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Pirate 4x4 - VOTE for KOH

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They will all be there at the race for sure. Beating Chris will be hard to do for sure but beating up on Bray for not going to the races last year is silly. He had a new child and just a few other things on his mind at the time. Not that it should matter. He is a great guy and well deserving of the spot.
lt1wrangler;8591327 said:
Hey guys, I appreciate all the votes! I was honored to even get the call from lance and would love the opportunity to represent Pirate 4x4. I am an east coast boy who's competed in both the east and the west in rock crawling and rock racing! We will be running the Pro Mod rig as it is the most dependable rig I've ever had and Jesse built it for all around use.

Due to issues with my wife having our son last year, I had to sit out at the last minute but we are stoked to run this year in whatever fashion it happens. If its the LCQ, then we are going all out! Its only 2100 miles at a chance, WE'RE IN!

So lets get to voting! See you guys in the Hammers!

Vote for Rusty!
Nothing bad to say about Rusty, I know what he had going on last year and I know what I have put my family through to do things I wanted to do, I am firm with the saying, IF YOU WANT TO RUN WITH THE BIG DOGS STEP UP TO THE PLATE!!! Don't sit back and say, if only or just maybe if I??? Not tring to piss anyone off, even Nolan, dont want the midget after me thumb.gif

But there are people like Peter Wells that have not had **** handed to them and made it to the top on their own, with equipment not near as good as others.

If you want to know the truth of how I feel, put Shannon, Brian and Crash on a team and not sure anyone could beat them. For those that don't know Crash Harrison, he is one of the first to EVER be in a rock race, he got alot of us started, J.T. also.

How does someone like R.J Brown make it in :dunno: :dunno: Sure he blows up **** and has fires but were was he this season or were did he finish last season, thought this race was about the best of the best, hell Nolan is a bigger name than R.J., I think he should be in. On the other side of the coin if my friend Carl wanted to race I sure would ride shotgun with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loller.gif loller.gif loller.gif loller.gif

Sorry I talk to much, I am done with this.
You won and extremey award and got a handjob in cargo shorts.. **** it Id vote for you !

( even if the handy was from some dood you just meet. :eek: )
P said:
You won and extremey award and got a handjob in cargo shorts.. **** it Id vote for you !

( even if the handy was from some dood you just meet. :eek: )

I won the mo ****in all american soap box derby world championships in 98 son.. how's that for race experience :flipoff1:! bring on teh hammers laughing1 laughing1 shannon campbell ain't got nuffin on my cryo'd/heat treated soap box derby axles (fo real they were :eek: laughing1)... fugggg I was sponsored by "Nader's Pest Raiders" and "Great Clips" laughing1
I won the mo ****in all american soap box derby world championships in 98 son.. how's that for race experience :flipoff1:! bring on teh hammers laughing1 laughing1 shannon campbell ain't got nuffin on my cryo'd/heat treated soap box derby axles (fo real they were :eek: laughing1)... fugggg I was sponsored by "Nader's Pest Raiders" and "Great Clips" laughing1
Damn, quick google search... Rob you are the MAN!!!

I won the mo ****in all american soap box derby world championships in 98 son.. how's that for race experience :flipoff1:! bring on teh hammers laughing1 laughing1 shannon campbell ain't got nuffin on my cryo'd/heat treated soap box derby axles (fo real they were :eek: laughing1)... fugggg I was sponsored by "Nader's Pest Raiders" and "Great Clips" laughing1
now go get your picture taken with Pastrana and we may have something to work with :flipoff1:
InDaShop said:
now go get your picture taken with Pastrana and we may have something to work with :flipoff1:

I gotta dig up the picture of me with Dennis Haskins---you know the principal from Saved By The Bell laughing1 laughing1 laughing1----I'd name drop that ****. "What you gonna do when Mr. Belding is co-dawggn' and I go jihad on yo ass"
Wells was 2007 XRRA champ and was nt at KOH08......why is that? Has anyone gotteninto his personal life to ask why?

Point is I take offense (I am sure Rusty does as well) to those saying they would put a stupid race in front of their family.

Whatever. Thank God I don't feel like I have anything to prove anymore ::)
bentandtwisted said:
Which rig is Rusty going to run at K.O.H. race?? The one he didn't show up in at the finials last year or the one he didn't show up in at K.O.H. last year :dunno: :dunno:

To many other races and crawlers out there that really want to race for me to vote for him, just my .02 worth, I have my flame suit on so go ahead and throw rocks thumb.gif

Take a real good look at the last 4 years from WEROC and the XRRA and really look at the names of the teams. lots of guys out there that should get that spot.


Not that it should matter to you, but I chose to put my family first and since my daughter competes on a national level, I went to her comp. rather than my own finals. My mistake, I guess I should have come out and run with the "Big Dogs". I've only done that since 2002 on the east and west. Lets see.....14 comps in 2003(east and west), 16 comps in 2004(east and west), Can't remember how many in 2005, I spotted in 2006 on east and west, and won XRRA east series in 2007 and finished 3rd in the We-roc series. Not bad for someone who "doesn't want to race". I'm sorry, I apologize for missing two events in 6 years! I'll just tell my two daughters to wait on their Dad to chase his dreams and spend their college education!

I am honored at the chance to represent a site we all love! Thanks for the support guys!

Rusty Bray
I respect the hell out of you Rusty, I would have done the same thing.
When you sold the Campbell chassis, and the reasons you listed, I competely understood. Not sure a many people will understand unless they have a wife and kids. **** changes your life, makes alot of stuff you thought was so important, not.

You did get my vote, I think I was #9
See you on Friday!

EDIT: Oh yeah, and WELCOME to the Board
Lt1wrangler said:

Not that it should matter to you, but I chose to put my family first and since my daughter competes on a national level, I went to her comp. rather than my own finals. My mistake, I guess I should have come out and run with the "Big Dogs". I've only done that since 2002 on the east and west. Lets see.....14 comps in 2003(east and west), 16 comps in 2004(east and west), Can't remember how many in 2005, I spotted in 2006 on east and west, and won XRRA east series in 2007 and finished 3rd in the We-roc series. Not bad for someone who "doesn't want to race". I'm sorry, I apologize for missing two events in 6 years! I'll just tell my two daughters to wait on their Dad to chase his dreams and spend their college education!

I am honored at the chance to represent a site we all love! Thanks for the support guys!

Rusty Bray

Rusty I questioned your committment in the first page of this thread, I did not know you had a family conflict, that always comes first. I apologize for that. I thought you did not go because the Campbell rig was not done which would of been lame since you had a championship winning rig in the stable ready to go. I went to my first ever rock sports event in 2007. It was WERock in TN and I stood around your rig staring for 30 minutes. I hope you win the vote and represent the east, we need more guys in this race. Hope to meet you out there
Thanks guys, I like the board! This must be where all the cool guys hang out. ;D
See you guys this weekend!
Funny, I was contacted by Rusty 2 days ago about being selected as a Pirate contender. I emailed him back and said I would pass the word and that he should check out Hardline and introduce himself. Little did I know all you guys were gonna poop on him... :eek: laughing1

That is what I love about this board, serously, you guys speak your mind and that is awesome. Rusty is a big boy and can take care of himself, it is just good to hear stories from the horse's mouth and not from the grapevine.

I will say this.....I don't know Rusty well but he is a guy I could and WOULD call if I were in a bind. He is a stand-up guy and I am glad to call him a friend. No matter the outcome of the vote, Rusty will be there tearing the ass out of Johnson Valley.

Don't worry Nolen, we call you a nice guy behind your back all the time. Its just when we are in front of you we call you a ****. molaugh

See you in two sleeps.
Yeah stick around a while Rusty. People do speak their mind a little more here than on Pirate, but we do all know each other pretty well too. See you Friday thumb.gif
I do apologize (sp) if my post pissed most of you off. I am one that speakes his mind all most all of the time and sometimes not in the right place. From the pm's I have got I guess my time in here has come to an end, again I am sorry just though I could be open with most of you but I guess it has changed how alot of you feel about me and for that I am sorry. I am not a bad guy maybe just to open about what I say. I do wish all that are racing in K.O.H the best of luck and I hope you all have a great 2009 season. Rusty I am sorry for all of this bullshit and good luck to you and your family. Good luck to all board members at the race. Nolan just wanted to say that I am sorry to you also, I know you have went out of your way to help me out.

Mike McClure