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ShamRock Run at Morris Mountain - March 14th-16th

Well, it was a pretty good weekend for me considering everything. Here's how it went for me, Thursday I decide to head up early and help set up. Have a horrible "death wobble" on the way up on the interstate running 70 and tore the Jeep to pieces. Put a huge hole in the transfercase and broke my swaybar/steering stabilizer mounts off the axle(didn't find that out until late that night while putting up signs). Friday it rained ALL day and nobody really wheeled at all. Hung out with Jimmy and Allie with the "kid buggy" and got a few shots Saturday the weather was decent and got some wheelin' in. The Aetna buggies were owning all the trails. I got to make it to GBU, Vnotch, RBD, Loop Springs, Rock N Roll, and Los Primos on Saturday. Woodlee made it happen on a NASTY Primos Saturday right before dark, I thought he was gonna have to take the buggy to the body shop first thing Monday. ;D On the way back the access trail was so muddy and slick and my tires suck so much I was going to slide down at a high rate of speed and tear up my Jeep. So Woodlee hooked to me as a true "emergency brake" and we went on down. Saw Don Sanger at the bottom stuck in the mud so I sent Adam on and I turned around to help Don. When I did I blew a fitting off my PS box and was out for the count. Had no steering and slid into a huge hole and got stuck. Don got himself out and went back to camp for fluids for me and before he got back the guy in the RTC buggy brought fluid, got the fitting to seal up better and really helped me out. I winched out and back to camp and left it. Sunday I was moving really slow and forgot my camera in the camper, when I went back for it it was locked up. So I was without a camera all day Sunday but it's all good 'cause I got to wheel the Ubkon, not so good for CRAWL though. :-\ Driving Ubkon was AWESOME, thanks to Adam and Bob especially for that. 8) Wheelin' a rig like that is so different from anything else I've ever been in. The near full throttle hits on the muddy dirt climbs were a rush! ;D Hanging out with Adam and the Lee family Sunday was really cool, it was a nice way to wind down from a stressful weekend.

I had to weld my swaybar and steering bracket back on my Jeep Sunday afternoon before I hit the interstate for the ride home and Randy and Kris were nice enough to help me out. A quick "let's just weld this back on" turned into a complately redesigned overengineered bracket, and it worked awesome. Jamie stayed up there with me so I'd have someone to follow incase something else went horribly wrong with my POS Jeep.

Whew, good times... Now I gotta get started on the article.
Its looks like everyone had fun. Sorry about your little streak of luck there Ricky. Those are great pics/vids Nolan. From the amount of mud and water there it looked like one of those "This is so much fun/What the hell am I doing here?" rides. thumb.gif
BamaTJ said:
Is that yellow single seater not Tim's old one painted yellow? It looks the same to me in those vids

Nope, it's built by the same guy AFAIK (Jimmy Smith) but it's a completely different rig.
Nope Jimmy Smith didn't build it either. Jay the guy who owns it built it. He copied the design from Jimmy because he and Jimmy are good friends and Jimmy's buggies work so well.
Woodlee said:
Nope Jimmy Smith didn't build it either. Jay the guy who owns it built it. He copied the design from Jimmy because he and Jimmy are good friends and Jimmy's buggies work so well.

Another damn copy cat.

Speaking of copy, did y'all see that rear engine buggy. That was a direct copy of Tim Camerons rig, except the engine was in the rear and the tubes were bent different. :flipoff1: :fish:
John Galbreath Jr. said:
Another damn copy cat.

Speaking of copy, did y'all see that rear engine buggy. That was a direct copy of Tim Camerons rig, except the engine was in the rear and the tubes were bent different. :flipoff1: :fish:
:popcorn: :drinkers: pepper.gif
I saw a checkered flagish Jeep ish purple single seat buggy that was copied directly off...


laughing1 that was to easy ! Your buggy is to much technology for me, it intimidates the **** outta me with them steering knobs and **** :flipoff1:
Travis said:
Hey Greg, Carrie looks like she is having a blast in this pic laughing1

Sucks about Mel's breakage, make him fix that **** right before we ride again!

She says she was about to piss herself. She was looking for a place to go with all those people there. Ya better spell it right, it's Carey. And for Mel, he got the oil pan fixed today so he can get it off the trailer. He asked me to come over tomorrow to come up with a new crossmember that will hold. He was really upset friday night. Went to O'charleys and he was downing the Jack and Cokes.
P said:
I saw a checkered flagish Jeep ish purple single seat buggy that was copied directly off...


laughing1 that was to easy ! Your buggy is to much technology for me, it intimidates the **** outta me with them steering knobs and **** :flipoff1:

Mine is too ugly to be copied. If they copied mine when it was built, they did a poor job! :flipgotcha:
This was my first trip to MMORV and I can say for sure I will go again. I had a blast beating on the old buggy and loved the obstacles. The rain/hail however did SUCK!! :( Got to see some people that I hadn't seen in awhile again. Even got the privilege to meet the man behind the camera(Ricky B.). The UBKON buggy worked perfect as always and the rear engine buggy is SICK!! :eek: Next time though I am going to bring a sippy cup for my co-pilot ;D
GNorton said:
He was really upset friday night. Went to O'charleys and he was downing the Jack and Cokes.
I don't even know that guy but I know the feeling and it sucks. Sometimes you get your hopes and expectations wrapped around an event. When things go really bad it's easy to get downhearted about it. I hope he found a passenger seat the next day.
vanguard said:
I don't even know that guy but I know the feeling and it sucks. Sometimes you get your hopes and expectations wrapped around an event. When things go really bad it's easy to get downhearted about it. I hope he found a passenger seat the next day.

You take this **** way too seriously molaugh
All I can say is there wasn't one rig on the trail without the proper sticker, put in the passenger lower corner. Oh by the way Rich is the Five-O, don't let him catch you without a seat belt because your ass will be kicked out. We need an Indiana Jones hat smiley, for when your talking serious buisness.
I had a great time hanging out with all you guys. :drinkers: and women pepper.gif
YOUNG said:
This was my first trip to MMORV and I can say for sure I will go again. I had a blast beating on the old buggy and loved the obstacles. The rain/hail however did SUCK!! :( Got to see some people that I hadn't seen in awhile again. Even got the privilege to meet the man behind the camera(Ricky B.). The UBKON buggy worked perfect as always and the rear engine buggy is SICK!! :eek: Next time though I am going to bring a sippy cup for my co-pilot ;D

Yes sir! Good to meet you too man. Thanks for the help getting off those trees and around that JK in the mud. Next time I gotta shoot at one of my local parks I don't think I'll be using my own rig to get around anymore, that was too much work! laughing1
kid rok said:
We need an Indiana Jones hat smiley, for when your talking serious buisness.
