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Lets see your tow rigs

you guys act like we don't like gassers.. I'd love to have my Old BB highboy back.. They're just too totally different beasts.
Lucky Jeff said:
you guys act like we don't like gassers.. I'd love to have my Old BB highboy back.. They're just too totally different beasts.
Hey Pipedown, you are supposed to be on our side.:flipoff: :redneck:
Lucky Jeff said:
Gassers suck! :flipoff:

and just how much is it going to cost to fix your truck this time:corn: :corn:

I can go on a lot of trips for the $$$$$ differance between a cummins and my bbc and I get to stay in a nice comfy and roomy MH instesd of some cramped up camper that reeks of smoke:puke: then theres the fact that desil is more than gas now:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
PORTER said:
Hey, dont be hatin. They are good for something???? Oh ya, they are quieter.:flipoff:

and their faster and they are easy to work on and mods dont break the bank and they dont stink:puke:
pokey said:
and their faster and they are easy to work on and mods dont break the bank and they dont stink:puke:

Ya, and I dont have one so they suck :flipoff:
pokey said:
Diesels are faster, all the cool kids have one, get better mileage, are more powerful, and all the cool kids have one.
Fixed it for you Pokester.:haha: :haha: :haha: :stirpot:
pokey said:
and their faster and they are easy to work on and mods dont break the bank and they dont stink:puke:
I really don't have much money into my truck.. Yea a lot do. They just have the cash flow to do so.. I'm flat ass broke most of the time. And it costs me a couple hundred more to rebuild the whole motor in this truck then it did to rebuild the 350's when I was working at the bowtie shop. They aren't near as expensive as people want them to be. The most expensive thing I have looked into for this truck is Porting the head.. and that's only because it's paying someone an hourly wage.. not just buying an actual product. Hell rebuilding the entire motor costs less then getting the head ported at PDR.
roccrawler said:
Arent you just a trixster tonight:stirpot:
Are you sleepy or something? this is all you got? wake up you must be tired from the loooonnnngggg ssslllllooooowwwww gasser tow ride home from hanging out with the EBP crew.:stirpot: :cheer: :kiss:
wheelinjp said:
Are you sleepy or something? this is all you got? wake up you must be tired from the loooonnnngggg ssslllllooooowwwww gasser tow ride home from hanging out with the EBP crew.:stirpot: :cheer: :kiss:

Ya I think I got up to 25mph in a couple straights
What you young-uns dont see is that your all just part of a huge marketing scam. Suddenly its cool to spend $35-$50,000 on some desil truck and then another lump of change on a camper if you can afford yet another payment. when for the same or less money you could have bought yourself a nice MH and written it off on your taxes as a second home:clappy: . Its kind of like selling the newest fashion to high school girls they too will buy whatever their told is cool while the marketing guys laugh their asses off at you:haha: :haha: :haha: anyone notice that the price of desil went thru the roof after the trucks became popular and all the cool kids had to have one:rolleyes: thats the fun thing about fools theres one born every moment:corn: :corn:
Since when are diesels the only vehicles being sold new? :rolleyes: I didn't buy my truck to live in it.. I bought it to use it as a truck.. Hey I need to make a dump run tomorrow.. Can I throw all my stuff in your motorhome? Then we'll swing by barkers and pick up 5 yards of bark. Oh we can get a dumptruck to bring everything I need.. dump it on a tarp on the front driveway.. Use the wheelbarrow to bring it around back. Orrr I could drive my truck back there.. and just unload where needed.. Wanna go up to the mountains with everyones snowboards and gear? Hey I don't need an extra SUV, my truck will do great. I'll be waiting for you at the ticket booth while you're putting your chains on.. Unless you can get 6 snowboards and 6 people in your Jeep.

Kinda funny how a VW diesel gets better mileage then even a hybrid gas/electric. plus can actually move out of it's own way, and I can't wait to see how long those hybrids last. Diesels are not a "new trend". we have more or less been forced this way. And it's worked out for the better.

I don't have the ability to have different rigs for different occasions.. So I have my truck.
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Lucky Jeff said:
Since when are diesels the only vehicles being sold new? :rolleyes: I didn't buy my truck to live in it.. I bought it to use it as a truck.. Hey I need to make a dump run tomorrow.. Can I throw all my stuff in your motorhome? Then we'll swing by barkers and pick up 5 yards of bark. Oh we can get a dumptruck to bring everything I need.. dump it on a tarp on the front driveway.. Use the wheelbarrow to bring it around back. Orrr I could drive my truck back there.. and just unload where needed.. Wanna go up to the mountains with everyones snowboards and gear? Hey I don't need an extra SUV, my truck will do great. I'll be waiting for you at the ticket booth while you're putting your chains on.. Unless you can get 6 snowboards and 6 people in your Jeep.

Kinda funny how a VW diesel gets better mileage then even a hybrid gas/electric. plus can actually move out of it's own way, and I can't wait to see how long those hybrids last. Diesels are not a "new trend". we have more or less been forced this way. And it's worked out for the better.

I don't have the ability to have different rigs for different occasions.. So I have my truck.

I dont ski anymore its too expencive:rolleyes:
pokey said:
I dont ski anymore its too expencive:rolleyes:
don't make me cry.. I haven't been able to in a couple years either. I got my Job and thought "sweet! now i'll have plenty to go skiing".. But now I'm working so much I can't go :mad:
Lucky Jeff said:
don't make me cry.. I haven't been able to in a couple years either. I got my Job and thought "sweet! now i'll have plenty to go skiing".. But now I'm working so much I can't go :mad:

Dont worry it only gets worse as you get older:wheelchair: So many things you want to do and so many responsibilitys that keep you from doing them:mad: