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Piss off the ol'Lady


twizt3dfuc said:
Pretty sure I've learned not to get married from this post. mine brings me beer to work or ask me if im hungry and proceeds to do anything for me. Hell she's even seen the abominations that are rock crawlers and likes em....

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Don't man. Seriously. Well maybe after living together for many years.. And then I still wouldn't put **** in both names! :****: State law. Fuuuuuk that. Learned that the 1st time.. 2nd was a breeze .. Glad you learned that the easy way. :smoke:
patooyee said:
Nothing. Literally.

I answer questions with short, concise, logical answers. No need for tons of words, beating around the bush, protecting her feelings, etc. She hates that. I guess she wants 20-minute long overly complicated answers? But I don't see the point if a simple yes or no will work. This pisses her off, makes her ask if I am mad at her, starts fights, etc. Stoopid.

Conversely, both her and my Mom do this that really pisses me off. It's where they'll ask 49 different questions THAT AREN'T THE QUESTION THEY ARE TRYING TO ANSWER to get the one they really want answered.

What are you doing Thurs.?
I don't know, why?
Is there anything near Pensacola going on?
I don't know, why?
What is near the Wal-Mart on Creighton?
Lot's of stuff, why?
What do you think the temperature will be in Pensacola on Thurs. around noon?
I don't know, why?
Do you think Embry is 42" tall?
I don't know, we can measure ...

Inevitably this is about the point that I explode.

Well, there's a free water slide event on Thurs. at noon near the Wal-Mart in Pensacola but you have to be 42" to slide. Do you think Embry would like to go?

Hahahahahaha!!! YES!!!!!!

My wife is the exact same way!!
Re: Re: Piss off the ol'Lady

Eddyj said:
Your probably the best catch in Phil Campbell.
I'm a solid 7/10 on anyone's scale lmao

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Got a good laugh today. Going down the road trying to decide where to eat, ole lady asks her boy (Weston - 8 yrs old) where he would like to eat, he's in the back seat playing his hand held Nintendo DS, doesn't reply because he's enveloped in the game, asks him again - no reply, then she takes it away from him and I immediately busted out laughing because she does the same exact damn thing when she is on facebook on her phone and I ask her something haha she didn't think it was too funny, but I'm gonna jerk that damn phone out of her hand next time and see how she likes it! :****:
Hahahaha. I knew I could count on y'all to remind me I'm not the only inconsiderate asshole. I thought me and brad were the last of a dyin breed. How could I forget about all the assholes round here? Ha

I would be divorced. Months in advance for a 2-3 day trip unless something comes up. I sneak out on day trips, but usually bring a kid with me, to balance the scales. I even let her pick which one for the day. Gonna have to brush up on my **** of the week skills I guess.
Re: Re:

lowbudgetjunk said:
I would be divorced. Months in advance for a 2-3 day trip unless something comes up. I sneak out on day trips, but usually bring a kid with me, to balance the scales. I even let her pick which one for the day. Gonna have to brush up on my **** of the week skills I guess.
Meh, I kinda do the same. Kind of a mutual respect thing. I wouldn't want her to plan something last minute on me if I had already had in mind doing something with her that weekend. If we have no plans at all, sometimes I decide stuff last minute when there are no plans already in place. But most of the time, plans are always made. Generally, I know what my weekend will consist of by like Tuesday. Haha
Eh I'm on the same page as JD on this one. It's a mutual respect thing for me too. Mine doesn't much care what I do as long as I give plenty of advance notice so she can plan something if she wants to. Makes for a less tense household. We don't really bicker back and forth ever. We just have a couple domestic altercations a year that are massive. I prefer it that way.