I saw a cut away view of an inner knuckle sleeve on Pirate last night and can't find it now. What is the best way to truss the knuckle area without loosing steering?
I bought these axles because I didn't want the weight of 60's and the plan for this rig is to be so light that 60's wouldn't be necessary. I'm looking forward to working on something different that doesn't weigh 800 lbs and require a fork lift to move around. I'm bound and determined to make them work even if that eventually means putting 80 outers on them. I will truss the ever loving **** out of them, too.
The genesis of this thread was that some people I had been talking to were just automatically like, "Oh, you got Toyota axles, when are you putting 80 knuckles on them?" Like its something that all Toyota people just automatically do. I knew I had been out of the little axle game for a long time but it didn't seem to me that it was just an automatic thing like that. I mean, 80 front ends aren't just sitting around on every corner. There's got to be probably one 80 front for every thousand 40/60/62/mini front ends out there so if swapping 80 outers was such a common practice you would think that SOMEONE would be selling an aftermarket ball. (Which they should, BTW.)
I think I'm going to try running the 60-series RCV's and plating the stock knuckles, coming up with a better steering arm of some sort that ties into more than just the top studs, and giving that a try. If issues arise I will start looking for 80 outers.