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WITC - Trucks Gone Wild - September 22-23, 2012

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headed down form KY fri morning,it will be a great weekend weather or not all the buggys are there Ill have my buds together hangin,eatin and havin a good time.sorry that some people got mistreated get over it and just dont do it agian,every park has rules have a blessed day
Speaking for the Tanner family, we live in Summertown so WITC is our home park, and we love going there. It is always a good time and the staff always treats us with respect and kindness, as we treat them the same. We respect their rules and authority, as we do every park we go to. My family and I hope everyone has a fabulous ride at TGW. We have already made prior plans to go to Gray Rock this weekend before we realized that it was the same. Both of the blues are not running as of right now, so we may not be going anywhere! Everyone have fun, be safe and we will see you all soon on the trails!!! :)
I'm not sure what some of you saw or thought you saw during the SRRS race weekend but it seems to me that the only people that have a problem with the way they are treated there are the people that get in trouble or sometimes the friends of said people. The rules are there for many reasons. The main reasons being SAFETY & the EPA. To answer to some of your comments; WITC does have silt screens & retention ponds to control runoff. I ASSURE you WITC is "SO WORRIED ABOUT THE EPA" & I'm sure if you asked Darron or Carrie they would be happy to show you their very large manuals & set plans that they have to go by due to the fact that The EPA is also "SO WORRIED ABOUT THEM". Also I can assure you that as long as people are "spinning tires, knocking over trees, & tearing stuff up", the EPA is going to be all up on Darron's case & as long as they are on Darron's case he is going to be doing everything he can (just like he has been doing since the shutdown) to keep his park open for all of us to enjoy! I'm not sure some of you really grasp what he really does to keep WITC open & to keep the trails fun & interesting. As far as some of you feeling like you were treated rudely my advice would be to actually call Darron & talk to him about it instead of getting on here & accussing people of things & speaking for people you have no business speaking for.

Adam, as far as you not coming back to the park, I am the one who spoke to you about spinning in the grass at the top of the ledge & I felt it was handled well. I explained the reasoning behind the rule & at the end of our conversation you shook my hand & you said you completely understood & that you were sorry. So I guess I'm a little confused as to why you feel the way you do?

Darron, Carrie, & the staff at WITC love this sport & they love seeing everyone come out & have a good time. They fight tooth & nail to keep that park open & will continue to do so. They also have rules there to keep the park open & to try to be as safe as possible in a sport like this. If you dont understand the rules, ask someone, they will be happy to explain them. I'm sorry if some of you feel your experience there was a bad one. If you feel like you have been treated badly call the shop & talk to Darron about it. I've never heard of anyone at WITC being treated by a staff member the way y'all are describing but if you really feel that way, call him. That IMO would be the right thing to do. Darron & Carrie are good people & so are the rest of the staff there.
@ DSRC yes you did handle it well but however I did get in trouble for spinning so if just doin that isn't accepted then I have no reason to be there! I'm not saying I plan on spinning or tearing anything up at any other park but it's an Offroad park it kinda comes with the territory! I know y'all are looked at very closely by the EPA and all that but the comments that came from the guy on the dossier with Darren were IMO uncalled for " yalls little series don't matter to us" "y'all pulling in that ditch just cost us $x amount of money" ! Also all the fuss at the top of horsepower hill about the trash that came out of the back of the razor??? Really telling other people no don't pick that up he is going to??? Yelling! I dunno I wish yall the best!
The memorial day ride was my first trip to witc and it was ok, just a long pull for 4 hills. I was at the srrs race, I did not take my buggy back though, prolly never will? :dunno:
Look I am sorry if I have done anthing wrong at WITC but I don't think that I did and I know I did't do anything wrong for the way I was talked to at the bottom of Axle Hill and I have not spoke for any one else. In one of my other post I gave you my name and no. I am not tryin to hide behind a screen name that is why I did that, some of you say that if I had a problem with the way I was treated that I should have called and talked to Darron before I posted anything but from what I under stand Darron was there, and as far as the phone calls go I think that Darron phone dails out also I don't feel as if I have to call him now that he knows how I was treated. I have been to WITC almost every New Years ride and most Halloween and most major event rides and yes this was the first time I had been treated that way since I have been coming there in 2001. As far as I look at it I wish that the EPA would leave him along but I cant control that.
I have not ask for any kind of special treatment just when I go to other parks they make sure that I have a place to set in my buggy and watch the race or event seeing how its not as easy for me to get out and just walk up the hill and see what going on. I know its not anyones fought that I'm in a wheelchair but my own and trust me if I had the choice I would steal be walking to day but I'm not and theres nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry if I have steped on any toes or hurt any feeling but I do have the right to free speech.
Sept 22 Hill and a Hole Comp 3000 in prize money
Also Air Mundy and Flyin Brian coming just got of the Phone
With Brian
It Is On
WITC TGW Headed our Way


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I would like to know if anyone ever called Mr Staggs since he gave them his number. I thought that I should have stood up for what I saw seeing how no one beleaved them and never saw it before. I have been to WITC a few times and from the videos that I watched of them mud trucks I don't know where they will run them trucks at and they look like they do alot of tire spinning :****: may be they won't get in trouble or kicked out. Also as high as they jump and land hard I hope they don't have anything in the back that can come out WITC has a come apart if someone tries to help them pick it up :****: And can't believe that someone would think that these men should have to call WITC to tell them they was mistreated.
Bronco Buster said:
Be like that JOKE he had last year for the mega trucks and just as boring more than likely
And yes sir you are true if the buggy that was there last year don't show up, that's the only thing that saved them cause if you go to YouTube or google and type in trucks gone wild @ WITC all you see video of is the buggys no big trucks like they say will be there, and I think one of the videos name is rock buggys take over trucks gone wild or something of the sort.
Glad you guys have nothing better to do than to bash a park in a thread for an upcoming event. You have said your piece (over & over again) and at this point you are just sounding like a broken record. Darron doesn't get online so he hasn't read any of this. That's why I suggested you call him. Again, I am so sorry you feel like you were treated badly, but at this point repeating yourselves over & over is pointless.

As far as the mud pit & what WITC will have to offer for TGW, They are putting in a LOT of work in the mud pit. There will be $3000 in prize money given away for the Hill and a Hole Competition & there will be a lot of great trucks there. Last year was a testing year for TGW at WITC. This year they are bringing much more. Should be a great show. :****:
oldrzrman said:
Yea that's it I think there were only two big trucks there last year but I'm not sure may be if there were more someone will correct me if I'm wrong

There was way more than 2 trucks there last year. I dont know the exact number but I know for a fact it was way more than 2!
DSRC said:
There was way more than 2 trucks there last year. I dont know the exact number but I know for a fact it was way more than 2!

There was 4 mega trucks last year yes that is "way more than 2" hell that is 100% more than 2. They played in a pond that was about 2 feet deep for about an hour until everyone got bored and started leaving and they stopped
oldrzrman said:
I would like to know if anyone ever called Mr Staggs since he gave them his number.

No I have not heard anything from them.
It really don't matter how many mega trucks was there last year all I know is if the buggys had not been there what would you have watched. Not tryin to be a smart ass but alot of the holes that mega trucks play in are dug until they hit ground water kinda like a pond and I dont think the EPA is going to like that if they are on them as hard as they say they are. Just sayin because DSRC stated that the reason all of the cussing and yelling was over is cause the EPA has been on Darron's case so he is going to do every thing he can to kept the park open and I hope he does. Good luck with the ride this weekend I hope ervery one has fun and WITC has more mega trucks than they know what to do with.
Does it really matter who put on a show last year, I didn't hear anyone complain about not getting their money's worth.Hell I would have paid the entrance fee just to see Bobby Tanner hit twister 3 as hard as he did.Just be a man and call Darron and talk out your problem and I bet everything will be taken care of next time you go.Not trying to be mean but it sounds like your feelings got hurt and you feel like you need to get back at them or at least that's how it's coming across. I'm sure you're a good guy and Darron is to so I think a phone call is a simple fix .As hard as times are he's just trying to run a business so cut them a little slack I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
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