Well Yesterday I notched the floorboard for the exhaust. This is the only place that needed it.
And made a clutch stopper.
Here is a little bit of my own how to tech:
Well I am sure this applies to most IH vehicles that have a manual or maybe even a automatic transmission. The nylon bushings that they put in the pedal assembly will eventually wear out (if they havent already). I have come up with a permanent solution to the problem.
Remove the pedals from the pedal assembly and take out the old nylon bushings. If you have a manual you will need to remove the steel sleeve that is located to the left of the brake pedal at the top.
Once Everything is removed get a good 7/8 drill bit and clamp the pedal firmly to your drill press. In my case I used a vice. You need to drill down 3/4 of an inch into the tubing for the bushings to fit properly. The bushings that I bought were bronze The fit around the shaft that went through the top of the pedal and sleeve. They are 7/8 Outer Diameter, and 3/4 inch long.
After the hole is drilled tap the bronze bushing in with hammer and then grind off the excess on the outside. If the bushings are to tight use a dremel to take a little bit off the inside of the bushings. They should look something like this:
The photo is a little blurry but I did leave a lip on one side to prevent side so side sway.
These are the old bushings I still have 2 remaining in my assembly. They are on the far outsides where I couldnt drill out without removing the pedal assembly. If you have a lathe you could turn down the bronze bushings a little to slide inside of there but I dont so I left 2 of the originals in there. Don't forget to grease the tubes before you reassemble everything.