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Video Rights?

Speaking of which, have you ever considered pitching some sort of show to a major network? If Duck Dynasty, that fat little beauty pageant bitch who is dating the pedophile, and all the other worthless reality TV shows can make millions I see no reason a show with red necks, mega trucks, rock bouncers, and some hot southern women couldn't. How badass would a reality TV show with the Anderson family and the Tanners be? It would encompass Monster trucks (Dennis), mega trucks (Ryan) and bouncers (Tanners) and have Shelby's hotness to boot!

Thanks, I'll send you an account number to send my finder's fee to. :)
When I first got on FB I posted a couple Megatruck pics onto the mudlife page,,,well they deleted them,,I guess cause I,m not one of "their" photographers :dunno:

Trucks Gone Wild host events to get the footage to make their vids with,,,why they care if we film it seems strange to me :dunno:

And a HUGE misconception about TGW is that they travel all over the country with hundreds of Megatrucks and hordes of scantily clad hotties and show up at venues to film them all for their vids.

NO they travel all over and go to where all that stuff IS SUPPOSED TO BE so they can film it.

And also I do not know why in the blue hell TGW keeps on goin back to WITC every damn year to film for anyway :wtflol:
TacomaJD said:
Since I don't have a dog in this fight, I can say without worry, that you sound like the biggest **** ever. Nice first post. ::)

If you don't think Busted Knuckle Films and Madram11 have caused a HUGE increase in attendance to offroad park events, you are a certified dumbass. How many ****ers in the offroad world can you go out and talk to that has never heard of BK or Mardram? I certainly would not call Matt greedy, and there damn sure isn't anything wrong with a ballsy business person. He's an ambitious go getter making **** happen!

I'd say **** TGW and I hope the above douche is part of TGW. More like Trucks Gone To The Back Corner Of The Field For An All Male Anal Orgy....... :flipoff1:

Same here, no race in this one but will comment on the high lighted part.

I've never really meet Matt that I can remember but have seen him filming at HPO. A few years ago I filmed the hill climb on maverick at HPO and got some good shots( to me lol). He asked me if he could use some of it in the Rock Rods movie and I agreed and sent all my footage. In my book I was honored just to get some used in it and in the credits.. That was enough for me but Matt being the great dude he is, He sent me a copy of the rock rods movie and a tshirt for free. All he used was one video so I felt bad for getting all the free stuff so Matt heres another :dblthumb:
^^^^well said

Any group that would not want Matt,Cole or any of our vid makin folks takin footage at their big wiz bang event is not thinkin right imo.
Matt's good people, always treated me like one of his friends from the first time I ever met him. Well until I beat his bicycle pump against my car in Auburn one drunken night....that was a bad/good night hahaha. Anyhow, he's far from greedy. I just wanna know where mr. sandy balls first post ****** guy went? :dunno:
patooyee said:
Speaking of which, have you ever considered pitching some sort of show to a major network? If Duck Dynasty, that fat little beauty pageant bitch who is dating the pedophile, and all the other worthless reality TV shows can make millions I see no reason a show with red necks, mega trucks, rock bouncers, and some hot southern women couldn't. How badass would a reality TV show with the Anderson family and the Tanners be? It would encompass Monster trucks (Dennis), mega trucks (Ryan) and bouncers (Tanners) and have Shelby's hotness to boot!

Thanks, I'll send you an account number to send my finder's fee to. :)

I've always wondered why there wasn't a show like that. Just a bunch of action/carnage footage montage sort of thing. None of the scripted bullshit drama. Maybe interviews with drivers and whatnot. It'd probably be more watched than any other comparable show on Speed or MavTV
Also add inside fab shops to that ^^ Like Counts Customs, I'm sure WOD, EOR, Coleworx, Jimmy Smith, or somebody would be up for the exposure $$$. Kinda like a mix of wheeling and like old episodes of OCC Choppers but with detailed offroad fabrication.
Re: Re: Re: Video Rights?

BustedKnucklefilms said:
For the Mud Stuff the Park owners invite me to the events and want me to be there for exposure. But TGW says they dont want me there. That is my dilemma. And that is what brought up the question about rights.
I would suggest letting the park owners know that TGW had an issue and they can take it up them if they want you there.

Also if TGW doesn't have a contract with the park for exclusive rights, they can pay you for your vids. Otherwise they are SOL imo.

I would also talk to the drivers. They are getting as much exposure as the parks. What do they want? Sounds like TGW wants them to choose if they want you there or them there.
TacomaJD said:
I've always wondered why there wasn't a show like that. Just a bunch of action/carnage footage montage sort of thing. None of the scripted bullshit drama. Maybe interviews with drivers and whatnot. It'd probably be more watched than any other comparable show on Speed or MavTV

I had a fellow teacher who was leaving to start a film company a while back and he asked me if I thought he could create some type of show that centered around the sport, he came out to a Ecors race at the GAP one year. I told him I thought it would be a major undertaking with all the different drivers and locations and it would really depend on how it was all portrayed on the screen, we don't need any negative publicity. Also didn't want him to step on BKs or MRs toes. Do I think it could work? maybe. Especially if Eric Hagan was one of the cast.
Re: Re: Re: Video Rights?

Scarecrow said:
I had a fellow teacher who was leaving to start a film company a while back and he asked me if I thought he could create some type of show that centered around the sport, he came out to a Ecors race at the GAP one year. I told him I thought it would be a major undertaking with all the different drivers and locations and it would really depend on how it was all portrayed on the screen, we don't need any negative publicity. Also didn't want him to step on BKs or MRs toes. Do I think it could work? maybe. Especially if Eric Hagan was one of the cast.
Hagan would be a must. He's the chumlee of 4x4, makes everyone laugh.
TacomaJD said:
Also add inside fab shops to that ^^ Like Counts Customs, I'm sure WOD, EOR, Coleworx, Jimmy Smith, or somebody would be up for the exposure $$$. Kinda like a mix of wheeling and like old episodes of OCC Choppers but with detailed offroad fabrication.
For that to work on tv you would need a bunch of loud mouth douche bags that get mad over nothing and through temper tantrums like little girls. People want to watch useless drama :dunno:
The problem with most shows like that is the fact that the main dicks that dicktate the show's direction rarely know much about said show topic, for instance - wheeling. Some random outsider wouldn't be able to make a show about wheeling and capture our attention like someone like Matt who already produces **** that captures our attention. Just like half the ****s that produce Duck Dynasty and throw all that dumbass drama scripted garbage in it, about stuff that is the furthest from being a redneck, hunting, country life, etc. That show could easily be WAYYYYY better than what it is.
AdamF said:
For that to work on tv you would need a bunch of loud mouth douche bags that get mad over nothing and through temper tantrums like little girls. People want to watch useless drama :dunno:

I don't think it's as much as people want to watch drama as much as it is the fact that you deal with the drama in order to receive the good parts of the show. OCC for instance would be listening to all the dumbshit Paul Sr. crap to get to see the badass bikes, builds, shows, riding, etc.

Duck Dynasty - if it didn't have some cool ass rednecks in it, **** like skinning and killing animals, miss kay's good cooking, and such a good family oriented show with values, nobody would watch it. The drama is just dumb **** the producers think helps the show sell, but really isn't as appealing as they like to think. That's why out of ALL the reality shows on tv chocked with drama, Duck Dynasty got so big. It had enough stuff in it that people can relate to, that it outweighed the drama gheyness and soared to the top of the charts.

Just one of my many theories that I have formed based on no proven facts or sources. lol
Re: Re: Re: Video Rights?

LandSpeeder said:
Anyone who says "good ole wheelng is gone" is not doing it right.
We been having a blast this past year.
Damn skrate! We just got back from GMP doing some night riding with the FATT shack crew. Going back tomorrow night for resumed shenanigans and night wheeling!

My wife is on board for getting an older model MCI or Prevost and towing an enclosed.

For me, I will continue to bring the budget with a gooseneck and a truck camper.

Next year will be my best year of wheeling in a decade.

Eric Hagan......I mean Kel Lawrence