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What's with all this RZR talk??

Bones said:
He'd be divorced, broke and live part time at Bonitas if he moved back to Ptwon


My wife loaths Paola. She is very turned off by a perception that the whole town is an orgy of all sleeping with each other. From stories she's heard. I mean the only stories you ever hear is how this person is now banging so-n-so. I tell here that **** happens here in the big city too, and I'll bet its more prolific here, you just dont hear about it as much because no one knows everyone like you do in a small town.

The fact is we will likely end up back in Paola down the road. My family has a lot of acreage west of town. And my mom isnt getting any younger. The problem happens to be my career. If I want to continue trading energy, I have to either stay in Houston or move to New York (me in NYC, yeah picture that molaugh).
I know I wont do this forever, its already past old, but the money makes up for all the stress and constant "this may be my last trade as they toss my ass out the door." And the money has afford me and a bunch of Paola hoodlums some great opportunities to see this country and race on the top level with some of the best people we could ever hope to meet.
Cole said:
I will start with this. I love my buggy and it is paid for.
However it is some what expensive to keep up. Yes I could go trail riding and leaf looking and not beat on it hard but thats not what it is built for.
One reason I have thought about selling out and getting a razr is for the simplicity of it. I enjoy beating my buggy but I also enjoy filming and just riding around having fun.

With a Razr or Rhino, it's pretty much just load it up take it riding, bring it home wash it off and its ready to go again. Yes you can destroy it but Hell you can destroy anything if you want.
Don't need a huge trailer for the Razr either and get better fuel mileage while towing.
Totally agree. Buggy's have consumed me and all my spare finanaces for a while now. It pains me to know I could have a rzr and pay on principal on my property ( which is an investment that interest eats my profit) and pay it off way quicker and still have a blast.
well this is what i think, everything has turned into a competition thats why everyones **** stays tore up hell i cant say a hole lot i have spent every dime i could rake and scrape this year .its fun being competive but its also a good time just hanging out and having a good time too.its really not what ya can go up or having the best rig its all about fun and meeting new FREINDS.pretty sure ill catch a bunch of BS for this reply but thats my 2 cents. see ya on da trails ;D :driving: :driving: :drinkers:
WTF Why is Everyone wanting to sell their buggys and buy a razr! Dont Do It, yes razr are fun but not like a buggy and it doesn't matter what u have razr or buggy both cost money no matter what but razrs aren't tuff like a buggy is ask me how ik and ask Kelly he will agree first ride in mine front end rear axle and both hubs next ride blow the trans the **** up :****:
Nothing more fun than a RZR. I don't even care to wheel my buggy anymore. If it was not street legal it would be GONE!

Love it.

I can't wait to find a group and start doing some rides this year.

Rumors are thick of a 90hp RZR in January :eek: :eek:
were planning on riding alot this year

Arkansas looks like the bomb. Clayton at Friellings would be fun. Lot of Forest Service roads in and around Clayton for long distance type/haul ass riding.
rzr's are fun but I'll have to disagree that they are fast.... quick, nimble, fun--yes. Fast---**** no lol.
wngrog said:
Arkansas looks like the bomb. Clayton at Friellings would be fun. Lot of Forest Service roads in and around Clayton for long distance type/haul ass riding.

I have never been to either place but I am up for a trip. I want to take the buggy to clayton as well and run some of trails. I really enjoy riding the rzr's are smorr. tons of fast trails to run but you better have some kind of skid plates :****:
cheapest MOFO in the sport huh... :flipoff1: I enjoy having that title...

No i do not currently own a rzr, but i have been around them, drove them, and crashed the **** out of miles'

I am not a fan at all... I though coming from moto-x and a dirt bike background I would love one. Not the case...
They are only fun, as kelly mentioned, on a short course cat and mousing with others...

They don't jump worth a ****.. talk about nose dive...
If you do air them out, better get out your wallet...

Most unstable feeling I have ever had wheeling anything... They feel like they are going to roll over Everywhere.
and unless you want to pony up for aftermarket cage they are not safe IMO.

And Finally... Its a Damn Polaris.... 'nuff said...

I do not own any make of SxS, but I have rode on the rzr, rzr s, ranger, and the rhino. Have kept a few at the house on loan to see if that is the route i wanted to go before buying the buggy i have now.

Hell no, they are fun for a while but they break just like everything else when put through the abuse that I would give one. On all the ones I rode they where fun for a while, but I had more fun in my old Ford truck. Bought the buggy and have not regretted not buying a SxS.

I do however have a 4 seater mule that is a blast to load everyone up and go trailblazin on.
wontwork said:
I do not own any make of SxS, but I have rode on the rzr, rzr s, ranger, and the rhino. Have kept a few at the house on loan to see if that is the route i wanted to go before buying the buggy i have now.

Hell no, they are fun for a while but they break just like everything else when put through the abuse that I would give one. On all the ones I rode they where fun for a while, but I had more fun in my old Ford truck. Bought the buggy and have not regretted not buying a SxS.

I do however have a 4 seater mule that is a blast to load everyone up and go trailblazin on.

The mule is a damn good time for sure.
that depends on what you compare them to.

I guess compared to an EZ-GO golf cart, they are fast.

...I've driven Brandon's old one that Dietz's got quite a bit and that's a "S" motor.. not fast. Fun as **** to jump though.
The s's are not really any faster then regular ones. I was mainly saying how they are a night and day difference vs the standard as far as handling and suspension. The rzr s's are very stable. Yes there not fast compared to quads and bikes.
Bones said:
So would one dare compare them to a waverunner in terms of boredom unless you are playing cat n mouse? Sounds like it

I would not go that far. I have a blast on mine without anyone to ride with but mainly it is because my kids like to get in it with me and peel the fawk out. I would rather have a riding buddy but that does not stop me from jumping on it and taking a turn around the pasture just to get my blood up.

Rockcrawling these things is the ****. You can make all the crappy trails in the SE feel hard again. :flipper: