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Reiter Pass's a SEPA (that means it's opening)

Am I? No.

And you haven't offered a resolution or idea about the issue of separation (or lack of).

Are you really a part of the conversation? Your examples and metaphors give zero information. Do you have any information we can use?

I see no point in seperating EVERY user group out. there is not even connector trail for the two different 4x4 sections, so that makes both of them worthless if someone were to not spend have the day loading and unloading their ORV from the trailer/truck. Now, are the powerline trails going to be usable for getting from area to area? If SOME of the 4x4 trails allowed other ORV users on them it would make getting around the whole area a lot easier. It looks like more of a cluster-**** than before.:awesomework: Looking at the map there is a frickin trail up near the Deer Creek area that doesn't even have access from the main road! :haha: It's a well thought out map i assure you.:D

You're right i have no information to offer. :hi:
I'm trying to find out information. :;
And giving my opinion.
If the ATV and sidebyside riders didn't have a problem with us 4x4er's being on there trails i would see no reason to not let them use our trails also...:awesomework: More trail mileage!!!!!!:awesomework::awesomework:
If the ATV and sidebyside riders didn't have a problem with us 4x4er's being on there trails i would see no reason to not let them use our trails also...:awesomework: More trail mileage!!!!!!:awesomework::awesomework:

Yep. No problem as long as you meet the 50" width requirements. :awesomework:
Not this one, but yes.

Did you know that you are required to have insurance? Other areas have lots of regulations on our sports that we don't seem to have in WA. It may be good or it might be bad. Oregon is making safety classes mandatory and I would imagine it has to make ORV areas better and safer than what we had at Reiter. I'm not for more rules....But it could help with the whole E&E process.
Yep. No problem as long as you meet the 50" width requirements. :awesomework:

So then they need set a minimum width restriction on the 4x4 trails.

Why should the quads and bikes get free run of the place ?

I hate asshole bikers that expect me to move out of there way like they should have the right of way. Same goes with the quad guys. I don't know how many times up at rieter that i would come around a corner only to see a dipshit on his bike hauling ass and damn near running into the front of my truck. No thanks they have there area STAY THERE :awesomework:
So then they need set a minimum width restriction on the 4x4 trails.

Why should the quads and bikes get free run of the place ?

I hate asshole bikers that expect me to move out of there way like they should have the right of way. Same goes with the quad guys. I don't know how many times up at rieter that i would come around a corner only to see a dipshit on his bike hauling ass and damn near running into the front of my truck. No thanks they have there area STAY THERE :awesomework:

In other areas (Naches) you don't see as much dip-shittery going on on the 4x4 trails. I've never had a case of a motorocycle disrespecting me or others on the 4x4 trails when theyre on them... I think it was the trashing reiter mentality. As I'm sure you get that crap at elbe/tahuya/walker...:stirpot:
In other areas (Naches) you don't see as much dip-shittery going on on the 4x4 trails. I've never had a case of a motorocycle disrespecting me or others on the 4x4 trails when theyre on them... I think it was the trashing reiter mentality. As I'm sure you get that crap at elbe/tahuya/walker...:stirpot:

Maybe but at rieter and walker I've had guys pop up behind me on the trail or in front of me and then stare like i'm intruding on there trail.

The best ones are the guys who sit behind you revving up there bikes expecting me to drive into the bushes to get out of there way :eeek: And then when they get the chance to go by they try to be johnny cool guy and roost people as they go by :awesomework: Yeah real fun for us 4x4's.

By far hands down the biggest bunch of assholes that ride 2 wheelers is the trials biker guys I really would rather they go anywhere else hell give them own area whatever. Just keep them seperate from us I'm really sick of dealing with them
Maybe but at rieter and walker I've had guys pop up behind me on the trail or in front of me and then stare like i'm intruding on there trail.

The best ones are the guys who sit behind you revving up there bikes expecting me to drive into the bushes to get out of there way :eeek: And then when they get the chance to go by they try to be johnny cool guy and roost people as they go by :awesomework: Yeah real fun for us 4x4's.

By far hands down the biggest bunch of assholes that ride 2 wheelers is the trials biker guys I really would rather they go anywhere else hell give them own area whatever. Just keep them seperate from us I'm really sick of dealing with them

Ya, I'm not disagreeing with you about the guys at reiter, I have on numerous occasions been roosted on my quad or in my truck, they rap it off right as they go by your window. I was also riding up the main road to the wall on my quad and got roosted by the same two YZ-250 A-holes I had gotten roosted by before earlier in the day. Kinda dissapointing that people are like that consitently...:rolleyes::looser:
I could care less if dirtbikes are on 4x4 trails. More power to you. I say the less rules out there the better. Live, and let live. Wheel, and let wheel.

:awesomework: I agree. 4X4 trails are the ONLY true multi-use trails out there, as in everybody can use them and get along if we try. I have had more than my share of unfortunate "run ins" with bikes both motorized and not as well as horses. I usally find that a little courtesy goes a long way and when it dosent they best remember that our vehicles are much larger and heavyier than their and in a collision we typicly win. :booo:

On another note start keeping a sharp eye on the enviro groups. This is typicly the time frame when they will start throwing lawsuits in the way to get what they want:booo:
On another note start keeping a sharp eye on the enviro groups. This is typically the time frame when they will start throwing lawsuits in the way to get what they want:booo:

Yes. And they apparently did not fight the approval of the latest SEPA. But we're not out of the dark yet. They could fight the permits for the parking area.......the next step. And if they fight that and lose, they could fight the permits needed for the actual trail building.......bikes and/or 4x4 trails.

We are gaining ground and progressing forward, regardless.
Yes. And they apparently did not fight the approval of the latest SEPA. But we're not out of the dark yet. They could fight the permits for the parking area.......the next step. And if they fight that and lose, they could fight the permits needed for the actual trail building.......bikes and/or 4x4 trails.

We are gaining ground and progressing forward, regardless.

Hopefully the hikers can see it as a parking lot for them also...
Hopefully the hikers can see it as a parking lot for them also...


They have a different area to use and will have a different parking lot though.

If we can ALL (hikers, bikers, wheelers, climbers) think of the entire area as OUR Reiter Foothills Forest/ORV Park, then there should be no reason for one group to keep out or hold up another; during the permitting and building process.

They have a different area to use and will have a different parking lot though.

If we can ALL (hikers, bikers, wheelers, climbers) think of the entire area as OUR Reiter Foothills Forest/ORV Park, then there should be no reason for one group to keep out or hold up another; during the permitting and building process.

Ya, unfortunately some groups believe their shiz don't stank! :puke:

I must admit it would be pretty rad if all parties could share ONE area and parking lot. :awesomework:
Yes. And they apparently did not fight the approval of the latest SEPA. But we're not out of the dark yet. They could fight the permits for the parking area.......the next step. And if they fight that and lose, they could fight the permits needed for the actual trail building.......bikes and/or 4x4 trails.

We are gaining ground and progressing forward, regardless.

And there are more SEPA's to come.