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What's with all this RZR talk??

I just read that it was tippy and HEAVY
the hilliard clutch in the front of the rzr isn't perfect, but its pretty damn good. The teryx is cable and seems to work ok (the 2 times I rode with the guy), but what I'm assuming from "visco" is that its a clutch in a viscous fluid that starts to lock when it senses a differential between right and left? Too much complication in something that could be simple. rollers and ramps are pretty proven, look at auto trannys laughing1
Brian Shay says he is getting the can am so maybe in a couple months I will get to see how they compare first hand
Yep thats pretty much it blacksheep
bad thing bout the teryx is its a clutch so if you dont pull hard enough on the handle your slipping it and burning the disk.
My friend found that out the hard way :****:
Worked good when he first got it till the clutch disk wore out.
Cole said:
my point exactly. So whats the deal with your Motor?

I know ya jackass :flipoff1:

It's back at Mast. Block got ****ed. Total loss basically, everything that could go wrong did. Mast is treating me well and we're building a new one. We could turn and burn and get me back on the trail for late winter and spring but I'm in no rush. Got some options on the table :driving: I already chalked this wheelin season up when it happened.
redneckengineered said:
Bitches don't drop panties for SxSs.

mark my vote down for gay. you won't see me selling my boat for a jet boat or jet ski either. Same concept

Oh Im sorry........
I didnt kno you needed a rig for that reason :flipoff1:

So "Bitches" drop panties for buggys that dont run :dunno: :wtflol:
blacksheep10 said:
lolz now.
I'm married, she doesn't get into my hobbies, so I do the laundry to drop panties now. :flipgotcha:
If a rzr is your primary ride, gay
If its a secondary ride for a sunday of fun :woody:

So you trying to say something? Last time I checked your rzr was your primary ride.
sup , yall talking bout the camander , it will smoke a rzr :****: but who could aford to pay 15000 go to you tube and its shows a drag race ,would post it but cant figure out how to transfer from you tube to h l have some buddies that rode some demos at windrockthey liked it but said it had a small cockpit no leg room . im pretty content with my t rex ,fixing to put a msd ignictionbox and some dome pistons wit camshaft if it helps it as much as my buddies brutforce ,rzr want touch it :driving: ive been on his brute at 89 mph.
kennyWayne said:
speaking of side by sides ,has anyone ever been to a place called brimstone :dunno: guess we are going in feb .. been to wind rock its a blast but not to brimstone . just tring to see if it is gona be worth freezing to death, :

gona try to hit royal blue some time this summer. :driving:

Brimestone is the **** when it comes to wheelers and side by sides they cateer to them. Its the same kind of terrain as windrock. Windrock is 72,000 acres. Brimestone is around 30,000 but has tons and tons of trails. They have a new campground and lots of new cabins right at the trailhead. They have some huge events there through out the year. They have some trails there for crawlers but windrock is better for that. Stock jeeps and stuff would have fun at Brimstone.
I get the side by side thing but not for me. They are great for low maintance and just getting in the woods. They are some what affordable compared to a well built rig that you can beat on over and over again. They are easy to deal with and you don't spend days in the garage before and after each ride, but I have never watch one go and then say that was some wicked ass **** right there. nor when I owned my rhino did I get the same rush as backing up in my buggy and lauching up something with the motor bouncing off the rev limiter, the tires screaming, and wondering what the hell is about to happen with a huge smile on my face the whole time. Or crawling up some huge rocks that were never ment to have rubber touch them. A rock bouncer over a side by side anyday!
Brian Shay says he is getting the can am so maybe in a couple months I will get to see how they compare first hand
name dropping? (only certain people will get that)
I love my teryx, wouldnt go any other way, just cant wait to get the cage and seats done so i can :driving: with the younguns
most people will will preach what they have. i personally go out to have a good time and hope to not hurt it, but not scared to point at a hill and let her eat, just want my stuff to stay in one piece, and they are street legal in kansas-another good reason we are awesome