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I am the fastest person on the interstate....do I have a problem?

85toyo said:
I'd be willing to bet it was the bridge just past the Argo exit. They sit there non stop.

I think so.. I really prefer I-20 because there's always cops out on I-59.. I like in Jville so I can hit I-20 or I-59 and be in Birmingham at about the same time either way..

Plus I know backroads all the way to below Bham so I take them if I need to.
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onepieceatatime said:
Truck is rolling 70 in the left lane and comes upon a slower truck, turns on signal to get over to pass, cars for 1/4 mile decide they need to get passed first then the truck has to slow down to leave himself enough cushion up front and by the time he can get over he's creeping past the truck he should've flown by because people ignore truck turn signals.

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I certainly don't ignore truck signals....those guys can crush ya and **** your world up. I usually blip the lights at them when I see thier signal on and trying to get around a 50mph ****er holding everyone up.
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tonybolton said:
I certainly don't ignore truck signals....those guys can crush ya and **** your world up. I usually blip the lights at them when I see thier signal on and trying to get around a 50mph ****er holding everyone up.

yep exactly, same here.


CHASMAN9 said:
Mommas grocery getter in a hurrrrrrrreeeeeeeee. :driving: :driving: :eat: :eat: :eat:
When I'm on the interstate i like to see how quick I can get where I'm going. I usually cruise around 85 or so and sometimes like to hit the 100 mark once or twice on long trips. I back out of it some going thru cities but when it's open road it's game on.
Re: Re: I am the fastest person on the interstate....do I have a problem?

June dog said:
When I'm on the interstate i like to see how quick I can get where I'm going. I usually cruise around 85 or so and sometimes like to hit the 100 mark once or twice on long trips. I back out of it some going thru cities but when it's open road it's game on.
Same here. When no one is around and it's just me....it's let'r eat time.

Sounds like a few people here need to find the cruise control button. I never "find myself" going any speed. I press the magic button, the car maintains the speed I set, and I don't look like a jackass driving down the interstate.
Re: Re: I am the fastest person on the interstate....do I have a problem?

bgredjeep said:
Sounds like a few people here need to find the cruise control button. I never "find myself" going any speed. I press the magic button, the car maintains the speed I set, and I don't look like a jackass driving down the interstate.
I use cruise when the road is empty but otherwise it's too hard to control following distances and maneuver around to leave yourself ways out of trouble.

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muddinmetal said:
Speeding is illegal. If someone is going the speed limit in the "fast lane" that is perfectly acceptable

^ Yep. It bugs me when there are "slow" cars in the "fast" lane cause I drive really fast but the sign says "Slower Traffic Keep Right" which means cars under the speed limit. Now if it read "Faster cars keep left" it would mean to go over the speed limit get in the left lane. I piss my wife off when she tells me its the fast lane and they need to move out of her way and I reply that the speed limit is the same in both lanes.

Aaaaaaaaaaand that mindset is why there are cars darting in and out of traffic. Slower cars keep left. Slower is slower.

If someone comes up on me at 90mph and I'm doing 85....I move over......then I tail'em and use'm as my rabbit. ;)

muddinmetal said:
Speeding is illegal. If someone is going the speed limit in the "fast lane" that is perfectly acceptable

As long as you're not impeding the flow of traffic. Yes specific speed limits are in place and are necessary for society but that doesn't make it ok hop in the left lane and set the CC on 70 for 100 miles. Generally speaking, the left lane is to be used by faster moving vehicles to pass slower moving vehicles. Police officers have the legal right to ticket a driver who's not using the left lane to pass a slower vehicle when they're creating a log jam behind them.

Good grief people, driving isn't rocket science...

Sure, hogging the left lane is wrong BUT it isn't nearly as wrong as doing 30 over the speed limit!

If I'm doing 78 in a 70 on cruise in the left lane and have more traffic coming up soon to pass I ain't gonna worry about getting out of the way of some jackass doing 100... The stupid phuck needs to slow down before he kills someone and if that means he runs into the back of my 38' trailer then maybe I saved someone's kids from getting killed by this idiot...

Hell 90% of these lane weaving jackasses just slow down and require me to pass them back every 5 miles or so....


There is a big black and white sign on every highway that plainly tells you how fast to drive.. Add 5-8 mph and be satisfied!

You wanna "live dangerously"????? Fine! Go do it on a closed course race track...If you endanger your own live on a PUBLIC road you are also endangering mine!

That, if enforced, is called wreckless endangerment and is punishable by up to 30 years in prison....
gottagofast said:
Good grief people, driving isn't rocket science...

Sure, hogging the left lane is wrong BUT it isn't nearly as wrong as doing 30 over the speed limit!

If I'm doing 78 in a 70 on cruise in the left lane and have more traffic coming up soon to pass I ain't gonna worry about getting out of the way of some jackass doing 100... The stupid phuck needs to slow down before he kills someone and if that means he runs into the back of my 38' trailer then maybe I saved someone's kids from getting killed by this idiot...

Hell 90% of these lane weaving jackasses just slow down and require me to pass them back every 5 miles or so....


There is a big black and white sign on every highway that plainly tells you how fast to drive.. Add 5-8 mph and be satisfied!

You wanna "live dangerously"????? Fine! Go do it on a closed course race track...If you endanger your own live on a PUBLIC road you are also endangering mine!

That, if enforced, is called wreckless endangerment and is punishable by up to 30 years in prison....

Is 5-8 mph over any less breaking the law than 20-30? Ummm no it isn't. Sorry.
Re: Re: I am the fastest person on the interstate....do I have a problem?

pholmann said:
Is 5-8 mph over any less breaking the law than 20-30? Ummm no it isn't. Sorry.
I find it ironic that his screen name is gottagofast too. :wtflol:

Out endangering lives in the Satillac....
Re: Re: Re: I am the fastest person on the interstate....do I have a problem?

TacomaJD said:
I find it ironic that his screen name is gottagofast too. :wtflol:

Out endangering lives in the Satillac....
Omfg....you're going to kill pregnant nuns! You're probably in the city and not some 10 mile stretch of straight roads!! You're going to blitzkrieg the people on the fast lane going 70.0000001mph!!!