-Oh no I picked a side-
Rick---I am getting old--the rear is a high pinion right?
Rick---I am getting old--the rear is a high pinion right?
Why do you say that?
Simply because I thought you trailered it everywhere...thus no real road miles to break it in.
looks like the pinon walked out into the center section/arb and bound up thus causing the ring gear teeth to pop off???
it looks like teeth marks in the arb and there is only one thing that can cause that.
thats why i asked about the crush sleeve. with the added stress we add i think a spacer and the extra time to shim the pinon is key.
the pinon can crush the sleeve with tire force being applied backwards thru the axel. once it works its way loose then the pinon wants to walk into the gears instead of pull them. once it touches something ka-bamb.
did that make sence?
It might simply be that you're overstressing the D60. A high-pinion gear isn't designed to be ran in the rear, but rather the front. So you've not much stronger in the ring gear than a low-pinion D44 (okay, so it's a little stronger - but not nearly as strong as a low-pinion D60!)
If it was me, I'd run Dana/Spicer gears, if they're available in your ratio.
And I've got a hi-pinion Dynatrack Pro Rock 60 in my YJ for the last 4 or 5 years. No problems so far, with a V8 and 37s. Moab. Rimrock. Lots of abuse.
I've never heard of a crush sleeve for a 60? Also I would bet my left nut the setup was not within spec.
HP's use a crush sleeve...
5.13 Reverse rotation is aftermarket only.
Hi Rick, Doug here. Checking into the history of your axle, your the third owner. And talking with Rand, we feel the combination of the V8 torque and the gear multiplication created by the stack is the problem. I think a combination of factors is causing the breakage He feels either a stronger axle like a low pinion Dana 70 or a less aggressive driving style would be the solutiion. We have had some reverse 60 R & P's break under extreme abuise. The reverse cut gears are weaker than standard cut ring and pinions. You might try going to a 4.88 ratio, it has 39 ring gear teeth where the 5.13 has 41. The fewer the teeth on the ring gear means they are bigger teeth, which adds strength. we have had no production problems which might cause an improper set up. I have to assume you are aired down when the break happens. Airing down is a double edged sword, it helps cushion shock load but it also creates traction. I wish I had a diffinative answer for you, I would also give Randy's Ring and Pinion a call and get there input if you allready hav'nt. If you need some more info feel free to give me a call or email. Thanks for your interest in Teraflex, Doug Henderson. [email protected] Customer Service/Technical Support Tera Manufacturing 801-256-9897
Only factory gears do. Dodge Disconnect front ends (like Crista's Dodge) and Ford high pinion from Ferd.
Aftermarket gears have a step for preload shims.
Really--then my yukons must not be---yukons :redneck:
Your hi-pin gears used a crush sleeve? Were they thick or thin?