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What ever happened to Ben and Shane?

They both grew vaginas and became lesbians. Ben sold his Taco a year ago, Shane still has his Hilux which has a blown engine, and has an FJ40 that is rusting into nothingness. Still talk to Ben about once a week, and chat with Shane sometimes. They both have become domesticated, married with children.
Did Shane marry that one girl from the communist Toyota forum?

Had to talk to Kyle to remind me of who the girl was. If I remember right she had kids or something, that "relationship" was over before it really went anywhere. He married another lady and now has a 4 month old.
Went out for a run today after I took the top and doors off. Figured I would give her one last go before I rip it all apart memorial day weekend:

This is the trail head to Fairbanks Creek Trail. I made it about 1/4 up the trail before i had to turn around. The 2.5 to 3 feet of snow on the trail whipped my lil ole 30in tires ass...had to back out before I obliterated my clutch. It was a sunny 45 out, perfect weather.

Today is the first time I have ever tried to make a brake line. Borrowed a kit and some cutters from a friend. Bought out the local hydraulic shops 3/16 line, of course all they had was the nickle stuff. Needless to say I lost my shirt buying 20 feet of it.

I started out but just cutting off two 3 inch sections to practice with the flaring kit. The first 3 inch piece the holes were off center so I moved onto the second one. I managed two perfect double flares all nice and centered so I went to make my first, and easiest line. The first end came out perfect so I put on two of my new 10mm ends and went to work on the other end. Yup, I failed. It is not centered, a waste of line and time. I think that if I make a long one with bends and all the fun stuff and it does that I just might

But half of the fun is in the challenge. Nothing would be worth while if it was easy right?

my first good flare

and my failed line

Slapped some tractor paint and frame sealant on it today. It is now ready to be defiled by an ugly beat up tub this weekend:

fat bitches need love too Craig :fawkdancesmiley:

Meds from the latest knee surgery have you all hopped up don't they, cause I have never seen you have anything to do with the heavier of the female sex. You always are like " Man, Shakira is HAWT!" , " DOOOOD! Latina bitches be the shiznit " , " Fawk dem crazy white girls, specially them blonde ones " .....Just say'n, :fawkdancesmiley:
Putting in work, close to being on schedule. Need some caffeine and liquid motivation. State bird is killing me as well, should have bought one of those propane mosquito repellant devices last fall when they were on clearance.


A crap load still to do, but the heavy lifting is done. Exhaust manifold crack ended up being a complete break, a friend had a header that needs some TLC but I can make it work I think. My plans for the rear bumper will play out in the future, but I need to make some tabs to put in the 4 rear body mounts tomorrow...among other things.









