-Oh no I picked a side-
Here ya go
The back half is done till I get the a-pillars done.

The back half is done till I get the a-pillars done.
crash said:Here ya go
The back half is done till I get the a-pillars done.
crash said:I might head back out tonight--but another rig was dropped off today so I gotta get onto that tommorow and get a game plan going....
crash said:I might head back out tonight--but another rig was dropped off today so I gotta get onto that tommorow and get a game plan going....
War-Jeeper said:You gonna start a thread for that new rig?
TTF Fabrication said:is it on pirate?
Jaydog said:Nope, some other hardcore board. :clappy:
Jaydog said:Nope, some other hardcore board. :clappy:
Can some one hand me a rag.......
Looks Great mike, I am looking forward to seeing what next!
Your killin me......I seen it sat. and it was just a pile of straight tube and metal.......AAWWWWGGGG!Bunk said:I seen more bent tube today!!! Sh!ts turning out tight.