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JESUS= Hope ( a thread for encouragement)

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I'm constantly reminded of Mathew 19:24 where it says it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to inherit the kingdom of God. It's a harsh verse to read for most Americans (including myself)since we are so rich as a nation compared to most of the world. But it makes so much sense when you think about how much time we spend thinking about and doing things that really aren't going to matter when we are gone. I know I catch myself thinking about what I could do to my truck or house or rig and there's people wondering if they will eat that day. Just something to think about.
I was reading through this post and looking back at what some men have written. It is really cool to see so many men have the desire to make changes in their life, most of which have to d with leading their family to Jesus. I encourage you to look through your posts on this thread and see where your heart is now compared to previous times you posted in this thread. I have been weary here lately, for no reason other than I just have not given God enough time over the past few weeks, and a post came up on my FB page that I posted 2 years ago that made me realize that we get out what we put in. Why am I struggling now? I am struggling because time after time I have chosen to put other things before God (work, kids, hobbies) and have not spent enough quality time with Him. I have been caught up in doing good things, not letting him do great things through me. I have been trying to shoulder the burden, I haven't cast my recent burdens upon him, but the good news is He offers us rest Matthew 11:28 "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest". Go back and look and see the things you have typed in this thread, has there been any movement? Are you where you were then? Farther away? I feel lucky that I noticed I was getting distant from him in a few short days, how long has it been since you sat down and really prayed? If we pray each day fervently, then we are never more than one day away from God. I hope my rambling is coherent and understandable! You fellas have a great day!
Well said Dan, I think we all find ourselves there from time to time. At least I know I do, and too often I don't put the effort into getting out as soon as I recognize it -- I'll do it tonight syndrome. Instead I, should make the decision to pray then and break the cycle. Thank you for post.
A man was passing by a blacksmith shop one day and heard the pinging of a hammer as it shaped the steel on an old anvil. He noticed several worn out hammers on the ground at the bottom of the anvil. He asked the blacksmith " how many anvils have you worn out"? He said this is the one and only anvil I've ever had. The Word of God is like an anvil, its made to shape our lives....through the years its been beat on and took many blows but like the anvil.... Still holds true!!!!
My dad had a heart attack last night, hes 53 and in great shape. He road a bicycle 30 miles tuesday. Mom was still trying to check him in the hospital when I got down and prayed. I asked God to heal him and make everything ok. As i got up crying after I prayed God told me that he was going to be fine and that he already had everything under control. IDK what would have happened if I had not prayed.
All God wants us to do is trust in him with everything we have. If we do that then he will always take care of us
Wanted to give a shout out to how good God is. Today my daughter and I missed having a accident. Sounds like nothing but the steering linkage came loose from the pitman arm on a normally busy 2 lane road in a curve. We safely coasted to the opposite side of the road out of harms way where I made the repair. If was of nothing I did it was Jesus watching out for a dummy like me.
Little update guys-

Sunday night August 30, 2015 I was Ordained. This means a much bigger level of accountability for myself. I'm glad to see the thread continuing on and I'm going to do my best to post here. Also plan to whole heartedly honor God with my public and private life. I want to help others and see people come to know Christ.

hello all my fellow believers.
my name is Danny. i am glad that i have found this thread. i have recently realized that i have not been the man that i need to be for God, my wife and family. sure i wake up everyday and go to work, try to do right.
But in this messed up world it is easy to just "take the trail with least resistance". i struggle everyday with making the right decisions. i look at my son and wounder what the world holds for him. have i prepared him to be the man he needs to be?

Keep up the good work and have a blessed day.
4 Cell said:
Little update guys-

Sunday night August 30, 2015 I was Ordained. This means a much bigger level of accountability for myself. I'm glad to see the thread continuing on and I'm going to do my best to post here. Also plan to whole heartedly honor God with my public and private life. I want to help others and see people come to know Christ.


Pastor or deacon?
4 Cell said:
Little update guys-

Sunday night August 30, 2015 I was Ordained. This means a much bigger level of accountability for myself. I'm glad to see the thread continuing on and I'm going to do my best to post here. Also plan to whole heartedly honor God with my public and private life. I want to help others and see people come to know Christ.


Proud of you and the man you are growing into Rodney. :dblthumb:
camoninja said:
hello all my fellow believers.
my name is Danny. i am glad that i have found this thread. i have recently realized that i have not been the man that i need to be for God, my wife and family. sure i wake up everyday and go to work, try to do right.
But in this messed up world it is easy to just "take the trail with least resistance". i struggle everyday with making the right decisions. i look at my son and wounder what the world holds for him. have i prepared him to be the man he needs to be?

Keep up the good work and have a blessed day.

Realization is where it all starts and now your path is being lit for you. You will fail before you succeed but never stay down. God has been there always and will continue to be there for you. thumb.gif
Congrats 4cell. I was ordained in April. It was by far the most humbling night of my life. It is amazing to me how many people in our churches are lost and hurting. being ordained as a deacon/pastor/overseer is such an honor, in my experience you got the title because you wer already doing the job, so keep up the good work! Just make sure you have your armor on daily! again congratulations! Be strong and courageous!
I know I don't post on here much but I have to say I am encouraged when I saw this post. I am a Christian. Like 4 Cell I was ordained as a Deacon this past month. I struggle also on a daily basis. I know I fall short of the Glory of God everyday but that He loves me unconditionally. I am encouraged to see so many fellow wheelers are Christians too. Thanks for posting this and ya'll stay safe! God Bless.
Hey Rodney, I sent you a message and just wanted to make sure you got it. Let me know when you do.
For you that don't know me and for the few that do and have wondered where I've been. For the last three years I have been devoting myself to my studies on Christ. I am in a group study at the place I work and with their help and the help of the Holy Spirit I have grown closer to God and it is has been such a peaceful walk. I have a book coming out soon (Its at the editors and proofreaders office right now) and hopeful have many more. This is the first segment of the book (Or should I say part of the introduction) so I figured I would post up and let everyone get a feel for it.

First I want introduce myself, my name is Lloyd Andrew Hughes and I am from a small community outside Anniston Alabama called Wellborn. My friends and family have called me "Bubba" from an early age. My mother, Linda, and father, Harvey, gave me my name to go along with my sister's name which was Amanda. They wanted us to become "Mandy and Andy"; but when younger brother Todd came along, things changed. Todd started calling me Bubba and from then on it stuck. A lot of people don't know my real, given, name; they all call me Bubba, and that's okay. If you look at it from a biblical standpoint, being called Bubba (for Brother) is kind of awesome. In Luke 5:27 we see one of a few name changes in the bible. Levi was a tax collector. His profession made his kind some of the most hated people in the Biblical world. Most tax collectors were considered to be thieves; but when Levi saw Jesus he knew his life was about to change. Jesus asked him to "follow me" and the rest is history. Then you have Saul; he hated Christians with a passion, and he wanted to crucify every one of them he saw or could find. On the road to Damascus, however, a fateful meeting with Jesus changed his mind. (Acts 9) There is another man called Simon, who, even though he had followed Jesus for a while, his name was changed when he figured out who Jesus really was. (Matthew 16:13-19) So here I sit with my name change, and I wonder why? My little brother, Todd, could say Andy or Lloyd just fine, but Bubba seemed to fit better, to him and the rest of my family, too..

So I started thinking about the name Bubba. It's what you normally call your brother in the South, right?. There's usually a reason for a person's nickname. The name Bubba in the south means brother; someone you can count on, and someone you can lean on, or vent your feelings to without fear of being judged. Don't get me wrong: I like my given name, but I love being called Bubba.
I am Bubba Hughes; not an Apostle, not a Saint, and certainly NOT a savior, but a sinner saved by the Grace which God gives abundantly to those who believe. I am not worthy of salvation by myself, but by His works, grace, and mercy on the cross that saved me. I hope that I may be a testimony for His good works in me. I want to tell you of this good news (Gospel) not for personal glory, but for His.

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