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What's with all this RZR talk??

If I had the land you do Nolen I would love one as well I imagine. I hate trailering **** just to play which is why motorcycles opened a new door for me hobby wise when I ditched my toyota years ago
maybe the novelty hasn't worn off for me yet. I have a blast in the trees with others. I took my buddy chris out with no other rigs and it was boring. They are great for getting messed up in and playing bumper cars with :woot: I can't wait to rub on ben and Travis for the first time and scratch up those shiny new plastics laughing1
I'll say it again, they are a great second toy. Don't expect them to win any races. blast through the trees, use them at what they're good for, don't try to use them for what they are not intended. Get in the buggy at that point
blacksheep10 said:
maybe the novelty hasn't worn off for me yet. I have a blast in the trees with others. I took my buddy chris out with no other rigs and it was boring. They are great for getting messed up in and playing bumper cars with :woot: I can't wait to rub on ben and Travis for the first time and scratch up those shiny new plastics laughing1
I'll say it again, they are a great second toy. Don't expect them to win any races. blast through the trees, use them at what they're good for, don't try to use them for what they are not intended. Get in the buggy at that point

Ha you will have to catch me first
speaking of side by sides ,has anyone ever been to a place called brimstone :dunno: guess we are going in feb .. been to wind rock its a blast but not to brimstone . just tring to see if it is gona be worth freezing to death, :

gona try to hit royal blue some time this summer. :driving:
kennyWayne said:
speaking of side by sides ,has anyone ever been to a place called brimstone :dunno: guess we are going in feb .. been to wind rock its a blast but not to brimstone . just tring to see if it is gona be worth freezing to death, :

gona try to hit royal blue some time this summer. :driving:

I just seen both those places on tv and want to go too :****:

I will have something by Feb so maybe we can get a hardline ride up to go :woot: :woot: :woot:
I thought i read somewhere that Can-Am or Gas Gas was coming out with a SxS that was going to smoke the RZR.

Anyone know what the hell it is or when its coming out?
anyone ridden one of these yet?

The can am is suppose to be faster then the rzr. It run 70 mph, but its not long travel and I heard there fairly tippy. Everyone says there a rhino on steroids. I thought about getting one but at the end of the day even on the can am forums they said if you getting one for play only get the rzr
blacksheep10 said:
Jrich, only the standard rzr's are tippy bitches. S's are stable as ****. I'll stick to mine :flipgotcha:

Good to know... I just know sxs's in general and lays old/your rzr wee bad.. Felt lke they were going to lay down everytime I dropped a tire off in a ditch or hole.

I imagine the 4 seaters with longer wheelbases are a little better in that aspect.
If I had to have only one sxs for fun, work, hunting, the Can Am is the daddy.

Since I don't I have a RZR :)
grcthird said:
44 mph top speed and drive by wire :gay: Who wants that?

Thats with the training key!!
They have 3 diff keys
1 is all out and will out run the rzr in a straight line :eek:
but they dont handle like the rzr....
1 is 44mph
1 is 25mph

But I would still want a rzrs b/c of the sucky ass visco lock front end on the can am