Well-Known Member
Can't wait for these to go production. This is the prototype, the actual hoods are going to be carbon fiber I think.

sleepsontoilet said:Can't wait for these to go production. This is the prototype, the actual hoods are going to be carbon fiber I think.
sleepsontoilet;44051858 said:Was routed to this thread, so I'm trying to make sure all I need is a spacer? Engine is a 1999 LS1 from a Corvette that came with the funky flexplate driveshaft contraption. The flexplate, torque converter and transmission all came from the same 2000 Chevy 2500. I ASSumed since it all came from the same truck, it would bolt right up. Unfortunately the flexplate hits the rear main seal cover bolts, and is a long damn way from even touching the torque converter.
gtxracer;44056010 said:I believe you need this spacer:
edit: GM p/n 12563532
Extended bolts:
ARP 244-2902
edit2: Sounds like you need this flex plate too:
4L80E P/N 19260102
I just didn't want to weld the sheetmetal again, and that is what he is having them made from. I'm in no way opposed to fiberglass.ridered3 said:Nice looking hood. What is the advantage of carbon fiber vs fiberglass other than a little bit of weight?
MihlfeldL2005 said:Pro tip here, you can remove the elbow and secure the oil cap right to the valve cover.
Not wasting any space then!sleepsontoilet said:If you look closely, the alt is touching the elbow. Removing the neck wouldn't keep the cap from touching in that same spot without milling the grips off of it.
yeager_0339 said:I used the bomber fab kit on my LS1. It was tight to the valve cover but didn't have any clearance issues. I wish had found the bracket you are using though I bet there is a significant price difference. Looking good though!
sleepsontoilet said:If you look closely, the alt is touching the elbow. Removing the neck wouldn't keep the cap from touching in that same spot without milling the grips off of it.
Contact KEMP5432 on IGearls69 said:I'd be in for one of them hoods how do I go about ordering one thanks