Ok. A real life solution to the problem, if you feel strongly enough to do something about it.
1. There is NOTHING you can do to stop littering; it's a choice made by an individual. That's that. Fight it or **** it, it's all the same.
2. You CAN stop illegal dumping......but not easily. And DEFINITELY NOT by reporting an isolated incident with photos, video or tape recording. If the area is a hot spot for dumping, are you sure making a stink about it is the best idea? Dumping hot spots get closed, not fixed.
You know this.
3. A real solution would be to clean up the mess, regularly patrol the area and talk with people that frequent the area. If by chance you witness dumping, have the local authority contact info on hand and notify them immediately. Stall the dumpers while the authority hopefully comes in time to witness the act.......and the dumpers see that you are responsible for them getting caught. Word travels and the dumpers go somewhere else. Key words....
they go somewhere else. Incident resolved, problem still a problem.
4. Wash, rinse, repeat.
If I'm honest, I have better things to do with my time. I hope
you don't.