If its free, its P
Welcome to the boards Rusty, good luck this weekend and we will see you at the KOH LCQ 

bentandtwisted said:I do apologize (sp) if my post pissed most of you off. I am one that speakes his mind all most all of the time and sometimes not in the right place. From the pm's I have got I guess my time in here has come to an end, again I am sorry just though I could be open with most of you but I guess it has changed how alot of you feel about me and for that I am sorry. I am not a bad guy maybe just to open about what I say. I do wish all that are racing in K.O.H the best of luck and I hope you all have a great 2009 season. Rusty I am sorry for all of this bullshit and good luck to you and your family. Good luck to all board members at the race. Nolan just wanted to say that I am sorry to you also, I know you have went out of your way to help me out.
Mike McClure
Matt O. said:I kinda sucks that it comes down to a popularity contest on PBB with one-legged West Coast Internet Celebrity. I for one have never seen him actually drive, but I know Rusty has more experience fo sho...
bentandtwisted said:I do apologize (sp) if my post pissed most of you off. I am one that speakes his mind all most all of the time and sometimes not in the right place. From the pm's I have got I guess my time in here has come to an end, again I am sorry just though I could be open with most of you but I guess it has changed how alot of you feel about me and for that I am sorry. I am not a bad guy maybe just to open about what I say. I do wish all that are racing in K.O.H the best of luck and I hope you all have a great 2009 season. Rusty I am sorry for all of this bullshit and good luck to you and your family. Good luck to all board members at the race. Nolan just wanted to say that I am sorry to you also, I know you have went out of your way to help me out.
Mike McClure
bentandtwisted said:I do apologize (sp) if my post pissed most of you off. I am one that speakes his mind all most all of the time and sometimes not in the right place. From the pm's I have got I guess my time in here has come to an end, again I am sorry just though I could be open with most of you but I guess it has changed how alot of you feel about me and for that I am sorry. I am not a bad guy maybe just to open about what I say. I do wish all that are racing in K.O.H the best of luck and I hope you all have a great 2009 season. Rusty I am sorry for all of this bullshit and good luck to you and your family. Good luck to all board members at the race. Nolan just wanted to say that I am sorry to you also, I know you have went out of your way to help me out.
Mike McClure
InDaShop said:Updated my sig on Pirate with the link to vote for ya Rusty.
Does that mean I am driving??InDaShop said:**** Joel, you know I dont swing from balls, I lick 'em. I'll shwo you tomorrow while we're rocking out in the SMARTcar.
Way ahead of you , already did that yesterday. I also posted a link on South Mississippi Jeep as well.wngrog said:Joel, see if you can get some of your minions on Central MS Jeep to vote for Rusty....
I posted a link and request to vote on Ih8mud.com and Cowtownjeeps.com
Rusty is about to tie it up......