaving was 200 - 300% so it was a let-down. I left shortly after that and never had another chance to serve him again.

It ate at me for a long time why he didn't tip me like he tipped everyone else. I went over and over the table for like 2 years in my head trying to figure out what I did wrong. Finally one night when I was visiting home from college I was at a random bar and ran into one of the other male servers that worked at the same time as me. I asked him if Randy still came in. He said he did. I told him how I had been so disappointed with my tip from Randy so long ago, how much it bothered me because I tried so hard, etc. The guy was like, "Randy doesn't tip any of the guys like he does the girls. That's why we just let the girls have him." It blew my mind. I literally lost sleep over that for 2 years. I thought I had done my best and I failed. For someone who is used to being the best at everything, being the best ee everywhere he goes, it was huge to me. But in reality it was just because I had a **** instead of tits, nothing I could have done about it.

I honestly hadn't thought about Randy at all since college. I hadn't even thought of him during this thread until now. Prime example of why you should treat people equally though.

Every time my wife goes to Hooters, (with or without me) her waitress is always pregnant. I assume the pregnant chicks want to serve the table of women or married couple for hopes of better tips...

I can't stand effeminate men period. I don't give a **** if you are gay. Hell the guy that runs the dog kennel we go to is gay, and you'd never know it just by being a customer there.
This might be a good spinoff thread.....For those of you who have worked in food service, whats worst thing you've ever one to a asshole customer's food or drink?

When I was in highschool i made next to nothing and just didn't give a ****, most people who work in food service now don't either, keep it in mind if your a **** or a bad tipper and a repeat customer, they WILL remember your ass.

Just a couple examples, i'm sure there were worse but i blocked them out

Once when i was a cook at Bojangles we ran out of chicken during a real busy time and a guy was rising hell at the poor girl at the register, i marinated that ****ers chicken with about 20 packs of cajun seasoning before i fried it up (only supposed to use 1) we could hear people just dying out in the dining room afterwards

Another time i was prepping food for the drivethru at wendy's and some woman was being a super smartass/bitch over the intercom, i threw her chicken patty on the disgustingly filthy floor and stomped it, then made her sandwich with it.
Re: Re: I'll give you a tip !!!!!

Jj what do you consider a good tip. Lets say me and the ole lady goes out and eats say 25$ good service and good food i usually leave 15-20$ for a female same ticket with a male 8-15$. If we go somewhere nice say 130$ ticket for me and her I usually 30-40$ female 20-30$ male. I've never really understood the whole percentage thing because I feel people work just as hard in a small restaurant as the higher class ones. Maybe it's more of I feel a woman works harder and shouldn't have to compared to a male to do the same job maybe that's why I tip females more than males. You brought up some valid points been kinda of thinking of why I'm more likely to tip a female more than a male maybe just human nature being you stated that in this field woman are more likely to be tipped more than males
Honest question, do you consistently recieve bad service from males?

The few times I go to a higher end resturants there are more male servers than females.

As an occasional server i judge the person / performance off of the tip. Mind you there are exceptions to all rules. Since my wife and I have and do serve / kitchen still we tip apporiate based on that service scale. If you can afford more or feel it's worth more, then by all means do so.

So a male teacher, should be paid less than a female? To me, I see that's more of a female role, but at no time would I ever look down upon a teacher based on their gender.

I know it was said, but it holds true more often than not, but different races tip different as well as a lot of older people. Granted older people are on fixed income, but sometimes don't think they understand a servers pay. I spoken to quite a few people who did not realize that there is a server minimum wage and everyone else minimum wage.
Neal3000 said:
This might be a good spinoff thread.....For those of you who have worked in food service, whats worst thing you've ever one to a asshole customer's food or drink?

When I was in highschool i made next to nothing and just didn't give a ****, most people who work in food service now don't either, keep it in mind if your a **** or a bad tipper and a repeat customer, they WILL remember your ass.

Just a couple examples, i'm sure there were worse but i blocked them out

Once when i was a cook at Bojangles we ran out of chicken during a real busy time and a guy was rising hell at the poor girl at the register, i marinated that ****ers chicken with about 20 packs of cajun seasoning before i fried it up (only supposed to use 1) we could hear people just dying out in the dining room afterwards

Another time i was prepping food for the drivethru at wendy's and some woman was being a super smartass/bitch over the intercom, i threw her chicken patty on the disgustingly filthy floor and stomped it, then made her sandwich with it.

I've never done anything to food. If i found out that an ee did I would fire them immediately.

In college I served at On the Boarder for a little while though. The kitchen drains would always back up and the middle of the kitchen floor was sloped down so that a pond would form that we would all have to constantly walk through. You would spend your entire night walking around in soggy socks and shoes. It happened almost weekly and we would be ankle deep in putrid sewage water that was milky grey in color. Once or twice I saw food get dropped into the pond, submerged, and pulled right back out to still be served. Its why I left.
The pennies was my only real bad thing I did. I did drop a pizza box wading through somones back yard and flip it back over. Usually a free pizza card would get you out of that jam. But I did tell them what had happened.

As far as what I saw happen to food. Disgusting things. Usually when men talked especially raunchy towards female wait staff. Cooks can be defensive of pretty waitresses that they want to date.
Re: Re: I'll give you a tip !!!!!

Mortalis5509 said:
Honest question, do you consistently recieve bad service from males?

The few times I go to a higher end resturants there are more male servers than females.

As an occasional server i judge the person / performance off of the tip. Mind you there are exceptions to all rules. Since my wife and I have and do serve / kitchen still we tip apporiate based on that service scale. If you can afford more or feel it's worth more, then by all means do so.

So a male teacher, should be paid less than a female? To me, I see that's more of a female role, but at no time would I ever look down upon a teacher based on their gender.

I know it was said, but it holds true more often than not, but different races tip different as well as a lot of older people. Granted older people are on fixed income, but sometimes don't think they understand a servers pay. I spoken to quite a few people who did not realize that there is a server minimum wage and everyone else minimum wage.
I usually receive better service from a female than a male but that may just be my outlook at the situation kinda like I'm disappointed I received the male in the first place I have received some badass service from a waiter Around us it is mostly waitresses but I've noticed it gets more and more common to have a waiter around us also is more female teachers expect for shop/ag classes always kinda seen teaching as an equal profession between the two sexes I mean I do tip good apparently to the % scale male or female but I know I tip females better even tho the sever at the time knows no different than hey I got a descent tip. Still contemplating between if I feel the woman has to work harder to do the same job or if I expect more out of the male not trying to degrade anyone in this position just feel they aren't living up to their full potential referring to the ones that made a career of waiting tables not high school kids/ or someone falling on hard times and needs something to get by / not the owner taking pride in his business and picking up some slack or just customer relations I'm saying the guys that just seem like they gave up and settled being a waiter maybe that's all they want out of life idk maybe I'm just an asshole more than likely
Re: Re: I'll give you a tip !!!!!

patooyee said:
I've never done anything to food. If i found out that an ee did I would fire them immediately.

In college I served at On the Boarder for a little while though. The kitchen drains would always back up and the middle of the kitchen floor was sloped down so that a pond would form that we would all have to constantly walk through. You would spend your entire night walking around in soggy socks and shoes. It happened almost weekly and we would be ankle deep in putrid sewage water that was milky grey in color. Once or twice I saw food get dropped into the pond, submerged, and pulled right back out to still be served. Its why I left.
That's exactly like the small time restaurant I started working at with all my buddies at age 15. I never ****ed with anybody's food though, damn it Neal...

I worked 3.5 years doing everything from dishes to cooking, and honestly the worst part of the job really were bitchy waitresses, but I definitely do not miss any of it. You can only cook food so fast when you are the only short order cook working. I can't deal with irrational people.

I would have to fall on tremendously difficult times to ever work in the food industry ever again.
Eddyj said:
I enjoyed this thread more than most the last couple of days. When JJ got pissed and had a valid opinion, then it was discussed back and forth without anyone's threats to "whoop dat ass" was not only entertaining but gave you something to think about.
However, as someone who is not in the loop, the whole everytime batman says anything we are going to call him out, is getting old.
I think most of the people on here don't understand why everyone in the loop hates him. Just my opinion, but it's ruining the mojo of hardline.

I don't get it either Eddy