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xrra aftermath....

Re: the aftermath....

Thanks Matt and Cole,Its a lot of work doing this kind of fun.I'd like for everone to know that Adam gives 110% at this sport and he has done 99% of the work on both these cars.I just want to see him do well after all his hard work.My job is pretty easy,set on a stool and hand wrenches,set in a chair and watch him practice,set in a chair and tell him where his tires are,set in the truck set and drive to the events,set here on the couch and talk to everyone on the web,pretty much just set and have fun for a two heart attack dummy.
Re: the aftermath....

BamaTJ said:
John had it in the bag till he broke the bolts on his hi steer arms.
Tell him I can key them together so that wont happen again.
Re: the aftermath....


Front end explosion


Paul & Wyatt


Alabama Engineering skills(tree limb and screws)
Re: the aftermath....

I had a blast all weekend, recovery is a lot of damn work. Cole, the guy in the red yj that was 2nd last year won. He is a great driver. He broke a stub in his third run and still finished. He ran the 4th heat with 3 wheel drive, and finished in less than 3 minutes. He MADE it over the big nasty ledge that Adam broke on in 3wd, he literally jumped it. Badass.

I got hung in both directions in that spot, had to winch each way.
Re: the aftermath....

your album is password protected.....let us in!!!! :woody:

it had to be very satisfying for paul to run like that, even though he had problems. CONGRATS GUYS! :drinkers:

it would have been fun to run that exibition race....maybe next year.

Re: the aftermath....

I have to commend all they guys that competed from here....Regardless of how they did, I enjoyed watching my first XRRA race. I did get lucky enough to get drafted to help on recovery so I had a great seat to watch everyone. I was down there with all the photogs keeping Sam's Jeep outta harms way...
Re: the aftermath....

1TONZR2 said:
your album is password protected.....let us in!!!! :woody:

it had to be very satisfying for paul to run like that, even though he had problems. CONGRATS GUYS! :drinkers:

it would have been fun to run that exibition race....maybe next year.


Thats it exactly Brian... My junk went across the yard a hand full of times and got put on the trailer, no flex test, no wheeling no seat time.... it wasnt even finished when we teched it, Friday. All I wanted to do was prove to myself that the buggy would show up there and go across the starting line one time. I did that each time even though we had tons of lil things gettin us. And still drove it on the trailer. Miles and I had a damn good time so its all good. I shook my rig down at an XRRA race, laughing1 I wasnt expecting to much. Im real excited I got to bounce it around and roll the piss out of it !!! It was fun.

It hasnt and still doesnt run right... since its been started up. ( alot of why I rolled it )

I popped fuses off and on the entire time... we literally changed one / cut the tach light wire and jumpered it at the starting line right before they started the tree, then another one got me right off the starting line as I crested the jump it died but Miles had fuses in his pocket, spent more time tryin to get him back in the harness then changing the fuse.

Lets see.... I forgot to put the rear limit strap on it and the rear driveline fell apart when I bellied it out on one of my runs..

the crank pulley is trashed cause it nipped the upper link tab ... the b&m shifter is a POS.. then after the roll / roof grind I trashed the caddi emblem and the roof/ hood are scratched to hell, the passenger roof line bar has a lil bend in it and I smacked the A pillar on my side hard and put a kink in it as well. So at least it looks the part, now all I gotta do is sort out the little stuff and Ill have a sweetness buggy ! Im lookin forward to taking it to MMORV at the end of next month !

Good Times
Re: the aftermath....

I'm resurrrecting the Ghey taco this week.. We need to do a booze cruise gardendale run bfore mmorv..
:drinkers: ;D
Re: the aftermath....

Were home now, windy as usual. Thsnkd to all who helped us out this weekend. When you are down someone will always step up and help! Im gonna do another motor this week. Levis rig isnt as bad as it looks. East people are great to be around!
Re: the aftermath....

Hey pops before you go off on the wheel man it looks like Adam broke the axle before he creamed the wheel. I went back and watched the video a few times. I will try and get it posted later.
Re: the aftermath....

Wow, what a weekend. P, I am glad you got it together and rolled off the start line. Wyatt, what can I say?? You did an awesome job!!! thumb.gif
Had a great time working recovery again this year, we were busy. I was tired as hell when we got back to Matt's house last night. The exhibition run was fun today, I got to ride with Woodlee. Not sure if racing would be my thing or not. I think I could get into the spotting though, just not sure if I could be the wheel man.

All in all it was a great weekend among good friends. Always a good time hanging out with you guys. :drinkers:
Re: the aftermath....


Pirate will be up tomorrow, Lance s playing in the desert.
Re: the aftermath....

I am uploading 75MB of pics, and then I have some video to get on youtube. I have not looked at any of it, most is random drunkeness, boobs, mixed in with some rigs

Great to meet most of the clowns here, I had a great time!!! Hoping to make Jellico next month.

Wyatt, Kelly, Paul and Miles did great! I was really impressed thumb.gif I would loose my cool so fast in those situations. laughing1

I am going to eat a steak and get some rest in and hydrate my liver. Too lazy to link a lot of them right now

Re: the aftermath....

Couple vids I got so far.
Triple Nickels first run
Triple Nickel
Rock out racing
Rusty Bray

Have more uploading right now,
Re: the aftermath....

wngrog said:

Pirate will be up tomorrow, Lance s playing in the desert.

siiiick pics man. You need to watermark 'em!

I especially like this one. ;D
Re: the aftermath....

If they want full res they have to contact me :)

I will get in there and watermark that album once it finishes loading.

Edit, P's roll just loaded and so did Miles' ass!
Re: the aftermath....

first off, thanks again to the mrs. & MattO aka the Intimidator for letting us crash at your new palacial estate....what a pad...great job on it.....

this will sum it up for me....

the course, well, i think that it was obvious to those who were there and competing, that it was WAAYYYY tougher (and better) this year than last year....tony did a helluva job setting the guy up for getting stuck...

paul, hate that you had a string of bad luck, but i APPLAUD your effort and hard work to get to where you did....seeing the $$$ that is obviously dished out by a lot of these guys (ie, Lucky dog racing....) i think that you are to be commended for getting to where you did, even if you feel disappointed....AWESOME JOB!!!!

Wyatt and Kelly....you guys took it to 'em.....very proud of you and did NOT expect to see the exhibition that was put on.....shitty for the brick wall that you guys ran into.....with the finish line in sight.....WAY TO GO!!!!!!

it was GREAT meeting you guys, and i am sure that Jimmy the Blade was finally glad to put some faces to screen names......

hope to see you all next year.....and, NO, i will NOT be thrashin' on mah rig like that....(and yes, it will be done by then...... :flipoff1:
Re: the aftermath....

wngrog said:
If they want full res they have to contact me :)

I will get in there and watermark that album once it finishes loading.

Edit, P's roll just loaded and so did Miles' ass!
Great pics Nolen