Luke 21:34
Be careful, or your hearts will be wieghed down with dissipation and drunkeness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.
I have made some mistakes in the past couple weeks. I have lost sight of my relationship with GOD so bad. I have started letting life be more important and the things I want taking over what I need. I am a very blessed man that has all I could ask for, but am never satisfied. That is a sin. The devil is quick to take us over unexpectedly and bam our mind is way out of left field and the consequences suck.
I made some verbal deals that I had to break over this. I feel low and sorry for not going through with my actions, but I let my wants and impatience lead me into traps. I never back out of what I say, but some things are happening in my life that leave me no choice. Just like everyone else finances are getting tighter and I we can't let toys and hobbies but our finaces in any kind of fear. So I have had to take a step back and examine myself and my way of life lately. Anybody else dealing with these issues? We need to pray for our new leaders that have been elected and pray that the LORD will bless our nation.