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Anybody run Iron goat/new years?

Here's an example of how pictures can be used to prosecute. You may remember the discussion about this incident last spring on this board. This was the outcome from bringing these incidents to the authority's attention. http://www.yakima-herald.com/stories/2010/12/01/ellensburg-off-roader-fined-2-000-for-damages

Maybe you could help us (off roaders) help you (Forest service) to enforce by letting us know what is needed.

I see a lot of bad situations when out wheeling and am most likely going to get myself a good camcorder and try my best to turn the offenders in. I usually try to talk but yet I get heated quick on this subject and the "talk" turns out bad. The gist of this is that you just need hard evidence of the crime and let the authorities cover it. I have many friends that are authorities and most of the confronted perps just are uneducated idiots! Most of the times no tickets or citations are given but just a good lesson is needed. There are so many inbread hicks with a 4wd that have no clue what is right and what is wrong.

The part of we need to police are own VS not ploicing our own is bullshit! The folks that get our areas shut down are the direct users as if we were not there they would not get shut down.

Crash was just sending a warning and was fishing for info and this thread has grown to all out bullshit. Grow the **** up people!
Here's an example of how pictures can be used to prosecute. You may remember the discussion about this incident last spring on this board. This was the outcome from bringing these incidents to the authority's attention. http://www.yakima-herald.com/stories/2010/12/01/ellensburg-off-roader-fined-2-000-for-damages

I remember that. A fantastic outcome. :cheer: The only issue I have, and I'd like to make clear to everyone else, is that the 22 year old kid plead guilty. So I would say this incident should not be used as an example of the system working. I'm not sure it's a good example of anything aside from........happenstance. What I'm saying is, there are no useful tips or tricks the average hero could use out of this incident. It's a common problem with an isolated outcome.

Are there any recent examples of someone being found guilty (or admitting guilt) of dumping? Trash dumping. In the state of Washington.
I dont see trash and resource damage as a problem when I visit the dunes.

However every drunk I know sees the extra DUI enforcement and rules at the dunes as a problem.

How about just enforcing DUIs in the woods.

Done deal. trouble makers gone with no wasted money on worthless damage charges/cases.

DUI enforcement is the key.

I have never seen sober campers wheelers doing anything shady.
I remember that. A fantastic outcome. :cheer: The only issue I have, and I'd like to make clear to everyone else, is that the 22 year old kid plead guilty. So I would say this incident should not be used as an example of the system working. I'm not sure it's a good example of anything aside from........happenstance. What I'm saying is, there are no useful tips or tricks the average hero could use out of this incident. It's a common problem with an isolated outcome.

Are there any recent examples of someone being found guilty (or admitting guilt) of dumping? Trash dumping. In the state of Washington.

That kid plead as part of a plea arrangement.

In the linked article there was reference to another incident. That was photo's that got those guys caught.

I also know of a few others. A local website where photos were brought to a deputy's attention. The persons who posted their own photos were cited

At the Naches Pass cabin people were cited from photos.

In the area of Bethel Ridge wheelers were contacted by a deputy with photo's showing them wheeling in an area not allowed. They were cited.

Thru my work I have made a couple of contacts as the result of photos being sent to me. I have issued no citations but have used the pictures to educate the offender. I think the person(s) learned a thing or two.

This is commonplace. And it is going to become more common as now most people have phone/cameras with them
Thru my work I have made a couple of contacts as the result of photos being sent to me. I have issued no citations but have used the pictures to educate the offender. I think the person(s) learned a thing or two.

This is the best (and most realistic) outcome IMO.

I just worry if the persons (hero's) taking the photos and/or reporting the incidents, have a fair level of expectations. I have no doubt that for some hero's the expectation of monetary and actual punishment of the offender outweighs the desire to educate.
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A picture speaks a thousand words and there must be a thousand ways to use a picture.
If there is "X" amount of enforcement now and then add "W" (for wheelers) isn't X+W=More than just X
I am not that guy anymore, what I mean is I used to be this "hero" in north east MN....I was always out either in the ohv park or on forestry roads/trails and I would always pick up beer cans etc and if there was more I would tell the local CO (conservation officer)
I once found an abandon snowmobile which turned out to be stolen and drove the local cop out to it
The CO learned to like me and even helped me out once...having a good re poor with the dnr is priceless!
In the linked article there was reference to another incident. That was photo's that got those guys caught.

I also know of a few others. A local website where photos were brought to a deputy's attention. The persons who posted their own photos were cited

At the Naches Pass cabin people were cited from photos.

In the area of Bethel Ridge wheelers were contacted by a deputy with photo's showing them wheeling in an area not allowed. They were cited.

Of these how many were proven convictions and not guilty pleas?
WTF are you talking about?

You are saying that if someone says they are carrying CONCEALED AND they are intoxicated then they are breaking the law?

I'd like to see the RCW's on that.

In this case, if I am carrying OPEN and I am intoxicated, I am within the law?

Not saying it isn't true, but If I find the rules before you I told you so.

After a quick search it looks like you loose the firearm and the CPL....And it's not just carrying concealed it's in posession of firearms while intoxicated. I'm sure there's more with grounds for arrest but I'll look for it later.
I was just wondering what direction the argument was going about if we could actually do something about this problem...I am not trolling here but rather interested in ways that we could do something more than just talking on the Internet about it