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ShamRock Run at Morris Mountain - March 14th-16th

I wish I could have made it over to Primos but we were on foot and catching rides from time to time. All in all it was a great time for sure! Friday night when the storm came through at 4am I had a river runing through my tent, and the rain top had blown off! Needles to say I had a long day Saturday. I will never go again unless my junk is with me! It sucked huffing it on foot!

As for the RTC buggy, I personally think his spring rate was to high and the boggers had to much air in them. It just sitts so damn high! I only watched him on the Ugly and the buggy really was not making much headway. Sounded good though! ;)


Oh yea I added some more pics to my gallery.
3 tons o fun said:
Howd the "RTC" buggy do? :fish:

I heard it did well, was the only one to make it up one of the obstacles on the Primos side that I now forget the name of. John did good in his little buggy, all the TN boys went to the Primos side and several came back with flats. Bryan Cole and Darryl both ruined tires that I saw. It rained off and on all day, so it was nasty. It would storm hard for 30 minutes, then the sun would come out, then repeat process. It actually hailed for 15 minutes or so. Fun day, the event went very smooth and we had 200+ rigs I would say.
I took a bunch of pics and video..I will get it up this evening. The best on is of P on the fiddy in 4" slop and driving rain full getting it ;)
Well, I had a decent time considering the carnage we had. I did realize that riding alone sucks. We just kinda wondered around watching, afraid to hit anything hard. On Friday, the guy that came with me broke his crossmember on the top of Hammer Down. The rig is a TJ on rocks and 49's and weighs over 6500lbs. That let hisfront axle try to drive away from him. about 5 hrs to fix him and get him down the ridge. Thanks to the guysthat helped us out, I didn't catch your names, not sure if you are even on here. Thanks to Brad for helping me drag the dead jeep back to camp. I ended up having some engine trouble at the bottom of Los Primos on Saturday. Trying to get back to the trailer in a hurry Sat afternoon was a nightmare. The storm hit as we were leaving, including hail. Tons of stock vehicles trying to go to the Primos side did nothing but clog the trail when the rain came. It didn't help that I was not sure if my rig would stay running all the way to the trailer. Between that and the weather, it wasn't my favorite trip but was not the worst.
Sounds like it was perfect weather for Cyclones :flipoff1:
I heard the Tree on Loop Springs was gone and it is a lot easier now. Any truth to that?
Sounds like it was a good time other than the rain.
I swear the Tenn. guys cut more tires than anyone. I think there cursed.
I bet the Punisher was like a swimming Pool.
Nolen hurry up and post those pics.
Cole said:
Sounds like it was perfect weather for Cyclones :flipoff1:
I heard the Tree on Loop Springs was gone and it is a lot easier now. Any truth to that?
Sounds like it was a good time other than the rain.
I swear the Tenn. guys cut more tires than anyone. I think there cursed.
I bet the Punisher was like a swimming Pool.
Nolen hurry up and post those pics.
I wheel about half as hard and half as long and I cut one about every other time I go out. I normally ruin it past vulc stage, though.
I broke a Stub on the down side of Copperhead, lol...
Had a mystery noise adn was determined to break it....
Broke a stub.. Still have the noise.
Suspect a t-fer case...

BTW.. 3 wheel cyclones are the **** :drinkers:
sounds like you guys had a good time. I wondered how long it would take for someone to mention RTC buggy. looks like he was trying to get it, does he get it like Timmay??
I was a little wet at RBD, but damn that looks NASTY!!

couple shots from the weekend...





I broke what????

And P hi fivin the kid buggy..
I saw lots of funny ****, like a guy riding from Primos on just a rear wheel. Made it across the bridge and all the way to the trailer. ;D I saw a bunch of mud whompers getting in the mud pit, like CheapJ! :flipoff1: P riding the 50 in the rain and mud was funny, although I think they are now outlawed on the trail.

At Wooly's the TN guys had some crazy vulcanizing plugs they used on the spot. Cole cut a tire, inserted plug and lit it on fire. He wheeled the rest of the day. They should get their tires from 4WP for the warranty. Mellow Shroom was good although the rock midget never showed. I ended up drinking too much, but it was fun!!!!
I could not remember the name of the place.....besides, the 4 yr old was pooped.

I will start posting these as I get them uploaded

Wicked sounding Tbucket thing......he ended up calling it off after 3-4 attempts.

Woodlee in the rental buggy. This thing is wicked. Without the bad bounce at the end, he was up. Super nice guy. Glad to put a face with the name. Sick buggy he built.....

wngrog said:

I could not stop laughing at this asshat!

You and me both! He had complete disregard for anything related to that toy. I was just waiting for the motor to shoot a rod or an axle to grenade! hahaha ;)