well i narrowed my down from 102" to 88" running 44" tires but i have rear steer so it will crawl around stuff real good also narrowed body 12" to keep from rubbing on trees. I think small tires used by a dumbass will do as much damage as big tires.big tires will make deeper holes if a dumdass is behind the wheel. But big tires used responsibly are far less destructive because you can crawl through where small tires will not find traction and cause more damage. I hope no restrictions are imposed but will comply if they are. My two cents.:stirpot:
Heres a big part of the problem. You cant control or legislate stupidity. You can however control or legislate equiptment. The dumbasses have brought this upon us and we all will pay for it one way or another. Case in point. On the middle of the lower Kaner there is a section of trail that goes thru a neck down area. The trail used to go thru the mudhole and straight up the hill. Some dumbass with BIG tires decided to tear the living crap out of the hole thus making it impassable for most trail rigs. Then some Dumbass with little tires made a bypass to go around said mudhole. Now the bypass is tough to get through because its kind of narrow between the trees. So another bypass was created by someone who couldnt make or winch through the mudhole and couldnt fit betwwen the trees