Of these how many were proven convictions and not guilty pleas?
Most paid fines as far as I know. Except the Wenatchee case. They did time
Of these how many were proven convictions and not guilty pleas?
I was just wondering what direction the argument was going about if we could actually do something about this problem...I am not trolling here but rather interested in ways that we could do something more than just talking on the Internet about it
Most paid fines as far as I know. Except the Wenatchee case. They did time
That wasn't the question. Do you know many were proven guilty?
That wasn't the question. Do you know many were proven guilty?
I know your new to the board and may not know some of the older threads but.........My angle in these kind of things is to try and dispel the myths that people tend to believe so that we can move onto something else that might just make a real difference. The myth is that taking snap shots or video is the answer to it all. The fact is you can take pictures until the lens melts off of your camera then send it into the police but you will be disappointed to find the offences will go on. Most if not all of the incidences where you took pictures will go un prosecuted for several different reasons. History has proven this and I've explained it until the keys are wore off my computer yet still another thread will pop up where everyone wants to take pictures of license plates to solve problems in the woods.
Isn't paying a fine the same and admitting guilt? Kinda like when you pay a speeding ticket. Or am I missing your point rick?
So, what should we do when we see wrong doings?
Isn't paying a fine the same and admitting guilt? Kinda like when you pay a speeding ticket. Or am I missing your point rick?
I am educated.
So, what should we do when we see wrong doings?
Ricks point is most people admit guilt by just paying the fine... Rick wants to see if anyone actually took the case in front of a judge and was found guilty by preponderance of the evidence.
I think The Internet causes more damage to wheeling areas than litterers, garbage dumpers, meadow rippers, salmon smashers and mudders combined.
I think other wheelers on The Internet causes more damage to wheeling areas than litterers, garbage dumpers, meadow rippers, salmon smashers and mudders combined.
I think The Internet causes more damage to wheeling areas than litterers, garbage dumpers, meadow rippers, salmon smashers and mudders combined.
The only flaw is that you're implying the problem goes away with the absence of the internet.......as if the internet made them happen.
I don't think the internet made it happen directly but the internet made the whole industry progress at such an accelerated rate that just the population of wheelers is a problem. Take that along with the information about our areas being spread to the public then it's a overuse problem.
I think the issues of dumping, littering, wheeling where you're not supposed to has always been proportionate to the number of people involved and that's not changed. What's changed is the number of people.
As a result many wheeling areas are being kept secret.:;