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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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Acts 1 verse 8

This verse hit home to me last night.
But ye shall receive power after that the HOLY GHOST is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unton me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Now, this verse was explained in detail to me last night. It is saying we are all called to be "Preachers" maybe not a pastor but to spread the word all over the world. We all need to get some nerve and start reaching out more. Especially with our actions. I am def. preaching to myself.

Prayer request: my cousin will be leaving soon on a year mission trip to China. Please keep her and her group in your prayers that they may lead someone to Christ. :dblthumb:
Hey Hot Rod..... Good morning too you. Yes we are to plant seeds where ever we go and whatever do. Be it sharing the Gospel directly to just a small decal on our rig. We never know when or where that seed might take root. I call it flying our flag although I do not have a flag on my rig, I do casually let people know what I stand for in a not threatening way. If someone desires conversation that is fine.

On another not..... Are we having any movement on an event out that way...... Lets keep the possibilities rolling ;D
Everyone please refer to the Trail rides section. The Choccolocco Mtn. Toys for Tots ride will be our first go at a Christian ride. I hope the LORD blesses Trey and his park for standing up for what he believes in. Please plan to attend, it's gonna be a blast.
this is my first time posting in this thread.
I had to do something today that has really got me down in a bad way. This may not be the best place to ask for prayers, but here goes anyway:
My 8 month old son has been sick with an ear infection that started over 2 weeks ago, well the antibiotic made him sick and we had to put him the hospital yesterday because he got so dehydrated. After 3 bags of I-V fluids and over 30 hrs in the hospital, they let us come home today and my baby was very excited to see our dog when we got home. He crawled over to the dog and touched him and that scared the dog and he tried to bite my son. Luckily my wife was close enough that she snatched him up before he got bit. I freaked out, This dog has been like our child until our son was born in January. I immediately took him down to the vets office and had him put down. I dont know if I acted too fast or if I did the right thing. I know it was just a dog, but he was like a kid to me. I just ask that yall pray for my family and especially my son because he still isnt eating very good.
Thanks, Jeremy Forsyth
props to you for getting rid of the dog....it could have had something to do with the ear infections also :dunno: no dog is worth risking a childs health over
Prayers for your family. I know putting down a dog is tough but you must protect the child. Our prayers for your child to continue to recover. God Bless You and Yours........
Hotrod, good luck with the event :dblthumb: wish I was closer to attend :dunno:

FroggF350, glad you know where to go for encouragement :dblthumb: I do mean to the Lord in prayer that is :dblthumb: Sorry about your dog it is a difficult thing to do :'(
Glad your little boy is doing better :woot: God has given all of us parents a great opportunity and blessing through our kids :woot:
Thanks for the support. Trey is being so helpful and he feels led to do this, so I think something will turn out to be good from this. Hey Frogg, glad to hear the boy is ok, man I feel for ya on your dog situation. Me and my wife have one that is like a son to us. He don't leave my side. It would be hard to do what you did, but you did what was best for you family.
CRAWL 4 CHRIST 2011!!!!!!!!!!!! Exciting News released yesterday. The 2011 C4C event will be held in Harlan, Ky. in mid June. WE are very excited about coming out east for this huge event. We will expect a huge turn out again this year and expect to see many new faces that have not made any of the first 3 events that have been held in the Mid West. A group from the Louisville, Ky and In. area will be hosting this years event. So we will keep you all posted and get ready to write it on your calender...

I want to thank David and all the others that keep this thread up and going. I get on here atleast once a day, and it amazes me how this thread keeps growing and touching people. Being a Christain and setting good examples are hard these days because of everything that is just a click away, but it's the constants that keep the faith. Your Hardlines mustard seed. :dblthumb:
Simple verse for the day.
Proverbs 5:1
My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding.

so simple, but speaks to me
OK!!!! The October Issue of C4X4.COM is up and what a GREAT job Randy is doing with the Magazine. We are proud to have him involved. Be sure and check out the new stories and don't forget to check the EDITORIAL TAB> ENJOY and God Bless You and Yours.

Luke 21:34

Be careful, or your hearts will be wieghed down with dissipation and drunkeness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.

I have made some mistakes in the past couple weeks. I have lost sight of my relationship with GOD so bad. I have started letting life be more important and the things I want taking over what I need. I am a very blessed man that has all I could ask for, but am never satisfied. That is a sin. The devil is quick to take us over unexpectedly and bam our mind is way out of left field and the consequences suck.
I made some verbal deals that I had to break over this. I feel low and sorry for not going through with my actions, but I let my wants and impatience lead me into traps. I never back out of what I say, but some things are happening in my life that leave me no choice. Just like everyone else finances are getting tighter and I we can't let toys and hobbies but our finaces in any kind of fear. So I have had to take a step back and examine myself and my way of life lately. Anybody else dealing with these issues? We need to pray for our new leaders that have been elected and pray that the LORD will bless our nation.
Hotrod said:
Luke 21:34

Be careful, or your hearts will be wieghed down with dissipation and drunkeness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.

I have made some mistakes in the past couple weeks. I have lost sight of my relationship with GOD so bad. I have started letting life be more important and the things I want taking over what I need. I am a very blessed man that has all I could ask for, but am never satisfied. That is a sin. The devil is quick to take us over unexpectedly and bam our mind is way out of left field and the consequences suck.
I made some verbal deals that I had to break over this. I feel low and sorry for not going through with my actions, but I let my wants and impatience lead me into traps. I never back out of what I say, but some things are happening in my life that leave me no choice. Just like everyone else finances are getting tighter and I we can't let toys and hobbies but our finaces in any kind of fear. So I have had to take a step back and examine myself and my way of life lately. Anybody else dealing with these issues? We need to pray for our new leaders that have been elected and pray that the LORD will bless our nation.

Hope everything works out for you, it is easy to want more than you need for sure. Everyone on the board probably struggles with that, even guys that build $100k+ race cars that win evens still want more.. that is natural , dont beat yourself up too much