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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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Yes, we have let this tread slow down a little and I encourage everyone to help keep it alive. It has really been a blessing. Also for more like conversation and readying don't for get to visit www.ucora.org and the online Christian Magazine www.c4x4.com

C4X4 and the Austin Clan will be heading for the Wheelers for the Wounded event in Disney this weekend. We will go and battle the heat on the rocks for a worth cause...... ;D
Man, church was a wake up call to me yesterday. There is a saying that I have had in my head for a long time, and he laid it out yesterday. If you don't know CHRIST as your savior, then however your life is on earth is the best you'll ever have it! My life is great, I have so many things to be thankful for, but this world and all it's problems can't compare to what Heaven will be like one day. He also hit own how we live reflects our salvation. VERY TRUE! My actions have been way out of bounds lately. I have gotten so lazy in my faith, reading the word, and prayer. That all leads up to one big problem SIN. I am going to put more effort into my actions today, and try to have a positive christian attitude. I have an issue with thinken that drinken a couple beers is ok. If I'm at home and drink one after work, no buzz or feeling funny, I think I'm OK. When I go out to rides, resturaunts or wherever and I drink beer I feel like it kills any witness at all. Then it becomes a sin. What are some of your opinions on this? Be easy, this issue causes alot to conflict. I want to keep this thread CLEAN. This needs to continue to be a help.
Great Discussion item Hot Rod. This comes up quite often in our discussions. My out look on drinking is this. In no way will having a beer send you to HELL...... But the way I put it is that it might send someone else there because of the witness that you might have on someone. I know that this may be a little old school look at it, but people are watching us to see how we are living. They may consider it as a sin even though we know it is not. I just truly do not want to be a stumbling block for anyone else.
I dont see a problem with having a few beers anywhere and having a good time. And I hate the fact that I sometimes feel judged just because I am drinking a beer.
We want to show people the freedom of forgiveness and that we aren't striving to be perfect because no one is perfect. We are just trying to live the right way. Too often Christians are looked upon as sticks in the mud that arent allowed to have any fun. We like to show that you can live an awesome life full of thrills and excitement and still walk the right path at the same time.

I think Drinking responsibly is not a sin at all.

I believe Getting fall out drunk and looking a fool is, we all have done it and aren't proud of it.
Now lets be VERY clear that I in no way said that I think it is a sin to have a beer. It will defiantly not send you to HELL…..

But we are to not make our brother stumble…

But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. (1 Cor. 8:9)

It is my conviction that although it might not cause most to stumble that even if it cause one to do so then I would have been far better off to not have done it. “MY PERSONAL CONVICTION”

This is not saying that it is a sin for you to have one.

We could use the example of Christ referring to the eating of meat that was offered to idols.

However, there is not in everyone that knowledge; for some, with consciousness of the idol, until now eat it as a thing offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled. But food does not commend us to God; for neither if we eat are we the better, nor if we do not eat are we the worse. But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol's temple, will not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat those things offered to idols? (1 Cor. 8:7-10)

Sorry if tossing in the scriptures is too preachy and I am not a preacher my no means. Just sharing my thoughts.

On the point of showing others that Christians can have a good time and get wild and crazy, have a good time and wheel hard without a lot of drinking and obscene language. Well come on down and lets go wheelin. I will say this. I think all alcohol (if used) should be left back at the camp grounds. We are all crazy enough with out it. ?

OK!!!! Left have some more input on the topic.
hello everyone. for yall that dont know me, my name is Brad McReath. im co-owner of crusher ridge rock crawler park in hartselle al. i would like to offer our park to anyone wanting to put on a christian based ride . i think a service and ride would merge great together. and who knows , it may bring some people closer to god that only ride or bring a few into off roading that praise him everyday. if anyone would like to get something like this going a sunday or 2 a yr or something im very interested in putting all my efforts and my park into it 100% !!!!!
PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brad I think that would be awesome to put on a christian based ride at the park. I know I along with others could use some help keeping our lives on track and this would be a great way to meet some people that would like to share the word and have a great time doing it. I could always use some good influences in my life. I'll help ya out anyway I can
zayne2427 said:
Brad I think that would be awesome to put on a christian based ride at the park. I know I along with others could use some help keeping our lives on track and this would be a great way to meet some people that would like to share the word and have a great time doing it. I could always use some good influences in my life. I'll help ya out anyway I can

after reading all the posts on 10 pages , i just had to offer the park for something like this. i hope someone wants to try to get a sunday planned. the offer is open to anyone to oraganize something....
There is great potential in doing this type of family oriented events. We started with the Crawl 4 Christ event in 2008 and had 23 rigs in Hot Springs Ark @ Super Lift Park, in 2009 we were up to 53 rigs in Disney, Ok. and the this year year we had 114 rigs and over 300 people at the C4C event in SMORR in June. Hope someone in the area will pick up the ball and run with it..... :)
Brad my club would be interested in something let me get some details worked out with some of the other guys and I will talk to some. Maybe David it can be the crawl for Christ for the southeast. ;D
I have recently felt the strongest desire to have Christ in my life more than ever. It is sometimes strange where these feelings come from, such as loggers talking to me strongly about it. Jesus is my savior and I'm not afraid to say it. I am all for a Christian ride and hope that I can participate.
Come on guys. I've almost got the bronco back together and a Christian wheeling trip to Al would be great! Get that ride planned.
Yes!!!!! Lets get er Planned. If Bronco Crawler comes he can provide the entertainment as he did for us at the First Crawl 4 Christ.

Bronco Ballet

Sorry Laddle, I just can't let you live that one down...... ;D