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ShamRock Run at Morris Mountain - March 14th-16th


Zuk 1.3L, Toy axles....34" tires....this thing went everywhere the big boys went and more. KILLER ride IMO.


No need for a flash with all the Day-Glo cages in this pic! Having met Woodlee and Cole this weekend, you could not meet 2 more down-to-earth guys. Really helped me with my perception of the rock bouncers. I thought it would be more angry...more in your face type stuff, but these guys are all tight and they cheer each other on and clap when someone makes it. Fun bunch. Maybe they will come wheel some rocks one day so I can ride along :D


Mad skills in this buggy. My favorite one of the weekend. Just the right amount of bling and the rest is business. I dig!



Will was trashed 1 hour into it. We lasted 4 hours in the rain and mud. About 3 hours longer than I expected. He had a blast!


I can't believe how patient these guys are. Most groups I wheel with it is 5 tried and you are out. This guy waited for the dude with the BTF Evil Bastard to flog on this hill for a solid 15 minutes. That was 10 minutes too long IMO. I guess everyone in the group is used to it, but I would have bitten through my lip :drinkers:


The road going in to the trails was one of the biggest hazzards. I saw tons of stuck rigs right here. I had to go through the woods to cross and I had to winch the Rhino going in, but made it on the way out.



Cole's money man would be a damn good guy to know....he rolls DEEP! As I said, super guys. I had Bfast with them this morning. Hope to wheel with those guys one day when there are not 250 rigs on 300 acres with 5" of mud.

This picture sucks, but look at the line of vehicles :eek:

Nah, it really was too muddy. I was disappointed I did not hear anyone say Bible, thump, Holla, ....though pepper.gif

This guy was eating up those swampers...never made it....

This was a wicked sounding engine....killer looking buggy too....

Nolen I knew once you met Woodlee and Bryan and them that you would understand. They are some of the nicest people I know. When you ride with the Tenn. boys you get used to waiting, its just one of those things. People just seem to flock to that group.
Bryans buggy looks rough in that picture, although next time he rides it will look brand new. I don't know how they do it.
Mr. Jones is the one heating up the tires in the CJ he is one cool dude.
The reasone you didn't hear Bible, Bangin or any of that is because Tim and Aaron weren't there. I promise if Aaron would have been there you would have heard it.
Cole said:
Nolen I knew once you met Woodlee and Bryan and them that you would understand. They are some of the nicest people I know. When you ride with the Tenn. boys you get used to waiting, its just one of those things. People just seem to flock to that group.
Bryans buggy looks rough in that picture, although next time he rides it will look brand new. I don't know how they do it.
Mr. Jones is the one heating up the tires in the CJ he is one cool dude.
The reasone you didn't hear Bible, Bangin or any of that is because Tim and Aaron weren't there. I promise if Aaron would have been there you would have heard it.

I sure did like those boys a lot. Really, really good folks. I still don't like the type of wheeling they like. Makes me a Hater I know, but I have to live with that :P

I dont know how they do it either. With that yellow and that red mud, he will have to wipe each of those MANY tubes by hand.

BTW, meeting Bryan Cole's girlfriend was my goal this weekend. I wanted to shake her hand for being the badass of the group for hanging on during all that floggin' !!
Great weekend... and just so everyone knows. The fitty, I did PM Randy and get permission prior to showing up. I dont know that he and his brother communicated on that one, and no worries I wont bring it back if they need to keep that legit I fully understand. It sure made parking and relayin the camp grounds easy all weekend though.

Watching RickyB , Matt O , and hearing Rich Berry wreck it also provided some good entertainment laughing1

Thanks Randy and Chris for another great time at MMORV !!!

This guy needs an automatic. He could not find the right gear for this climb it seems.......

This thing was Supa-Bad!

I dont know what engine it had, but it was hot. I think he had the coolest cut on the rear tires of all. They were on like 15" WIDE wheels too. It walked everything I saw it try.
wngrog said:

Hey Greg, Carrie looks like she is having a blast in this pic laughing1

Sucks about Mel's breakage, make him fix that **** right before we ride again!
P said:
Watching RickyB , Matt O , and hearing Rich Berry wreck it also provided some good entertainment laughing1

Yeah I can't ride fittys, tried to kill myself and ruin the bikes at the same time. Need more practice before I try that.
Jamies wife about showered down on the pavement... she caught that second gear shift at WOT it raised up on her but Ill be damned if she didnt stay in it and ride er out ! HEE larious ! loller.gif
Man I had a great weekend. It was so nasty and slick you had to fight for traction every where you went. First thing on the good bad ugly I got side ways and had to winch. If it were my buggy I might have tried for a good save but Bob Barnet let me borrow his rig and I didn't want to do any thing stupid in it. After that the day got better for me and every thing else we hit we made. The best part for me was when the yellow and purple one seater, the rear engine buggy, and I went over to los primos right before dark. It was just 3 of us and we all threw down. There was no big crowd or any one Else we just all 3 wanted it bad. No one could touch the center, so we all hit the left side and the rear engine buggy went straight up by the tree and the one seater and I both skated side ways to the right on the passenger side wheels and saved em to take them out the top. It was a rush! Then Trent Lee, Jean Lee, Their 3 Little ones, Ricky B., and me rode sunday. I let Rick drive most of the day and I'll let him comment on that, but I think he had fun.

It was good to meet Nolan the hater. I have a lot of respect for him comming out to the wheeling conditions he hates just to see what it is all about. He is at least a educated hater now :flipoff1:. Thanks for the compliments on the buggy.

The rear engine buggy is sick! It flat out works! It climbs good and Jimmy said it took a little getting used to but after a short learning curve it is awn. It is not light in the front end and is stable as can be. This was the first weekend that I relay got to talk with Jimmy Smith( guy that builds a lot of the Etna chassis ) he is a supper nice guy and I look forward to ride with him a lot more.

The yellow and purple one seater owned the park it did any thing he pointed it at with ease.

Over all I had a good weekend , now I have to go wash a buggy.
it was kool meeting the Tennessee crowd and watching them wheel, i hate i missed seeing Ricky B driving Bobs buggy Sunday. Maybe next trip out I'll try not to drink so much, and i will feel like fixing the s10 and keep riding. we did good though i didn't break it till Sunday morning.
On Friday, we started riding about 3PM after the rains. Hit the Ugly, got thrown way left and ended up sideways and finally making it up on the far left side of the Bad. Went to the rock garden between V-Notch and the Punisher and went up it. TK was behind me and broke a rear axel. He had to three wheel it the rest of the weekend. Then did V-Notch and crawled it. Talked to the RTC group there and all had a good laugh. Went to the Gauntlett and crawled it, only had to bump it twice. Did Booze Cruise for the first time, nice leaf looking trail with some obstacles.

On Saturday, worked the gate till about 2PM or so, then went out to the trails to see if any assistance was needed keep the cross roads clear. Must have hit it at a good tome, cause all was acting right! Went back, like Friday and crawled V-Notch again. Climbed the Gauntlett. Sat at top of Gauntlett and socialized a while, watching a guy change a tube in a tire on beadlocks. Decided to go to the other side of the park. Got in traffic jam from hell. Took me over an hour to get across the bridge to the top of the hill. Rich was at the worse part trying to direct traffic. I listened to him about like everyone else, NOT. Realized I had no gas. Decided to just keep going. There was no turning back anyway due to the traffic. Went to Los Primos, it started raining hard. I had a plan, got my umbrella out and used it as a top for the single seater. Waited for one guy to wail on Primos without success. Then it ws my turn. I put down the umbrella and tried to make my way to the rock. So slick, took me a few minutes to get to the obstacle. About the time I got my front tires on the rocks, it started hailing. Damn, that **** hurts. I crawled the bottom ledge starting on the left and traversing the ledge to the right to the tree, crabbing it back straight and getting centered up. Made it over the top on the second full throttle try. Back to camp in the rain to end the day. Stoked to make los Primos in the hailing rain.

On sunday. Out first nice day. Down Turner Over. Did Copperhead. Los Primos again, hell yes. To Loop Springs. I was able to crawl it using the old lines and staying away from the new dirt left side form the felled trees. Then did Crows Nest. Went up easy after heating the tires. Last of the day, to Rock N Roll. Almost made it first. Moving around to get lined up for the top most part. I let the rear tire slide off the rock and down to the bottom I went. Gave it a second try, slid way off course to left and against a tree. Had to just rail the tree and take a dead tree out to make my U-turn back down. Nice rash on the panels. We decided at that point to pack it in and call it a day.

Damn good time. And Hardline kicked ass with volunteerism ALL weekend long. dudes, we rocked!
Educated Hater.....I like it!

Great fun! I bet the pictures on Sunday in the sun are going to be nice.

Do you know what motor the yellow and purple buggy had in it? It sounded mean as hell. Also, I can't figure out what those rear tires were before the drag cut he put on them.....TSLs??
I got to see no wheeling at all , but I think everyone got in and out of the park OK and I still had a blast and love talking with everyone thumb.gif